

Feb 16th, 2011
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  1.  Strider (joekiller26) is available  8:11 pm
  2. Online: 7h 28m
  4.  Nick Burdell 8:11 pm
  5.     stride why in the flaming bejesus did you admin jt?
  7.  Strider 8:19 pm
  8.     will you accept because i felt like it as an answer
  10.  Nick Burdell 8:19 pm
  11.     what? lol
  12.     oh misread
  13.     and no thats just stupid, he doesnt even play soldat and just last night i was talking with him and he was telling me how he could have admin or mod if he wanted it, as an argument to me yelling at him for always wanting power
  15.  Strider 8:21 pm
  16.     oh well
  17.     i already talked to original
  19.  Nick Burdell 8:22 pm
  20.     he doesnt even go on the forum or do anything at all, lol
  22.  Strider 8:22 pm
  23.     and i think that my choices in admin so far has been fine
  25.  Nick Burdell 8:22 pm
  26.     every admin you have ever had aside from Sex, Batto and Xavios has been a terrible decision on your part
  27.     lol
  29.  Strider 8:23 pm
  30.     you really think that
  32.  Nick Burdell 8:23 pm
  33.     im probably forgetting 1 or 2 great admins but basically, yes
  34.     it was part of the reason RS died in the first place
  36.  Strider 8:23 pm
  37.     the only two i didnt choose was zigo and puddle
  38.     huh
  40.  Nick Burdell 8:24 pm
  41.     if i had a community, and say i adminned 3 individuals, then they democratically voted in new admins and mods depending on who they liked, it would still be my fault because i chose the original 3
  43.  Strider 8:25 pm
  44.     but i didnt choose them at all
  46.  Nick Burdell 8:26 pm
  47.     im just saying stride, the community has been in your hands for a few years now, and yours alone
  48.     and your carelessness has led to many bad decisions that you have thought were right because you let people talk you into things
  50.  Strider 8:26 pm
  51.     what bad decisions
  52.     have i really done that much wrong
  54.  Nick Burdell 8:28 pm
  55.     i specifically remember the day probably 2 years ago that i warned you exactly what would happen and what did happen, the people you gave the community to, who had NOTHING to do with the community and were just annoying people that wanted titles or to be looked up at, caused basically everyone to stop using the forum, which directly led to more people quitting every day, and then every RS server in the game shut down for like 8 months
  57.     you even had a forum showing you trends in the community that you ignored
  58.     the lack of participation of the people that caused its downfall in the first place is what let it come back to life
  60.  Nick Burdell 8:30 pm
  61.     and jt was one of those individuals
  63.  Strider 8:30 pm
  64.     what
  65.     who did i give the community to
  67.  Nick Burdell 8:35 pm
  68.     basically anyone who wanted it stride you stopped caring altogether; one example, you allowed people to try and be global admins over the entire community, just because they came up with the idea and convinced you it was a good one; on top of it, you let them talk you into it just because you were playing games with them - you let your trust fall into the wrong hands so easily
  69.     chariot was probably the 2nd worst admin to ever be on the forum and you let him have it just because he trolled irc with you guys; he did absolutely nothing and was terrible and caused nothing but problems
  70.     just many bad decisions over the course of a long time that i really can't think of specifically its been too long
  71.     "[20:32] <@Merox> JT DOESNT EVEN PLAY SOLDAT"
  72.     lol
  74.  Strider 8:39 pm
  75.     this is insane bendarr, you're saying that all of my choices in the last two years, from my admin choices to forums choices and everything else that i've done, has been negitive to the community, that just people some people with the admin name that only help maintain the forums, were bad decisions, and caused the entire downfall of RS, not hacking, not lack of interest, not lack of time or life, but because of me
  77.  Nick Burdell 8:39 pm
  78.     pretty much, yes
  79.     everyone has always hacked nobody really cares lol, why even bring that up when it comes to an entire community in gaming?
  80.     thats exactly what it is and always has been strider, a COMMUNITY for the game
  81.     without the community, there is no game to be played
  83.  Strider 8:48 pm
  84.     ok he's not a mod anymore, you win
  86.  Nick Burdell 8:48 pm
  87.     the community needs before control, just freedom
  88.     and no people like kyp, tiny, jt, zigo, etc trying to tell people what to do
  89.     so im glad i won lol
  91. Strider (joekiller26) is offline 9:06 pm
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