

Apr 25th, 2024
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  1. const _0x17b18f = _0x13cd; (function (_0x26c1a8, _0x1cb8cc) { const _0x3aab41 = _0x13cd, _0x58256b = _0x26c1a8(); while (!![]) { try { const _0x44a4b3 = parseInt(_0x3aab41(0x14c)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(_0x3aab41(0x153)) / 0x2 + parseInt(_0x3aab41(0x15c)) / 0x3 + -parseInt(_0x3aab41(0x156)) / 0x4 + parseInt(_0x3aab41(0x132)) / 0x5 + parseInt(_0x3aab41(0x143)) / 0x6 + parseInt(_0x3aab41(0x149)) / 0x7; if (_0x44a4b3 === _0x1cb8cc) break; else _0x58256b['push'](_0x58256b['shift']()); } catch (_0x40b2eb) { _0x58256b['push'](_0x58256b['shift']()); } } }(_0x5ce9, 0x2a845)); function _0x5ce9() { const _0x581c2b = ['New\\x20script', 'find', 'object', 'parasite', '1826790CLxioW', 'forEach', 'filter', 'queryWidExists', 'function', 'TInject\\x20Community', '853545fZUoDh', 'queryExists', 'log', '52668hCnFFN', 'foundedModule', 'modulesMap', 'VERSION', 'checkNumberStatus', 'modelClass', 'keys', '68946naOhKd', 'push', 'indexOf', '1251128ZMaDrm', 'WAPI', 'WapQuery', 'assign', 'getTime', 'Store', '108033jFXIhT', 'wid', 'conditions', 'skipGuardGlobal', 'findModule', 'splice', 'queryPhoneExists', 'SendTextMsgToChat', '31625UTOsPs', 'importNamespace', 'length', 'false', 'WapQueryMD', 'Msg', 'prototype', 'sendMessage', 'Chat', 'includes', 'defaultExport', 'queryExist', 'default']; _0x5ce9 = function () { return _0x581c2b; }; return _0x5ce9(); } function _0x13cd(_0x4929c4, _0x41f6cf) { const _0x5ce91a = _0x5ce9(); return _0x13cd = function (_0x13cdc7, _0x1a51c7) { _0x13cdc7 = _0x13cdc7 - 0x12d; let _0x19e45f = _0x5ce91a[_0x13cdc7]; return _0x19e45f; }, _0x13cd(_0x4929c4, _0x41f6cf); } const newMakeStore = () => { const _0x5b94c4 = _0x13cd; if (!window['Store']) { console[_0x5b94c4(0x14b)](_0x5b94c4(0x13f), _0x5b94c4(0x148)); let _0x335cb2 = self['require']('__debug')[_0x5b94c4(0x14e)], _0x405dda = Object[_0x5b94c4(0x152)](_0x335cb2)[_0x5b94c4(0x145)](_0x4dd548 => _0x4dd548[_0x5b94c4(0x13b)]('WA')), _0x19fd4e = {}; for (let _0x3622f9 of _0x405dda) { if (!_0x335cb2[_0x3622f9]) continue; let _0x227e59 = _0x335cb2[_0x3622f9]; _0x19fd4e[_0x3622f9] = { 'default': _0x227e59[_0x5b94c4(0x13c)], 'factory': _0x227e59['factory'], ..._0x227e59 }; if (Object[_0x5b94c4(0x152)](_0x19fd4e[_0x3622f9][_0x5b94c4(0x13e)])[_0x5b94c4(0x134)] == 0x0) try { self['ErrorGuard'][_0x5b94c4(0x12d)](!![]), Object[_0x5b94c4(0x159)](_0x19fd4e[_0x3622f9], self[_0x5b94c4(0x133)](_0x3622f9)); } catch (_0x15c888) { } } function _0x184078(_0x2933fb) { const _0xd50c9c = _0x5b94c4; let _0x424fe0 = 0x0, _0x2f9072 = [{ 'id': _0xd50c9c(0x15b), 'conditions': _0x5cafc9 => _0x5cafc9[_0xd50c9c(0x13e)] && _0x5cafc9[_0xd50c9c(0x13e)][_0xd50c9c(0x13a)] && _0x5cafc9[_0xd50c9c(0x13e)][_0xd50c9c(0x137)] ? _0x5cafc9[_0xd50c9c(0x13e)] : null }, { 'id': 'WapQuery', 'conditions': _0x142212 => _0x142212[_0xd50c9c(0x13d)] ? _0x142212 : _0x142212['default'] && _0x142212[_0xd50c9c(0x13e)][_0xd50c9c(0x13d)] ? _0x142212[_0xd50c9c(0x13e)] : null }, { 'id': _0xd50c9c(0x136), 'conditions': _0x24627e => _0x24627e[_0xd50c9c(0x14a)] && _0x24627e[_0xd50c9c(0x130)] || _0x24627e[_0xd50c9c(0x146)] && _0x24627e[_0xd50c9c(0x130)] ? _0x24627e : null }]; window[_0xd50c9c(0x12e)] = function (_0x18eb21) { const _0x2abdde = _0xd50c9c; for (let _0x762527 in _0x2933fb) { if (typeof _0x2933fb[_0x762527] === _0x2abdde(0x141) && _0x2933fb[_0x762527] !== null) { const _0x439865 = Object[_0x2abdde(0x152)](_0x2933fb[_0x762527]), _0x403e95 = _0x439865[_0x2abdde(0x140)](_0x4c37ad => _0x4c37ad[_0x2abdde(0x13b)](_0x18eb21)); _0x403e95 && console[_0x2abdde(0x14b)](_0x2933fb[_0x762527]); } } }; for (let _0x3065dd in _0x2933fb) { if (typeof _0x2933fb[_0x3065dd] === _0xd50c9c(0x141) && _0x2933fb[_0x3065dd] !== null) { _0x2f9072[_0xd50c9c(0x144)](_0x27f924 => { const _0x5a0223 = _0xd50c9c; if (!_0x27f924[_0x5a0223(0x15e)] || _0x27f924[_0x5a0223(0x14d)]) return; let _0x2c747c = _0x27f924[_0x5a0223(0x15e)](_0x2933fb[_0x3065dd]); _0x2c747c !== null && (_0x424fe0++, _0x27f924['foundedModule'] = _0x2c747c); }); if (_0x424fe0 == _0x2f9072['length']) break; } } let _0x4e18ee = _0x2f9072[_0xd50c9c(0x140)](_0x28b60b => _0x28b60b['id'] === 'Store'); return window[_0xd50c9c(0x15b)] = _0x4e18ee[_0xd50c9c(0x14d)] ? _0x4e18ee[_0xd50c9c(0x14d)] : {}, _0x2f9072[_0xd50c9c(0x12f)](_0x2f9072[_0xd50c9c(0x155)](_0x4e18ee), 0x1), _0x2f9072[_0xd50c9c(0x144)](_0x30ce1d => { const _0x10efce = _0xd50c9c; _0x30ce1d[_0x10efce(0x14d)] && (window[_0x10efce(0x15b)][_0x30ce1d['id']] = _0x30ce1d[_0x10efce(0x14d)]); }), window[_0xd50c9c(0x15b)][_0xd50c9c(0x13a)][_0xd50c9c(0x151)][_0xd50c9c(0x138)][_0xd50c9c(0x139)] = function (_0x51e4d8) { const _0x206ad7 = _0xd50c9c; window[_0x206ad7(0x15b)]['SendTextMsgToChat'](this, ...arguments); }, window[_0xd50c9c(0x15b)]; } _0x184078(_0x19fd4e); } }, oldMakeStore = () => { const _0x348f61 = _0x13cd; console[_0x348f61(0x14b)]('Old\\x20script,\\x20TInject\\x20Community\\x20', (Debug || {})[_0x348f61(0x14f)]), !window['Store'] && (function () { const _0x484f9b = _0x348f61; function _0x170839(_0x522f22) { const _0x46113 = _0x13cd; let _0x574e7c = 0x0, _0x32ad46 = [{ 'id': _0x46113(0x15b), 'conditions': _0x3f4c98 => _0x3f4c98[_0x46113(0x13e)] && _0x3f4c98[_0x46113(0x13e)][_0x46113(0x13a)] && _0x3f4c98[_0x46113(0x13e)][_0x46113(0x137)] ? _0x3f4c98[_0x46113(0x13e)] : null }, { 'id': _0x46113(0x158), 'conditions': _0x3756ed => _0x3756ed['queryExist'] ? _0x3756ed : _0x3756ed[_0x46113(0x13e)] && _0x3756ed[_0x46113(0x13e)][_0x46113(0x13d)] ? _0x3756ed[_0x46113(0x13e)] : null }, { 'id': _0x46113(0x136), 'conditions': _0xc8a77c => _0xc8a77c[_0x46113(0x14a)] && _0xc8a77c[_0x46113(0x130)] || _0xc8a77c[_0x46113(0x146)] && _0xc8a77c['queryPhoneExists'] ? _0xc8a77c : null }]; window[_0x46113(0x12e)] = function (_0x565fd5) { const _0x4f452a = _0x46113; for (let _0x233c3e in _0x522f22) { if (typeof _0x522f22[_0x233c3e] === _0x4f452a(0x141) && _0x522f22[_0x233c3e] !== null) { const _0x4ca81c = Object[_0x4f452a(0x152)](_0x522f22[_0x233c3e]), _0x4d50ee = _0x4ca81c[_0x4f452a(0x140)](_0x24cd72 => _0x24cd72[_0x4f452a(0x13b)](_0x565fd5)); _0x4d50ee && console[_0x4f452a(0x14b)](_0x522f22[_0x233c3e]); } } }; for (let _0x9a8fe in _0x522f22) { if (typeof _0x522f22[_0x9a8fe] === _0x46113(0x141) && _0x522f22[_0x9a8fe] !== null) { _0x32ad46[_0x46113(0x144)](_0x4552f6 => { const _0x1eee65 = _0x46113; if (!_0x4552f6[_0x1eee65(0x15e)] || _0x4552f6[_0x1eee65(0x14d)]) return; let _0x5d421f = _0x4552f6[_0x1eee65(0x15e)](_0x522f22[_0x9a8fe]); _0x5d421f !== null && (_0x574e7c++, _0x4552f6[_0x1eee65(0x14d)] = _0x5d421f); }); if (_0x574e7c == _0x32ad46[_0x46113(0x134)]) break; } } let _0x548a91 = _0x32ad46[_0x46113(0x140)](_0xc93d1c => _0xc93d1c['id'] === 'Store'); return window['Store'] = _0x548a91['foundedModule'] ? _0x548a91['foundedModule'] : {}, _0x32ad46[_0x46113(0x12f)](_0x32ad46[_0x46113(0x155)](_0x548a91), 0x1), _0x32ad46[_0x46113(0x144)](_0x2a0fc3 => { const _0x3dada6 = _0x46113; _0x2a0fc3[_0x3dada6(0x14d)] && (window[_0x3dada6(0x15b)][_0x2a0fc3['id']] = _0x2a0fc3[_0x3dada6(0x14d)]); }), window['Store'][_0x46113(0x13a)][_0x46113(0x151)][_0x46113(0x138)]['sendMessage'] = function (_0x2767b1) { const _0x5ef92c = _0x46113; window[_0x5ef92c(0x15b)][_0x5ef92c(0x131)](this, ...arguments); }, window[_0x46113(0x15b)]; } if (typeof webpackJsonp === _0x484f9b(0x147)) webpackJsonp([], { 'parasite': (_0xaf2257, _0xd896dd, _0x1af8b3) => _0x170839(_0x1af8b3) }, ['parasite']); else { let _0x7822c1 = new Date()[_0x484f9b(0x15a)](); webpackChunkwhatsapp_web_client[_0x484f9b(0x154)]([[_0x484f9b(0x142) + _0x7822c1], {}, function (_0x2c50e3, _0x4a778e, _0x1bfcd7) { let _0x5d50ab = []; for (let _0x2fba58 in _0x2c50e3['m']) { let _0x5280e4 = _0x2c50e3(_0x2fba58); _0x5d50ab['push'](_0x5280e4); } _0x170839(_0x5d50ab); }]); } }()); }, chooseFunction = () => { const _0x150513 = _0x13cd; return versionString = (Debug || {})[_0x150513(0x14f)], versionNumber = parseFloat(versionString), comparisonNumber = 2.3, versionNumber >= comparisonNumber ? newMakeStore() : oldMakeStore(); }; chooseFunction(), window[_0x17b18f(0x157)] = {}, window[_0x17b18f(0x157)][_0x17b18f(0x150)] = async function (_0x1c4060, _0x2ee72c) { const _0x2ff5b2 = _0x17b18f; try { let _0x30a09b = await window['Store'][_0x2ff5b2(0x136)][_0x2ff5b2(0x130)]('+' + _0x1c4060); if (_0x30a09b === undefined) throw 0x194; else { let _0x26ec1f = ![]; var _0x92b476 = '' + _0x30a09b[_0x2ff5b2(0x15d)] + ''; _0x92b476[_0x2ff5b2(0x134)] > 0x0 ? _0x26ec1f = !![] : _0x26ec1f = ![], _0x2ee72c['push'](_0x1c4060 + ';' + _0x26ec1f); } return _0x30a09b; } catch (_0x1503e2) { _0x2ee72c[_0x2ff5b2(0x154)](_0x1c4060 + ';' + _0x2ff5b2(0x135)); } };
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