
Text Adventure Chapter 57 Log

Jul 31st, 2014
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  1. [META]
  2. A few issues about the battle system have been brought to our attention in the IRC. First of all, we are revising the battle system's rules and fleshing out a bit more to clear up anymore problems that people had with not fully understanding what was going on.
  4. Due to these events, we hear the concerns some people have had about the outcome of the battle, so we are going to do something we normally would not allow under these circumstances.
  6. We are initiating a vote: Who would like to see this outcome and live with the consequences to provide a more realistic portrayal of RNG battling, or do you all want to re-initiate the battle and try again to better manage your strategy? We will allow 30 minutes for voting, and thank you in advance.
  11. >...
  13. >Cadance empowers her horn with a bright red light, and she blasts the chest out of Shining’s hands and out of the large opening on the left side of the room.
  14. >Shining and Twilight take this opportunity to blast Cadance and Dash together, but there’s yet another flash that nearly blinds you.
  15. >When your sight returns to you, you redraw your spear as the rest of the Party move forward alongside you.
  16. >The sibling duo have a tether tied to the two, but they are free.
  17. >Twilight yells at your party.
  18. >”We can weaken her magic, but we have to concentrate! You have to stop them yourselves!”
  19. >With your spear in hand, you know this is going to get tough.
  21. >>͢"IF YOU͜ ̢THIN͢K͞ Y҉OU ͢CA҉N ͠FACE̛ ͜ME, ́Y͘OU A̷R̶E SA͞DL͡Y ҉M͜I̶S͟TA͞KE̷N̶! EVE͢N̵ ẀI͜TH̶ ̸Y̡O̡UR͘ EL̀ĘM̶E̴N̷T̢S YOU̴ CA͠N͡NOT ̡HOPE̢ T̛O͘ WI̴N͜!́ ͡I̷ ̢W͠I͘L̀L̨ ̶END ͟ YOUR̢ ̴LIVE̢Ş ̴A̛N͠D T͢A͟KE̶ ̨AL̛L T̡HE͟ M͟A̴GIC͜ FR̡ÒM̀ ̷THIS͝ ̡WOR͡L̸D҉!"
  23. >Suddenly, you have a moment of precognition as you watch the corrupted Princess Cadance and Rainbow Dash rush at you and your party.
  24. >Is there any actions you would like to perform before the battle begins? _
  26. >You throw open your bag with pre-emptive haste and throw one bottle of the pod-liquid you previously harvested to Applejack and Pinkie each, as well as passing an Iron-Hide Brew to each of them.
  27. [You give your party each an Iron-Hide Brew.]
  28. [You give Applejack and Pinkie Pie each one Vial of Pod-Liquid.]
  29. “Down the hatch, guys! Let’s see what a little alchemy can do for us!”
  30. >AJ and Pinkie open both potions with fumbling speed from your sudden request, doing it as fast as they can before they get zerg-rushed by the incoming threats.
  31. >The rest of the party takes their potion as well, and you grasp your Heart’s Calling necklace as you draw your spear, power radiating from it.
  32. “Brace yourselves!”
  33. >Used Vial of Pod-Liquid
  34. >Used Iron-Hide Brew
  35. >Used Heart’s Calling
  37. [BATTLE START] [ [Embed] ]
  38. Anonymous: [HP: 130/130][MP: 20/20][+33% Defense and x3 attack, +5 PD for 3 turns]
  39. Redheart: [HP: 130/130][+5 PD for 3 turns]
  40. Pinkie Pie: [HP: 105/105][MP: 50/50] [New Ability: Harmonic Laughter (-25 MP, +200 MA, ½ crit chance, sends target into fits of laughter)][+33% Defense and x3 attack, +5 PD for 3 turns]
  41. Berry Punch: [HP: 220/220][+5 PD for 3 turns]
  42. Applejack: [HP: 240/240][MP: 50/50] [New Ability: Harmonic Honesty (-25 MP, +200 MA, ½ crit chance, exposes possible weaknesses of target)][+33% Defense and x3 attack for 3 turns, +5 PD]
  43. Gable: [HP: 200/200][+5 PD for 3 turns]
  44. Iron Will: [HP: 275/275][+5 PD for 3 turns]
  45. Princess Cadance: [HP: 15,000/15,000, weakened][MP: 10,000/10,000]PC Abilities: Starbolt (-100 MP, +50 MA, ¼ chance to stun/poison for 3 turns), Power of the Corrupted Heart (-200 MP, +75 PA, ¼ chance to crit for x3, 3 turn CD) , Crystal Spike (-200 MP, +25 PA, +25 MA, hits twice, x2, immobilized for 3 turns), Telekinetic Throw (-200 MP, +150 PA, ignores armor, 5 turn CD), Northern Wind (-500 MP, +300 MA AoE split, ¼ chance to frostbite for 3 turns, 7 turn CD), Will of the Shadow (-1,000 MP, incapacitates target, usable once)
  47. RD Abilities: Super-Speed Strut (+50 PA), Buccaneer Blaze (+75 PA/+75 PA, hits twice, 5 turn CD), Rainbow Hurricane (+150 PA AoE split, 3 turn CD, ¼ chance to stun for 3 turns), Thunderstrike (+100 MA, ignores armor, ½ chance to burn/blind for 3 turns, 5 turn CD), Sonic Rainboom (+100 PA AoE, 7 turn CD), Harmonic Loyalty (-25 MP, heals Princess Cadance for 10% total HP)
  48. Rainbow Dash: [HP: 5,000/5,000, weakened][MP: 50/50]
  49. [Cadance strikes too quickly and attacks first with Dash!]
  51. >Princess Cadance attacks Redheart with Will of the Shadow! [-1,000 MP, Usable Once]
  52. >Redheart’s form is suddenly split apart between her physical form and soul, Cadance attacking both with two sudden black beams of corrupted magic that fizzles her entire existence.
  53. >Redheart recombines, falling to the ground without the will to fight!
  54. >Redheart is incapacitated!
  55. Redheart: [HP: 0/130, I]
  56. >Rainbow Dash attacks Gable with Buccaneer Blaze! [5 turn CD]
  57. >7/7 (+75/+75 PA) = >164<
  58. [+20 PD, +5 PD]
  59. >139<
  60. >”Ghh, ...lucky shot...!”
  61. Gable: [HP: 61/200]
  63. 1 turn over
  65. >Uses Blessing of Harmony on Redheart! (x3/Heart’s Calling healing bonus)
  66. >Your markings flare to life as you power up your new spell and encase Redheart in its warmth.
  67. >Redheart slowly stirs, reviving from the white glow of the blessing and stands back up, ready to fight!
  68. >”Hhh, What… happened…?”
  69. Redheart: [HP: 55/130]
  70. >Sir Ducksalot is commanded to attack Princess Cadance!
  71. >250<
  72. PC: [HP: 14,750/15,000][MP: 9,000/10,000]
  73. [PINKIE PIE]
  74. >Attacks Princess Cadance with Darkstrike! [7 turn CD]
  75. >88 (RNG = 7)(+50% Heart’s Calling)(x3 magic bonus)(x2 doubles) = >7,092<
  76. >Princess Cadance is bleeding! (3 turns)
  77. >͟͟͝>̕҉̵"̛̕AAƯ̶̶UU-̛E̵͢͠-̧E-̶͟Ȩ͜͞.̷.̀҉. I͜'̵L̵̡̀L̷̶͘L̀͘..̸.͟͟ ̴I̧̡'͏͡L̕͜͝L̡ K̸I͡L̢͢͞L҉̶ ̴Y̴͝O̶̧Ų,̴́ R̀A̷̴̕I̵͢N͏B̡O̷̧W̨̡,̷̛ AŢ͘T̢̡͜A͝C͝͞K̕͞ T͘͢͡H̛̕É ̵̕P̸̀͏I̡̕N̸͝K̡̀ ҉͏O͞҉҉NÉ!"̵͠
  78. PC: [HP: 7,658/15,000]
  80. >Attacks the duo with Drunk Dragon! [3 turn CD]
  81. >4 (x9.6)(+50% Heart’s Calling = >58 solid<
  82. PC: [HP: 7,600/15,000]
  83. RD: [HP: 4,942/5,000][MP: 50/50]
  85. >Attacks Princess Cadance with Harmonic Honesty! [-25 MP]
  86. >Princess Cadance is hit by the blast, prompting an honest sentence from the pony within!
  87. >”My.. My back… there’s something there you can… hit… But ҉do̸ y͟o̷u ͝re̸a͢llý e͢xp̕ec̵t I̴'̡d̴ ̡LET YOU ̢BA͠CK̨ THĘRE̷?̡!"
  88. >+200 MA (+50% Heart’s Calling)(x3 magic bonus) = >900<
  89. PC: [HP: 6,700/15,000]
  90. [GABLE]
  91. >Attacks the duo with Frost Nova! [5 turn CD]
  92. >4 (+75 MA AoE solid)(+50% Heart’s Calling) = >119 each<
  93. PC: [HP: 6,581/15,000]
  94. >Rainbow Dash is immobilized! (3 turns)
  95. RD: [HP: 4,823/5,000]
  96. [IRON WILL]
  97. >Invigorates the party with:
  98. >”OOOH YEEAAAAH!” [6 turn CD]
  99. [Party’s Defense increased by 25% next 3 turns!]
  101. >Princess Cadance attacks Applejack with Crystal Spike! [-200 MP]
  102. >6/6 (+25 PA/+25 MA)(x2) = >122<
  103. [+40 PD, +20 MD, +25% Defense, +5 PD]
  104. >43<
  105. >Applejack is immobilized! (3 turns)
  106. >”Agh! Gh, a little help…?”
  107. Applejack: [HP: 197/240, IM][MP: 25/50]
  108. >Rainbow Dash is immobilized! (2 turns)
  110. 2 turns over
  111. [ANONYMOUS]
  112. >You call your shot and attack Princess Cadance with Expert Spear Combat!
  113. >The strike hits, and Cadance’s power falters!
  114. >2 (+2 Precognition)(+15 PA, +15 MA)(x2 critical)(x3 Called shot)(x3 magic bonus) = >612<
  115. >There is revealed to be a pod on the far side of Princess Cadance’s back, and Anon’s strike destroys it, sapping power from the corruption!
  116. >5,000 Weakness<
  117. >͢>͢"ǸO! I'LL...̵ ̀MA҉K̵E ͠YOU͘ ̛PA͢Y.͟.̢. FOR̡ ̵W̷HAT ҉Y҉O͏U̴..̡ ͜DID̀ T҉O ̵MÉ..͢!"̷
  118. >Princess Cadance bleeds out!
  119. >50 (+50 overflow)<
  120. >Princess Cadance enrages, and the Host Pod above the doorway suddenly drains, a red mist flowing into Cadance’s body as her power grows exponentially!
  121. PC: [HP: 879/15,000, -100% P/MD, +100% P/MA][MP: 8,800/10,000]
  122. [ ]
  123. >Sir Ducksalot is commanded to attack Rainbow Dash!
  124. >250 (x2 doubles) = >500<
  125. Rainbow Dash: [HP: 4,323/5,000][MP: 50/50]
  126. [REDHEART]
  127. >Uses medkit on self and Gable!
  128. >25% (+75% skill) = 100% (/2) = >50%<
  129. Redheart: [HP: 130/130]
  130. Gable: [HP: 161/200]
  131. [PINKIE PIE]
  132. >Attacks Rainbow Dash with Party Cannon! [5 turn CD]
  133. >2 (+60/+40 PA)(x5)(x2 doubles)(x3 magic bonus) = >3,120<
  134. Rainbow Dash: [HP: 1,203/5,000]
  135. [BERRY PUNCH]
  136. >Attacks Rainbow Dash with Scorch! [5 turn CD]
  137. >2 (+35 MA)(x2.5)(x2 doubles) = >185<
  138. Rainbow Dash: [HP: 1,018/5,000]
  139. [APPLEJACK]
  140. >AJ is immobilized! (2 turns)
  141. [GABLE]
  142. >Attacks Rainbow Dash with Rip and Tear! [5 turn CD]
  143. >86<
  144. >Rainbow Dash is bleeding! (3 turns)
  145. Rainbow Dash: [HP: 932/5,000, B]
  146. [IRON WILL]
  147. >Attacks Rainbow Dash with Assertive Annihilation! [5 turn CD]
  148. >79<
  149. Rainbow Dash: [HP: 853/5,000, B]
  151. >Princess Cadance attacks Gable with Telekinetic Throw! [-200 MP]
  152. >7 (+150 PA Armor Penetration) = >157<
  153. [+100% attack damage]
  154. [-25% Defense, +5 PD]
  155. >236<
  156. >Princess Cadance grabs Gable’s body with her empowered magic and slams him through the crystal, and an adrenaline-filled pulse sends his body scraping through the impossibly-tough ground, ravaging his body!
  157. Gable: [HP: -75/200]
  158. [Gable has died.]
  160. >”Oh.. Oh dear Celestia!!”
  162. >”I’m killin’ her, I don’t care what happens to us!!”
  164. >”No, Gable! I’m gonna wreck you, Princess or not! THIS IS FOR HIM!”
  165. >̵>̵̡̨"̷̕H͏H̀AH̀́AH̶̨͘Ą́H́͏A҉H̀A̢!̕ ́Y̶̨͞O͟͢U̷͡'L̡Ļ ͟ALL̢̕͝ ̨̡҉S̀̀Ų̸̡F̕FE͠R͝ TH͢͏E͟ ͟S̀A̛M̀͟E̡͘ ̴͢͡FÀ̛T̨E̕!̷̧ ̶̢M͢AR̷͜K̨̕ ̨MÝ͡ ͏W͟OR̀͘͝D͢͞S̛!̴"̷̛
  166. >Rainbow Dash is immobilized! (1 turn)
  168. 3 turns over
  169. [ANONYMOUS]
  170. >Attacks Princess Cadance with Shoot F.U.C.K.E.R! [7 turn CD, -1 Ammo]
  171. >7 (+75 PA)(+25 ammo)(x3 magical bonus) = >321<
  172. [+100% attack damage]
  173. >642
  174. >Cadance bleeds out! (1 turn)
  175. >50 (+50 overflow)<
  176. PC: [HP: 290/15,000][MP: 8,600/10,000]
  177. >Sir Ducksalot is commanded to quack at Princess Cadance!
  178. QUACK!
  179. >It doesn’t do much…
  180. [REDHEART]
  181. >Uses Supply Medkit on Gable (Dead)!
  182. >25% (+75% skill) = >100%<
  183. >”I-it’s okay, we’ll find a way… we’ll f-find a way to bring you back…”
  184. Gable: [HP: 125/200, Dead]
  185. [PINKIE PIE]
  186. >Attacks Rainbow Dash with Harmonic Laughter! [-25 MP]
  187. >Dash is hit by the pink blast, and collapses into fits of laughter! (3 turn stun)
  188. >+200 MA (x3 magical bonus) = >600<
  189. >Rainbow Dash bleeds out! (2 turns)
  190. >15 (+15 overflow)
  191. Rainbow Dash: [HP: 223/5,000, B]
  192. [BERRY PUNCH]
  193. >Attacks Princess Cadance with Do No Evil! [5 turn CD]
  194. >76 (+25 PA) = >101<
  195. [+100% attack damage]
  196. >202<
  197. PC: [HP: 88/15,000]
  198. [APPLEJACK]
  199. >AJ is immobilized! (1 turn)
  200. [IRON WILL]
  201. >Attacks Princess Cadance with Pummel!
  202. >6 (+10 PA)(x2 doubles) = >32<
  203. [+100% attack damage]
  204. >64<
  205. PC: [HP: 24/15,000]
  209. >>"҉I̶ ̨WI̧L̸L͜ ҉S͟ḨƠW YO͡U͠ ͞A͟L̢L͠ WHA͝T ̨T͢R̨UE͠ ͟P̷OWER̷ R͞EAL͠L̡Y͡ I̡S̛!"̨
  210. >Princess Cadance attacks the party with Northern Wind! [-500 MP, 7 turn CD]
  211. >8 (+300 MA AoE split) = >308 split<
  212. [+100% attack damage]
  213. >616 split<
  214. [-25% damage]
  215. >77 each<
  216. [Defense for each party member varies.]
  217. >Pinkie Pie is frostbit! (3 turns)
  218. >Berry Punch is frostbit! (3 turns)
  219. Anon: [HP: 78/130][MP: 10/20]
  220. Redheart: [HP: 78/130]
  221. Pinkie Pie: [HP: 34/105, B][MP: 25/50]
  222. Berry Punch: [HP: 203/220, B]
  223. Applejack: [HP: 183/240][MP: 25/50]
  224. Gable: Deceased
  225. Iron Will: [HP: 198/275]
  226. >Rainbow Dash is stunned!
  228. 4 turns over
  230. [ANONYMOUS]
  231. >Uses Blessing of Harmony on Princess Cadance!
  232. >Your markings flare to life as you cast the blessing upon Cadance.
  233. >As the white glow envelopes her body, however, you feel your magical flow countered!
  234. >̨̀͟>"͘͜I͠҉ ̢W͢͠I͜L̀͘L͘̕͜ ̢͞N͘͠Ó͏͟Ţ͏ BE ̀A̴̢͞ ̸Ş͢͠L̴ÀV͟E̴͢ T̶́O ̢̧͞Y̷͢O̧̨͢U̷̡R͝ ҉̵͞D̢͡IS̴͝Ģ͡U̕S̸̀T̢I̛͡Ņ̨G̀ ̀͡P̶̷͞O҉̡W̷͜E̷̕҉R͜!̨́͘"̵́
  235. >Cadance counterattacks!
  236. >50<
  238. Anon: [HP: 28/130][MP: 0/20]
  240. [REDHEART]
  241. >Uses medkit on party!
  242. >25% (+75% skill) = 100% (/7) = >14.3%<
  243. >All status effects cured!
  245. Anon: [HP: 47/130][MP: 0/20]
  246. Red: [HP: 97/130]
  247. Pinkie: [HP: 49/105][MP: 25/50]
  248. Berry: [HP: 220/220]
  249. AJ: [HP: 217/240][MP: 25/50]
  250. Gable: [HP: 154/200, Dead]
  251. Iron Will: [HP: 237/275]
  253. [PINKIE PIE]
  254. >Attacks Rainbow Dash with Sugar Rush!
  255. >3/3 (+60/+40 PA) = >106<
  257. >Dash bleeds out! (1 turn)
  258. >15 (+15 overflow)<
  259. Rainbow Dash: [HP: 87/5,000][MP: 50/50]
  261. [BERRY PUNCH]
  262. >Guards!
  263. [+5 PD next turn!]
  265. [APPLEJACK]
  266. >Uses Lasso on Rainbow Dash!
  267. >Rainbow Dash is immobilized by the tri-braid rope, already stunned! (3 turns)
  269. [IRON WILL]
  270. >“Will Kawn Do, girly-girl!”
  271. >Attacks Princess Cadance with Pummel!
  272. >2 (+10 PA) = >12<
  273. [+100% attack damage]
  274. >24<
  276. PC: [HP: 0/15,000]
  278. [BATTLE END]
  280. >...
  281. >After all of that fighting, Gable dying from the chaos and intensity, it’s ended by Iron decking Cadance right in her muzzle, knocking her right out.
  282. >You try your best to run up to her so you can absorb the shadow, but the darkness leaves her body and escapes back into its dimension before you could do anything.
  283. >Twilight and Shining both quickly rush over to the lassoed Rainbow Dash to snap her out of her brainwashed state, their horns flaring before they even reached her.
  284. >That’s when your eyes quickly snap back to the dead Gable.
  285. >Most of the party were looking as well, fearful, tears in their eyes.
  286. >You can’t let him die like this, you won’t.
  287. >What do you do?
  291. >That’s it!
  292. “RED! Get out the defibrillators, charge ‘em up just like I showed you and get ready!”
  293. >She scavanges her bag for them immediately, both of you rushing over to his party and the rest of the party watching with nothing else but hope.
  294. >Red finally finds them and she sets it up while you pull out a few potions from your belt, drowning them down Gable’s mouth.
  295. >Used (2) Medium Healing potions on Gable
  296. Gable: [HP: 200/200, Dead]
  297. >Hopefully those potions repaired the damage inside.
  298. >Redheart straps the pads to her hooves as you then take a few mana potions yourself.
  299. >Used Small Mana Potion
  300. >+33% MP<
  301. >Used Small Mana Crystal
  302. >+33% MP<
  303. Anon: [HP: 130/130][MP: 12/20]
  304. >You give the defibrillator a little shock, and Redheart jumps at the sudden current between the pads.
  305. >”O-okay, how did t-this go again?”
  306. “Rub them together to increase the amperage, and say clear when you do it so I can get off him. I’m going to try CPR with it, okay? Now go!”
  307. >You quickly unbutton his harness to expose his bare chest.
  308. >She rubs them together carefully, the magical potency of the electricity inside increasing, and she places them on Gable’s chest.
  309. >”C-clear..”
  310. >The powerful shock courses through Gable’s body, arching his back involuntarily.
  311. >Redheart charges up the next set as you kneel down next to him and start pumping both hands over his heart, tem compressions, and then breath through his beak.
  312. >Nothing…
  313. “Again!”
  314. >”C-clear!”
  315. >Another shock echoes out throughout the destroyed bedroom, and you can hear the quiet sobs of the other mares.
  316. >Another ten compressions, another breath.
  317. “C’mon… Again!”
  318. >”Clear!”
  319. >After the next shock, you can’t help but speak to the deceased as you pump his heart.
  320. “Get the fuck up, Gable. I didn't get my guts torn open in the arena for you to die here. We didn't welcome you into our circle of friends just so you could leave. I told you that people with strength are obligated to do good, well you've got that strength, so get the fuck up and use it! I still owe you a house, you fucker, but I'm sure as hell not giving it to you if you're just gonna lie there! So GET THE FUCK UP!”
  321. >You lay your lips over his beak once more and breathe into his lungs.
  322. ’Please, don’t die… Don’t...’
  323. >
  324. >The air is suddenly forced back into your own, and Gable’s coughing into your mouth!
  325. >”HE’S ALIVE!”
  326. >And he’s coughing into your mouth.
  327. >You wretch a bit and spit to the side, but quickly look back over at the slowly recovering, live Gryphon.
  328. >Redheart throws the defibrillator pads to the side and starts checking his pulse and eye co-ordination, but he starts shrugging her off after a minute or so.
  329. >”Gh, okay, I’m good… I don’t need to get poked around right now…”
  330. “You scared us, Gable.”
  331. >He tries to sit up, so you help him up slowly.
  332. >He grunts in pain as he does so, clutching his chest.
  333. >”Damnit… I haven’t been this sore since I fell off that cliff when my mom pushed me out of the nest…”
  334. >Hardcore.
  335. >At this point, Redheart waves over the rest of the party to signify he’s okay, and they all rush forward and nearly push you out of the way.
  336. >”You were gone, Gable, you were… g-gone…!”
  337. >”I definitely didn’t wanna be you when she did that, sugarcube.”
  338. >”You’re gonna have to show me how you take hits so well, brother.”
  339. >”Here, take a drink of this. It’ll make ya feel better.”
  340. >Gable accepts Berry’s offering of her rum and takes a hearty swig, some dropping out of his beak and down his chin tuft.
  341. >”Aaoh… You’re right, that made me feel much better.”
  342. >Gable gets himself the rest of the way up, stretching his wings out freely.
  343. >”So, did we win?”
  344. >You all look out at the battleground, and that’s when you see Rainbow Dash hugging Twilight tighter than anything you could ever imagine.
  345. >You then see AJ and Pinkie ‘dashing’ over to her before anyone else has the chance to move.
  346. >Shining had went to check on the restored, pure Cadance.
  347. >Dash eventually opens her eyes after she gets her fill of squishing the protesting Twilight, and sees your group all looking.
  348. >She pushes her off and brushes her mane back, clearing her throat.
  349. >”I’m -totally- fine… Uh.. ...I didn’t hurt you guys too much, did I?”
  350. >Gable doesn’t look pleased.
  351. “No, you’re fine. You didn’t have any control over yourself.”
  352. >”OH DASHIE!!”
  353. >Pinkie proves you wrong and catches Dash in an even tighter bear hug, cartoonishly popping out her eyes and turning her face, well, even more blue.
  354. >”P...P-pinkie… I get it..”
  355. >Pinkie lets her go and smiles sheepishly.
  356. >”S-sorry…”
  357. >Dash takes a moment to breath, and she then gets a much softer, but passionate hug from AJ, her hat brushing her mane back.
  358. >”Why didn’t ya listen, Dash? I told ya not ta go out alone like that, and look where it got ya!”
  359. >Dash rolls her eyes and gives her a hesitant pat.
  360. >”I was fine until the weird shadow thing just got on me, but it all turned out okay! Seriously though, the mushy stuff’s getting old, guys. Hey… When did I get my element?”
  361. >Redheart speaks up.
  362. >”You used it during your fight with us while you were, you know, taken over. The rest of them got blown out of that hole over there.”
  363. >Rainbow looks out at the sunset of the Crystal Empire, and she starts flapping her wings to gain altitude.
  364. >”I’ll go fetch them real quick.”
  365. >Twilight yells to her as she flies away.
  367. >”YEAH, YEAH!”
  370. >Dash disappears behind the shattered wall, leaving you all looking at the awaking Princess Cadance.
  371. >”Oh… ...Oh my! W-what happened to my bedroom? What are those black roots, and who are you all?”
  372. >Shining places a calming hoof on her withers, and gives her a loving look.
  373. >”Cadance, it’s okay. This is Anonymous and a few of his friends, Redheart, Iron Will, Berry Punch, and Gable. Honey, they saved you.”
  374. >Cadance slowly stands up, and she meets you eye to eye.
  375. >It’d probably be a bit more impressive like it was meeting Celestia and Luna if she hadn’t been all scratched and bruised.
  376. >”I… I don’t know what came over me. Please accept my humblest apologies.”
  377. >Iron takes this pause to put in his two cents.
  378. >”Look Princess, we saved you from a weird-ass demon shadow thing that was tearin’ ya apart! You had no way no how of knowin’ what that thing was doin, so no apologies needed. Actually, I should say sorry, for uh,”
  379. >He makes an awkward swinging motion with his fist.
  380. >”You know… punchin’ the daylights out of a Princess. Makes a good story, though!”
  381. >Berry knacks him right in the nads for that.
  382. >Cadance actually giggles a bit, covering her mouth in embarrasment as Iron’s whimpers take over.
  383. >”Either way… I must thank all of you with all of my heart for saving me. For… saving the Crystal Empire. If you hadn’t come up here to check on me, who knows what might’ve happens, with Princess Celestia and Luna out of commission. Did you get the shadow?”
  384. >You shake your head with a solemn look on your face.
  385. >”Oh, well at least this crisis has been averted. Looks like you have more searching to do, huh?”
  386. “Yeah.”
  387. >Cadance looks at you directly, as if she were remembering something.
  388. >Before she can voice this concern, however, the restored crystal door is shoved open, and in comes Rarity and Fluttershy behind her.
  389. >”WE’RE COMING TWILIGHT!!-- … O-oh, hello darling. I see you’ve brought your, uh, friends?”
  390. >Twilight smiles and goes to meet her with AJ and Pinkie at her sides.
  391. >”It’s okay, Anon and his friends really helped Shining and I, everything’s going to be alright.”
  392. >”Oh, does this mean that mean, nasty shadow has been vanquished?”
  393. >”Er… N-no, it got away.”
  394. >Rarity gasps and looks at you.
  395. >”Well!... I suppose we’re just going to have to look for it ourselves!”
  396. >”I think he’s still on the case. At this point, Anon has the most experience with the shadow, so he’s the best candidate for tracking it down.”
  397. >Rarity sighs.
  398. >”Did you at -least- find Rainbow Dash?”
  399. >Twilight now nods happily.
  400. >”She’s safe and sound!”
  401. >”Oh, that’s wonderful news, dear!”
  402. >It’s at this time that you finally notice that Fluttershy hasn’t said a word.
  403. >In fact, you look over at her and she’s hiding behind Rarity and her mane, looking right at you.
  404. >It looks like she’s still a bit frightened by your last meeting.
  405. >You attempt to speak to her, but you then get another tap on your shoulder, turning to see Princess Cadance.
  406. >”Anon, is it alright if I speak to you alone for a minute? I know you were about to talk to Fluttershy, but this is important.”
  407. “Alright.”
  408. >She turns and begins walking as you take a look at the rest of the group.
  409. >They were conversing with the others that had just arrived, and even Dash had returned with the chest containing the Elements of Harmony.
  410. >You figure they wouldn’t know you were gone for long, so you walk after her.
  411. >Cadance leads you into the bedroom’s bathroom, which now looks pristine compared to the destroyed bedroom now that the shadow has left the Palace.
  412. >She closes the door behind you, and levitates something from underneath her cupboard.
  415. >”Anonymous, your initiative in taking up such a daring quest for the well-being of Equestria, even though you merely showed up just a few weeks ago… I can’t begin to fathom what kind of kindness and generosity, not to mention bravery is within your heart.”
  416. >You’re speechless at her words.
  417. >”Now, as you might’ve figured out, there are some powerful sources of magic in this world, and I have an innate sense that you’re not going to have a very easy journey ahead of you in pursuit of this… monstrous threat. So, as a token of my gratitude, and a gift to you by the Princess of Love to uphold the safety of Equestria, I’m going to allow you to part with one of my most powerful, prized artifacts.”
  418. “....Really?”
  419. >”You’ll need the help, and it’s the least I could do after everything you and your friends have done. Even though I can only give you one, it should aid you in your journey.”
  420. >She levitates the chest up to you, and opens it, revealing what you know to be some of the most powerful items you’ve ever seen.
  422. >Which legendary artifact would you like?
  424. -Circlet of the False King (+75 MP up, +100 MD/MA, grants ability Discordian Ward)
  425. -Mask of the Dragon Aspect (+60 MD, +75 PD, grants ability Thu’um)
  426. -Staff of Sthenios (+200 MP up, +120 MA, grants ability Torrential Cannon)
  427. -Pirnanyo’s Gem (Activates spectral keyboard that creates powerful sleep-inducing magic to any the user wishes for it to be heard)
  431. >Inspect Discordian Ward
  432. [The circlet will offer you unbridled protection - For 3 turns, you are completely invulnerable and can still attack or perform actions as normal, with a once-per-battle restriction.]
  434. >Inspect Torrential Cannon
  435. [The staff grants you the ability to fire a powerful wave of high-pressure slush of ice and water that can completely obliterate not only your enemies, but can be useful for forceful pushes or a method of cooling down.]
  437. >Inspect Thu’um
  438. [The mask can alter your very voice to give it magical properties. Along with having the ability to change your voice at whim for a mana cost, you can weaponize your voice into powerful shouts that can change properties as you master the Thu’um.]
  442. >You decide to go with the circlet.
  443. >Boring, but practical.
  444. “Can I…?”
  445. >”Of course.”
  446. >You raise your hand and slowly remove the circlet, and she smiles as you take it within your hands to examine it.
  447. [Princess Cadance gives you Circlet of the False King.]
  448. >”Use it well. That circlet can grant you an impenetrable shield for a short time, and it’s a very powerful magical conduit. I hope it helps you.”
  449. “Thank you, Princess, it will definitely help.”
  450. >Is there anything else you’d like to ask Cadance before rejoining your party?
  453. “By the way, you’re not looking very good. Let me patch you up a little bit, at least, make sure you’re alright?”
  454. >”Oh… O-okay.”
  455. >Used medkit on Princess Cadance
  456. >25% (+75% skill) = 100%
  457. >+7,500 HP<
  458. Princess Cadance: [HP: 7,500/7,500, S][MP: 5,000/5,000]
  459. >With her health assured, you begin your queries.
  460. “If it's not too much trouble, could you please help me with a few favors? There is someone in the hospital named Steel Magnolias I promised I would do all I can to help. You see, he’s afflicted with a magical disease that I'm currently trying to research on how to cure. I've met his sister, Charm Rose, and they’re having financial hardships. Basically, what I’m asking is if you could wave the hospital fees while I try to figure out a cure? Oh, the other is if you could help me become a certified doctor. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm more than qualified at this point with all the experience I’ve gotten. With the new invention that Gyro Gear created, the Defibrillator, along with my medical training, I managed to bring Gable back from the dead while you were knocked out. He’s fine and good as new! I can help even more if I'm certified, you know? Speaking of inventions, by the way, for the last couple of days I've invented three new weapons for the defense of Equestria and personal protection against the shadow. One of them is already being sold and the other two should be done by tomorrow, but I just wanted to let you know that it’d be recommended for your army to pick up these weapons to ensure better protection of the populus. In fact, you could even get the light one for yourself, just to be safe. Oh… and if you’re really wanting me to succeed, I could always use a bit of training in magic. The stronger I get, the more I can do against the shadow.”
  461. >Thump.
  462. >You blink for a moment and see that Cadance has collapsed, passed out.
  463. >She must still be in shock from the recent events, and listening to your rambling was the straw on the camel’s back.
  464. >What would you like to do?
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