
FSL GPT-NeoX-20B - verschwanden

Oct 27th, 2022
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  1. # base prompt
  3. - leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  4. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  5. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  6. -
  10. ---
  11. # generations
  13. - leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  14. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  15. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  16. -
  17. "My friends and I get our news from TV instead of the newspaper
  18. because it gives us a chance to see if Bush is coming or not.
  19. If he is, we turn on the news." [TV].
  20. -
  21. The energy in the form of coal and gas burned to power the
  22. television. You know the energy bill will be higher when
  23. electricity is cheap in August.
  24. -
  25. "The media is a large part of the problem. It is time that we
  26. realize that the media is not telling us the truth when they
  27. report the news. You have to have a sixth sense about it."
  28. -
  29. A sixth sense is really a sense of proportion.
  30. -
  31. A sixth sense is knowing how to use the internet to get the
  32. information you want, and not waste time on the media hype.
  34. "I'm an American and I want to thank you for bringing a positive solution to the world.
  35. I can hardly wait for
  37. ---
  39. - leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  40. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  41. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  42. - Not having children? energy wasted.
  43. - Not having any children? energy wasted.
  44. - Not having any of the above? energy wasted.
  45. And on and on and on.
  46. The more energy one is consuming, the less energy he/she is able to store. Energy is wasted and less energy can be stored. So, as energy is wasted, it is important to have a better understand of how much energy we need for every possible activity we do. It is also important to have a better understanding of the costs associated with having access to energy.
  47. We will learn how much energy we need in order to have a lifestyle that fulfills our everyday activities and how much energy can be produced from solar, wind and hydro sources.
  48. The cost of having access to energy also has to be analyzed. In order to have access to energy at all we need to pay for all the costs associated with having access to energy. And, for obvious reasons, access to energy is more expensive if
  50. ---
  52. - leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  53. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  54. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  55. - Making a trip to see the grandchild before her flight back to China? energy wasted.
  56. - taking your grandchildren ice skating? energy wasted.
  57. - turning on the light in the kitchen because you’re eating alone? energy wasted.
  59. There are over 400 million people in the world in need of energy and only so much energy to go around. We should be conserving and we should be reducing. We can do both by reducing our dependency on fossil fuels.
  61. So with that in mind, let’s get back to our story.
  63. Last weekend there was a power outage at about 8 PM on Friday night. This is what my mom in law reported when I talked to her on Monday: “I was making dinner and all of a sudden, the lights went out. That was the scary part. I know because I have lived in that house since I was a child and I’ve never had a problem before. I went to the kitchen light switch but
  65. ---
  67. - leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  68. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  69. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  70. - wearing sweaters and layers when it’s 25 degrees outside? energy wasted.
  71. - driving to Costco to shop at Costco even though you just went there last week? energy wasted.
  72. - making dinner instead of freezing food? energy wasted.
  73. - using the microwave to warm your water for coffee instead of putting it in the hot water maker so the water heater warms the water? energy wasted.
  74. - leaving the oven light on after you have finished using it? energy wasted.
  75. - heating up a glass of water? energy wasted.
  77. So basically, the U.S. wastes a lot of energy. But that’s just a fraction of the overall picture, right? The energy used to generate energy for the grid, and the amount of electricity sold, are a significant part of the problem, right?
  79. I think the U.S. economy would grind to a halt pretty fast without all that energy. There is certainly a lot to talk about here
  81. ---
  83. - leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  84. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  85. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  86. - using an electric kettle to make instant Starbucks? energy wasted.
  87. - using an electric vacuum cleaner instead of a handheld? energy wasted.
  88. - using hand soap not dish soap? energy wasted.
  89. - wearing an electric blanket in the middle of the night to keep from freezing or cooling down? energy wasted.
  90. - using a hair dryer at night instead of waiting until morning? energy wasted.
  91. - using bottled, instead of tap, water? energy wasted.
  92. - using electricity to wash machines, which you turn off when not in use? energy wasted.
  93. - driving a car instead of riding a bike, and thus needing electricity, gas, and other stuff? energy wasted.
  95. I'm sure you get the point, but if not, you've been wasting energy, the one source of energy we have a finite supply of. Energy is all the stuff that provides light, heat, communications, computers, cellphones, entertainment, and other stuff we use. To
  97. ---
  99. - leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  100. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  101. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  102. - Buying extra toothpaste because you forgot to switch your toothpaste to the good one? energy wasted.
  103. - Buying a new washing machine because you had a run of "stinking like a skunk" shirts? energy wasted.
  104. - Biking to work? energy wasted.
  105. - Going out to dinner? energy wasted.
  106. - Shopping for a new wardrobe? energy wasted.
  107. - Wearing a jacket when you're really hot? energy wasted.
  108. - Buying lots of new sheets, towels, socks, shirts...? energy wasted.
  109. - Running a mini-fan in the bathroom for 5 minutes in the winter and the A/C for 2 minutes in the summer to keep your skin from looking like you're melting? energy wasted.
  110. - Hanging out for an entire weekend? energy wasted.
  111. - Reading a book about global warming? energy wasted.
  112. - Bingeing on your favorite show instead of just watching the whole thing? energy wasted.
  115. ---
  117. leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  118. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  119. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  120. - making copies of your resume instead of sending the old and new copies by mail (a huge waste, BTW)?
  122. For a more personal angle of this topic, here is an interview of someone who took an unusual approach to the world’s energy crisis. Her name is Yuka Hinojosa and you can learn more about her via her website at
  124. The energy shortage: the solution lies in us
  126. Let’s get back to my original question, What would it take for me to live a more energy-wise life? Is it even possible to live without this essential element in our lives ? Are we just hopeless at living in this day and age?
  128. ---
  130. - leaving the heater on when you go to the bathroom? energy wasted.
  131. - importing garden gnomes from Austria? energy wasted.
  132. - Hanging out with friends instead of staying home? energy wasted.
  133. - buying a car, house, vacations, etc. energy wasted.
  134. - buying a solar and wind powered house instead? energy wasted
  135. - taking up a hobby to occupy the mind instead of being an entrepreneur? energy wasted.
  137. If you think that a future of this lifestyle is a "better" future, then that future is not a better future. Its a future with less energy but the same amount of stuff. That is a backwards future. The fact that we have all sorts of options open to us, means we have the option to make better choices. Lets not just waste energy, but let's all work together to actually do better for our future and stop being in such a hurry to throw away all of our options in the quest to get something, just so we can be like them
  139. Well, as I understand it, you must buy in to the market you're in on. (That's what I understand: this seems reasonable and reasonable enough to me.)
  142. ---
  144. write that down.
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