
Double Slit Test

Dec 7th, 2023
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  1. Electrons may not be waves. They may be particles with gravity. They have touch without disturbance. They may have mass. Or they could just be waves. Small enough at the core to complete a wall that cannot be walked through.
  3. The idea behind an electron, as we know it is that an electron faces us as mass. The whole electron thing is to never be passed onto a wave terminating from our eyesight. On a personal note, I know this is farcical. Because the idea behind all things is light. Only light can truly feed the world. And only cataclysms can happen with light. The most incredible thing here is that the midst of the electron, captured on camera is a mass substance. Not a wave portrayal. However, can we sew through it with an object its lesser? The idea is innate and to my affordability has not been done. An electron is too small. But if you see a wave hit a wave, you see more light. And when you hit a particle with a particle you see light. Then you see objects hit in the macro environment of our world, and friction can be seen at the proper stage setup, which can be microscopic.
  5. But a wave is unyielding. It is foremost the abandonment of the idea of mass. It collects as a general solution when in mass. But in such a terrestrial way, and the hidden mechanics behind the state of matter, we do not see a thing for what it is. And so I say, electrons are "living" in the sense there are no 0 Kelvin subjects in the universe (that I suspect). I theorize the state would be contagious and at the same time, remedied when other particles hit something of that nature. It could only be inside, and crinkle at one blow.
  7. How, you say, are electrons "living"? In the body of living organism with pulmonary action, we see a heartbeat. Which is scalar to a hertz. A rhythm. A justifiable link between us and other living and inert living objects. What we are made up of. We have electricity going through us. But no power station. That means we are of waves within. The waves themselves are too small to see, so we only witness a track run of them. They are moving so tightly packed, as well that they are doing no movement to the reflections in our eyes. They're there and back, filling in a nano space.
  9. So how does a quark or lepton and derivatives work as an electron? Well, we've seen electrons get smashed. And quarks and leptons are smaller than electrons. So we can assert, true or false that an electron is a volume of these particles. But that's at the depth we've seen. I believe it's recursive to smaller portrayals, thus binding to them all.
  11. We can associate waves with things of a different nature. We can see that objects that move faster than our eyes can conceive, like a bee's wings as it flies, are seemingly whole. Also like a hummingbird. It is an "irrational space". It does not take up the volume of the space it is in, but as though you were standing next to a bus careening through, a ladder longer than a garage, that both fit a space in your perception, your eyes tell you you're right but the fact is they are wrong. It is only through observation that we see things this way. We can only hold on to these effects the way we shape them within our minds. This is moot.
  13. While also away from the borderline of insanity in ourselves to expect anything from not being a wave, and thereby nock the idea that all matter is moving, summed up Newton's laws of motion, we end up with a hive. Like a strong or weak frequency. The closer you get in detail, the more movement will be available to see.
  15. We are so cataclysmic in our subjugation within ourselves that we tend not to connect it with the planets and stars. Yet everything rides on the Scalar Footnote that everything is in motion. And nothing can stop. Not at the atomic level.
  17. Like in the double slit test, we see that electrons face a deep-seated question. Why do they persist in being like waves when they are matter? It's because they are waves and that force coming through is a wave. It bounces at the point of the slit, and the film or particle moves. That vibration, if you wanted to stop it, would take tons of force. And at that point, would conceal a breakage about to happen. In that, the small eruption would only produce vibrations that would catalyze the smaller portions to vibrate as well, starting the cycle over again. It too is scalar.
  19. So when it radiates through the space [slit] it merges with the path coming through the slit and the other frequency meshing with it, which comes from the medium with the slit which changes the overall pattern of the wave as though it were a particle. This means that radiation is a key factor in explaining matter. Radiation comes from a small mass origin and culls a wave around it. Meaning that the simple idea is that the back-and-forth motion is necessary to rock against other objects to make itself seen. For without eyes do we see? And cannot there be darkness in the light where we cannot suspect? The areas of the fields, mind with mettle until they are distributed another wave that will concert, it has to break open! When it receives forces that exhume more velocity, pressure, density, or torque, then these four points of destruction are the only ones valid. Cutting is (vP)/D/T.
  21. v tells us the external pressure, whereas the strike conducts the real pressure. And to divide, the density must be equaled. The interpretation of the T for torque does its work rather rationally. Being usually 1, in normal scenario. But a diamond's crystaline structure has better order than a magic crystal. Both are heavy in mass, but the real diamond has the higher T in its variant.
  23. Complications, as to stress are rationalized as motion strain opposite force of motion in other objects. The velocity multiplying the Pressure, squaring the Torque by result in radians will break apart due to the Force created.
  25. (vP) = T^(2(x/П))
  27. rad(T/P^(П))
  29. if (d/F)/2П is detracted as the lower, than it will break by force pressure applied.
  31. To crush is the capacity of the ratio (P/D) as I'm sure you know
  33. To tear is to use v, P, and T against D. This will fully incorporate the realism of the former equations.
  35. To tear is to exert Pressure at a velocity with Torque that applies to density. If the resulting Torque is hgiher than the density, than a tear will be ready and be applied to the matter.
  37. To put things succinctly clear. The slit test was just a meeting of two objects, reconfiguring one frequency into multiple waves. Anything unclear is clear. It is in the medium of the test. And electrons, along with all scalar objects to quantum levels, attract new frequencies, distributing the new frequencies to their measure and or coordinate.
  39. That's all for this reading. Thank you very much for listening. Have an amplitude to your days!
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