

Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. CAT RIGHT NOW opened memo on board DTGAO.
  2. CURRENT ChanServ [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  3. [#DTGAO] The memo for the hit best-selling 2016 game Abyssal Oddity, by Violet Citadel.
  4. Memo is now Secret by CAT
  5. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  6. CCC made AT an OP.
  7. CAT made GG an OP.
  8. CAT made AC an OP.
  9. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  10. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAT
  11. CURRENT taintedChampion [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  12. CTC: Fun
  13. CAT made UC an OP.
  14. CAT made TC an OP.
  15. CAT made AC an OP.
  16. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  17. CAT: Would you like to begin game?
  18. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  19. CAC: >yes
  20. CAT: Remember, a majority of votes must be achieved before the game can load.
  21. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  22. CUC: >yes
  23. CAT: ((GG, TC.))
  24. CURRENT godmoddedGolem [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  25. CGG: >yes
  26. CAT: Loading game...
  27. CGG: (sorry, was researchıng)
  28. CAT: ((NP. Thaumcraft happens.))
  29. CAT: Loading game...
  30. CAT: Loading game...
  31. CAT: A B Y S S A L O D D I T Y
  33. CTC: >Credits
  34. CUC: >Credits
  35. CAT:
  36. CTC: >Pressing F to pay tribute
  37. CUC: >Achievements
  38. CAT: >Achievements:
  39. CAT made FC an OP.
  40. CAT made CA an OP.
  41. CAT made AA an OP.
  42. CAT: Please enter command.
  43. CTC: >start
  44. CUC: >Play game.
  45. CAT: Is this your last saved game:
  46. CURRENT flamingCarbohydrates [CFC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  47. CFC: >all that jazz
  48. CUC: >Yes.
  49. CAT: File successfully loaded.
  50. CUC: >Wait.
  51. CAT: Waiting.
  52. CUC: >Oh, yep.
  53. CAT: Game loaded.
  54. CUC: >Resume.
  55. CFC: >ye
  56. CUC: ((Misread a bit in the log.))
  57. CAT: You are on board your ship, doing whatever. You have one hour until arrival on the main continental structure of the Mu Sector. You could build a robot, sort through salvaged parts, mess with music, et cetera.
  58. CUC: >Sort through your salvaged parts.
  59. CAT: MECHANOMATERIALS: Hunk of Refined Infused Arcanium x5, Hunk of Vesperium x2, Three Piles of Miscellaneous Mechanical Shit, Centurion Sojourner Circuit Core, Psioglass Tube x8, Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube x2, Orchid Neon Light x3, Psionic Filter (12/14).
  60. CURRENT allogeneousAboulomaniac [CAA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  61. CAA: >examine the piles of miscellaneous mechanical shit
  62. CAT: Similarly, your schematics to use these things number exactly two.
  63. CAT: You did examine the piles when you were frantically attempting to find that psionic filter a while back.
  64. CAT: What will you do?
  65. CUC: >What are the schematics?
  66. CAT: Would you like the full version, or the list?
  67. CAT: ((Oh, also, you have that injector pipe, sorry.))
  68. CUC: >Full version.
  69. CUC: ((Eh.))
  70. CAT: SCHM1: Infusion Drone: Spent Medkit, Sonic Repulsor Engine, Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube, Injector Pipe. SCHM2: Magnetizer: Sensor, Sonic Repulsor Engine, Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube, Lapis Stone.
  71. CAC: Are these the robots we can build
  72. CAT: These are indeed miniature orbiting droids you can construct.
  73. CUC: >What is the infusion drone?
  74. CFC: >Check inventory for parts for SCHM2
  75. CAT: The Infusion Drone. Oh, you don't really KNOW what this does fully. You've been assured it is a nonlethal device to be used in case of medical emergency.
  76. CAT: Perhaps it automatically applies medkits, or something of the sort. Injects them.
  77. CAC: >Look it up
  79. CFC: >Check inventory for parts for SCHM2
  80. CAT: You have everything but the Sensor and the Lapis Stone.
  81. CUC: >Check for parts for SCHM1.
  82. CAC: >Recall what magnetizer does
  83. CAT: ((I'll do the first, then the second.))
  84. CUC: ((K.))
  85. CAT: Spent Medkit: You could feasibly just use a regular medkit for this. Sonic Repulsor Engine: check. Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube: check. Injector Pipe: check.
  86. CAC: Nah, wait until we use a medkit?
  87. CFC: ^
  88. CAT: A Magnetizer senses H2O from long distances, and draws it to you on command.
  89. CUC: ^
  90. CAC: >Wonder if infusion drone can be made then not activated yet
  91. CFC: >On that note, check health
  92. CAT: The Infusion Drone would presumably only apply medkits when needed.
  93. CAT: Azure: ███████████████ HP.
  94. CAT: You know, you DID use that one medkit after the battle with the Lupine Beast...
  95. CAC: >Search for it
  96. CAT: But where?
  97. CFC: >Under your ma~~ress
  98. CFC: >In the ship control room
  99. CAC: >Whereever you used it
  100. CAT: You find the used medkit right next to the mixture of bloodstains from two beings on the ship's floor.
  101. CAT: That was painful.
  102. CAT: You cringe recalling it.
  103. CAC: >Take used medkit, clean bloodstains
  104. CFC: >Stop cringing
  105. CTC: >think of happy thoughts
  106. CAT: You stop cringing, take that medkit, and fail to clean the bloodstains. The only cleaning materials you've seen in a while were back at your parents' house, back on Earth.
  107. CFC: >fondly recall cleaning materials
  108. CAT: You think of happy times, and cleaning materials. They are almost exclusively from before you had to go work with the G.M.F.
  109. CAC: >Clean bloodstains using lapotron
  110. CAT: With some effort, you manage to liquify the dry blood, and remove it from the ground with the Lapotron Power Core.
  111. CAC: >Check for storage
  112. CAT: "Destiny" by Mr. Universe continues to play in the background, from the audio terminal.
  113. CAT: Please clarify.
  114. CAC: >Storage for liquids
  115. CAT: Nothing. You could melt down some psioglass tubes, you suppose?
  116. CFC: ((brb))
  117. CAT: Sadly, the iodine/water mixture was left behind on the island.
  118. CAT: You curse yourself for panicking and letting go of it mentally.
  119. CAC: I don't imagine blood will be very useful...
  120. CAT: Probably not.
  121. CAC: >Incinerate it
  122. CAT: You successfully annihilate the blood.
  123. CAT: ETA: forty-five minutes.
  124. CAT: You can indeed construct the Infusion Drone.
  125. CAC: >Create Infusion Drone
  126. CAC: >While doing so, try to discern purpose
  127. CAT: As you put the thing together from the schematic instructions, you can see the thing is definitely some sort of medical droid.
  128. CAC: >See if it requires medkits
  129. CAT: The tubes within it are empty.
  130. CAC: >Give one medkit
  131. CAT: Also, it is off.
  132. CAC: Hmm
  133. CAT: You apply one MEDKIT to the Infusion Drone.
  134. CAT: Would you like to activate it, or just allow it to lie on the table somewhat sadly?
  135. CAC: >Turn on
  136. CAT: You connect the main wires.
  137. CAT: The neon lights of the thing flicker to life, and it projects a holographic screen before you.
  138. CAC: >View screen
  140. CUC: >What do you do?
  141. CTC: >Do you have a name?
  144. CAC: >Examine shape of drone
  145. CAA: >mr surgical droid
  146. CAC: >How do you do that?
  147. CAC: No
  148. CAT: The thing is about five inches tall, with a conical top.
  149. CAC: Aw, it's not a sphere.
  151. CAC: >Are you easily destroyed
  155. CUC: >What is the failsafe procedure?
  156. CTC: >name the droid either Strangelove or Lovecraft
  157. CAC: >Name the droid temmie
  159. CAT: Please vote for one of the given names.
  160. CUC: >Strangelove
  161. CAC: >Are automated medkits less effective?
  162. CGG: >strangelovr
  164. CAT: The droid's name is now Strangelove.
  165. CAC: >RPG mechanics
  166. CAC: >Are there any downsides to automated medkits?
  168. CAT: "SO, NO."
  169. CAC: >Is the number of failsafes limited?
  171. CAT: *"
  172. CAC: >Are there any risks in the fallback procedure?
  173. CAC: Failsafe*
  175. CAC: >Do you apply anesthesia
  176. CAC: >Also, how long does it take?
  179. CAC: >Begin procedure
  180. CAT: Please second suggestion.
  181. CAT: Majority required.
  182. CUC: >Begin procedure. With anesthesia, of course.
  183. CAT: 2/7.
  184. CAT: (4 required.)
  185. CAC: GG
  186. CGG: yes
  187. CTC: Has anyone got the reference to Strangelove?
  188. CUC: AA CA TC FC
  189. CAT: 3/7.
  190. CURRENT chemicalAssailant [CCA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  191. CCA: ((?))
  192. CFC: I'm sorta tabbed
  193. CFC: jsut
  194. CCA: half-vote
  195. CAT: 3.5/7.
  196. CAC banned CAA from responding to memo.
  197. CCA: no wait 2/3-vote
  198. CCA: there majority
  199. CAT: That isn't how it works.
  200. CCA: fine
  201. CAT: 3.66666(repeated)/7, regardless.
  202. CTC: I vote for it
  203. CAT: Motion successful.
  205. CAC: >Close eyes
  206. CAT: You close your eyes, and feel the pressure of a needle filled with anesthesia enter your bloodstream. You pass out."
  207. CAT: Loading...
  208. CAT: Loading...
  209. CAT: Loading...
  210. CAT: Sensation returns.
  211. CAT: Please enter command.
  212. CFC: back.
  213. CAC: >Open eyes
  214. CAC: >Check for both kidneys
  215. CAT: You open your eyes.
  216. CUC: >Look around, assess how much time has passed
  217. CAT: Thirty minutes have passed.
  218. CFC: >Assess body.
  219. CFC: >check for additional limbs
  220. CAT: You have both kidneys, and a normal count of limbs.
  221. CAC: >Look for droid
  222. CAT: The only odd sensation is some sort of odd pressure in the middle of your back. That's probably the medkit.
  223. CAT: Well, auto-medkit injector.
  224. CAT: Strangelove is floating next to you, inactive. The tube is devoid of medical fluid you applied, so it was indeed used.
  225. CAT: The only odd thing that appears to have changed is a large teardrop-shaped marking on the side of your Lapotron Power Core.
  226. CAC: >Put it away, I guess
  227. CFC: >assess health
  228. CAT: It can just stay there, really.
  229. CAT: It is off.
  230. CAT: Azure: ███████████████ HP.
  231. CAC: >Examine marking
  232. CAT: It's teardrop-shaped. Probably 4.5 inches in length.
  233. CAT: Nothing else appears to have changed with the thing.
  234. CAC: >Activate drone
  235. CFC: >tap the marking
  236. CAC: >Ask what marking is
  237. CAT: You poke the marking, and nothing happens.
  238. CAT: Then, you reactivate Strangelove.
  239. CTC: Remember Strangelove has a German Accent
  241. CAC: >What does that mean
  242. CUC: >Thank Strangelove for the focus.
  243. CAT: You thank Strangelove.
  244. CFC: >thank mr skeltal
  245. CAT: You have fifteen minutes to kill. What now?
  246. CFC: >search for a library
  247. CAT: The track on the audio terminal has switched to "Just A Comet". You love this album, fuck.
  248. CAT: You don't have a library in your ship. Why would you.
  249. CFC: So you can learn the sick majjyks
  250. CAC: >see if delta has responded to your thanks
  251. CAT: Delta's left a quick "Mhm." and gone offline.
  252. CAT: You can see the continental plate from here. You are almost there. What shall you do?
  253. CAC: ... Did I miss something
  254. CAC: >Prepare yourself
  255. CAT: "CAT: Delta's left a quick "Mhm." and gone offline."
  256. CAT: You are ALWAYS prepared. By which you mean you are always prepared to burst into tears at the drop of a hat.
  257. CAT: You ready yourself, you suppose.
  258. CFC: >Play solitaire.
  259. CAT: Oh, of course.
  260. CAT: ACHIEVEMENT: Injected Completed!
  261. CAT: You just sort of play holosolitaire for fifteen minutes.
  262. CAT: ETA: now.
  263. CAT: Please enter command.
  264. CFC: >Finish solitaire by cheating.
  265. CAC: >Open door
  266. CTC: >ready weapon
  267. CAT: You mess with the code of the holocomputer, and finish holosolitaire, then walk over to the hatch.
  268. CAT: ...You're going to have to unweld this again.
  269. CGG: >go back to audıo termınal
  270. CAC: >Do that
  271. CAT: You go back to the audio terminal.
  272. CFC: >Write a reminder to ger a be~~er hatch
  273. CAC: >Unweld that is
  274. CGG: >play song not by mr. unıverse
  275. CAT: You play the hit album that came out about two years ago. Hamilton.
  277. CGG: whee
  278. CFC: 
  279. CAT: That one was obvious.
  280. CAT: Now what?
  281. CAC: >unweld
  282. CGG: >unweld termınal
  283. CAC: >ni
  284. CAC: >no
  285. CAT: You carefully use the plasma cutter to unweld the hatch.
  286. CFC: I actually can't remember why we were here.
  287. CFC: What are we doing?
  288. CAT: Dust pours into the chamber. You cough somewhat, and peer at the arcanium slate.
  289. CAT: Why, you're here to get the VOID SHARD the map detected.
  290. CAC: >Examine surroundings
  291. CAT: You drop down onto the slate, and examine your surroundings.
  292. CAT: There's an extremely large plate of arcanium slate, and a massive complex on top of it, surrounded by a brick wall of pseudo-medieval architectural origin.
  293. CAT: Unlike last time, there IS an entrance.
  294. CAC: >Approach building
  295. CAT: You carefully creep over to the structure. Nothing happens.
  296. CAC: >Pass wall
  297. CAT: The second you take a step forward, three orchid lights atop the wall blink to life.
  298. CAT: Another Centurion?
  299. CAC: >Back off
  300. CAT: It doesn't seem to have noticed you yet, but it might.
  301. CAT: You take a step back.
  302. CAT: The hulking metal being rises into the air.
  303. CAC: >Return to ship
  304. CUC: >Return to ship
  305. CFC: >aye
  306. CAT: You attempt to flee, but the thing projects a red light from its left arm, tracing a line between the ship and you.
  307. CAT: Nothing happens. All is still.
  308. CTC: >try to greet it
  309. CAC: >no
  310. CAC: >Limbo/Jumo over line
  311. CAC: Jumo
  312. CAC: Jump
  313. CUC: >Don't cross the line
  314. CAT: Which one will it be?
  315. CAT: Jump, or stay?
  316. CAC: >Estimate if jump can be made
  317. CTC: >clutch head in confusion
  318. CAT: The line is literally like four centimeters in width.
  319. CUC: >Is the Centurion currently attacking you?
  320. CFC: >Has it noticed you?
  321. CAT: The thing is not technically assaulting you, but it clearly has noticed you.
  322. CAT: And thusly projected this... line.
  323. CAC: >... Talk to it
  324. CFC: >Don't cross the line.
  325. CTC: >greet it
  326. CAT: What do you say?
  327. CTC: >"Hey... there..."
  328. CAT: It is silent in response.
  329. CAC: >Can you understand me?
  330. CAT: No response.
  331. CFC: >Awkwardly walk sideways
  332. CAT: You can see a cube with a psi on it within its left hand.
  333. CUC: >Don't look hostile, whatever you do.
  334. CAT: It appears to be the source of the line.
  335. CAT: You attempt to look casual, but you are kind of terrified, so you only pseudo-manage.
  336. CAC: >Offer it a left handed handshake
  337. CAT: It is flying in the air several meters above you. You cannot reach its right hand.
  338. CUC: >Is there a line any other direction?
  339. CAT: The line cuts you off from your ship in a round fashion, meaning the only direction you can currently go is through the entrance.
  340. CAT: Without touching the line, that is.
  341. CAC: >Go in
  342. CUC: >Go in?
  343. CAT: You walk through the entrance.
  344. CAT: You can see at least a dozen other sets of orchid eyes light up on the walls as you do so.
  345. CTC: >Go in
  346. CTC: *cancel
  347. CUC: >Crap?
  348. CAT: What shall you do?
  349. CTC: >grenade and calmly walk out
  350. CAC: >wait and watch
  351. CAT: Which is it?
  352. CAC: A grenade probably isn't enough
  353. CTC: >observe first then use plan B if needed
  354. CUC: >Wait and watch.
  355. CAT: Five other sets of red lines trace a rough circle around you as you just sort of stand there, watching.
  356. CTC: >find something to throw into the red line
  357. CFC: >watch also
  358. CUC: >Well, shit.
  359. CUC: >Throw something through the red line.
  360. CAT: What?
  361. CUC: >Something non-essential.
  362. CUC: >Do you still have all those things?
  363. CAT: Current inventory: Lapotron Power Core, Medkit x3, Water Vial x4, Gluon Destabilizer x3, Welding Equipment.
  364. CAC: >some pocket lint
  365. CAT: You left the other stuff back on the ship. It was heavy, in your defense.
  366. CUC: >Splash some water through the line. If nothing happens, toss the emptied vial through.
  367. CAT: You splash a little water in the direction of the line. The instant it passes over the line, several sets of lines light up, and within instants, beams of pure plasma follow the lines, vaporizing the liquid.
  368. CAT: The circles are retraced.
  369. CAT: *((Eyes light up, not lines. Sorry.))
  371. CAT: There was a small delay, though.
  372. CUC: >Well, shit. Was there a delay between the lines being activated and redra -- YESS!
  373. CTC: >wonder how good your reflexes are
  374. CUC: >Splash some more water through the lines, then run through quickly. Go back in the direction of the ship.
  375. CUC: >Hopefully you'll be able to hit some of the bots with your ion cannon if you get back to the ship.
  376. CAT: You ready the water, and splash it, immediately sprinting in the direction of ship. Let's hope you can do it fast enough.
  377. CAT: POT check: failed.
  378. CTC: Ouch
  379. CAT: Coin flips are fun.
  380. CAC: Rip
  381. CUC: RIP.
  382. CTC: >pray to whatever deity you believe in
  383. CUC: Good thing we did the auto-injector thing.
  384. CAT: You get caught in the chest. Mere seconds pass, and you feel an odd sensation in you mid back.
  385. CAT: The plasma pretty much instantly annihilates the lower part of what I'd call your mortal husk.
  386. CAT: Your vision fades as the heat in your back grows greater and greater, white dust flowing from your body.
  387. CAT: Please enter command.
  388. CTC: >respawn
  389. CAC: >die
  390. CTC: Please no permadeath
  391. CAT: You die. Horribly.
  392. CUC: >Succumb to the blackness. You'll either get healed or die.
  393. CUC: Ah.
  394. CTC: ...
  395. CAT: Everything is black.
  396. CAT: But, wait. A teardrop-shaped blue crystal lies upon the ground in the midst of a Centurion compound.
  397. CTC: >Is this the real life
  398. CTC: >..?
  399. CAT: The thing glows with an unearthly blue light, and levitates into the air.
  400. CAT: You can... feel?
  401. CAT: Your sight is within the gem itself.
  402. CUC: >Holy shit, the Gem is real.
  403. CUC: >What can you do?
  404. CTC: >realize you are a magic girl
  405. CAT: A glowing figure composed of pure energy surrounds the gem itself.
  406. CAT: Blue light floods the continent. The Centurions are unresponsive.
  407. CUC: >Azure: Ascend.
  408. CAT: Then, in seconds, everything is back. You breathe heavily.
  409. CTC: >start screaming
  410. CAT: You don't know what just happened, but you aren't dead, or even damaged bodily?
  411. CAT: Would you like to start screaming?
  412. CAT: Y/N.
  413. CUC: >N.
  414. CAC: >n
  415. CAT: You hold in a scream.
  416. CAC: >open eyes, look around
  417. CUC: >Assess what's around you and your new status.
  418. CTC: >try to chill the fuck out
  419. CAT: You open your eyes. You're right where you fell. The Centurions do not appear to notice yourself at all.
  421. CAC: .... Hmm
  422. CTC: We
  423. CAC: >Return to ship
  424. CTC: Are the Crystal Gems
  425. CAT: Hah.
  426. CTC: >Don't do that
  427. CAT: You turn to head back to the ship, but another red line traces over the ground toward safety.
  428. CUC: >Check where your Lapotron Power Core is.
  429. CAT: You choose not to do that. You must act quickly.
  430. CAT: You have your Lapotron Power Core.
  431. CAT: It seems somehow lesser, devoid of energy.
  432. CTC: >time to kill
  433. CAT: Nay, that same power instead pulses through your veins now?
  434. CAC: >Move water rapidly over and away from line
  435. CUC: >Are you now naturally a hydrokinetic. That is awesome.
  436. CAC: >In hopes of tiring the centurion, I guess
  437. CTC: >grin
  438. CAT: With revitalized strength from your apparent regeneration, you just sort of do the cat and laser pointer thing with Centurion Wardens.
  439. CAT: Your smile right now is much bigger than a grin, I can assure you.
  440. CAT: The wall of the inner complex slides open as all of the Centurions are distracted.
  441. CUC: >Enter the inner complex!
  442. CAC: Huh
  443. CAT: It appears to have been some sort of hivemind concentration door.
  444. CAT: You rush into the inner complex, diving through the entrance. It closes behind you.
  445. CAT: What now?
  446. CAC: >Look around
  447. CAT: The chamber appears to be a staircase leading straight down into the depths.
  448. CAC: >Downward
  449. CAT: You descend.
  450. CAT: The hallway below appears to branch off further down, into a left, right, and straight path each.
  451. CAT: Shapes move at the end of the thing, regardless.
  452. CAT: The euphoria and heat still flow through you.
  453. CAC: >Examine shapes
  454. CAT: You observe them carefully. Yeah, they're Lupine Beasts. They haven't seen you yet.
  455. CTC: >realize that 60-70% of all organics are made of water
  456. CFC: >Recall what Lupine Beasts do
  457. CFC: >That you should be aware of
  458. CAT: These things are Drybloods. You don't know why you know this. Or how.
  459. CUC: >What is a Dryblood?
  460. CAT: Oh, yes.
  461. CAT: Lupine Beast: ███ HP. NOTES: Covered in bloodstained entrails. Dryblood.
  462. CAT: A Dryblood.
  463. CAT: Hmm. You recall your sudden knowledge.
  464. CAT: It appears to be a being possessing a non-water based vascular system.
  465. CAC: >Check how much water is in them anyways
  466. CFC: Plus bloodbending is super dark
  467. CAT: This is so cool. You are screaming with joy internally.
  468. CUC: >Sigh, retrieve the water from one of your vials and prepare for battle.
  469. CFC: avataaaarrrr...
  470. CAT: Anyhow, you can't really get a grip on much of their other fluids.
  471. CAT: So, you just pull out a vial of water, and prepare. Though, you'll only be able to take one out at a time.
  472. CAT: If only you had some sort of chain weapon, or something that could harm multiple beings at once...
  473. CAC: Hmm
  474. CAC: >Count how many there are
  475. CAT: Five.
  476. CAT: Hmm. You WONDER.
  477. CAT: INV: Lapotron Power Core, Medkit x3, Water Vial x4, /Gluon Destabilizer x3/, Welding Equipment.
  478. CAT: IF ONLY you had some sort of, say, grenade.
  479. CUC: >Contemplate if shaping your water into a long blade and sweeping it through them to cut multiple... ooh. Never mind.
  480. CTC: >blow them to kindom come
  481. CTC: *kingdom come
  482. CUC: >Grab one Gluon Destabilizer, prime, and carry it in a bubble of water to where it'll hit the most enemies.
  483. CAC: >check if your automatic medkit is still there first
  484. CUC: >Keep well away yourself -- behind cover.
  485. CAT: You carefully trap a Gluon Destabilizer in a water bubble, prime it, and carry it over.
  486. CAT: You're pretty sure that Strangelove did nothing but cut out the core infused lapis lazuli gem in you Lapotron Power Core, and surgically implant it into your body.
  487. CAT: You duck behind a little cover up the stairs.
  488. CAT: Shall you detonate the thing?
  489. CAC: Yes
  490. CAC: >
  491. CUC: >Detonate it. Blow them to pieces.
  492. CTC: >Boom, baby
  493. CTC: >realize that Strangelove is a wizard
  494. CAT: Red flame pours into the steps at the bottom of the stairs, searing them solid black instantaneously.
  495. CAT: Please enter command.
  496. CAC: >Carefully descend
  497. CAC: >When the flames fade
  498. CAT: You return to the bottom of the stairs when the flames fade away into embers.
  499. CTC: >laugh at your fallen foes
  500. CAT: How can you laugh when there is no remnant of them?
  501. CAT: Nothing to laugh at at all.
  502. CAC: >Gather any liquid which survived
  503. CAT: Also, you're not a sociopath.
  504. CAT: No liquid survived.
  505. CAC: >Examine the paths
  506. CTC: Fine
  507. CAT: Forward, right, and left.
  508. CTC: I'll quell my blood frenzy
  509. CAC: >Look down them
  510. CAT: Forward carries on into the distance, to some sort of metallic wall with light cyan neon lights.
  511. CAT: Left just keeps on going into the darkness, and right appears to be filled with orchid light at the end.
  512. CAC: Orchid
  513. CTC: >decide that left is not an option
  514. CAC: >Check water supplies
  515. CAT: You've still got three vials of water.
  516. CAC: >Forward
  517. CAT: You walk forward, reaching the metallic construct obstructing your path.
  518. CTC: >wonder where all these beasts came from
  519. CAC: >Examine lights
  520. CAT: Localized evolution of particles.
  521. CAT: You examine the neon lights. Now that you're here, you can see a bit better. The largest ones are light cyan, though there are actually some orange ones. They are all embedded into this wall.
  522. CAT: There are two light green keypads on the left and right halves of the door.
  523. CAT: One each.
  524. CAC: >Examine keypads
  525. CAT: They're standard holokeypads. A through Z, alpha through omega, aleph null through aleph null.
  526. CAT: They presumably unlock the door.
  527. CAC: >use leet hacking skills
  528. CUC: >Input 'Mu' into one of the keypads?
  529. CTC: >take several steps back afterwards
  530. CAT: ERROR: Source: 'incorrect password.'
  531. CTC: >not risking a laser bolt to the face
  532. CAT: You take several steps back, but nothing else happens.
  533. CAC: Hrm, did I miss something
  534. CTC: >sigh in relief and check the other paths
  535. CAT: Yes, two paths.
  536. CUC: >Examine the neon lights.
  537. CTC: We need to figure it out
  538. CUC: >In more detail.
  539. CAC: Oh, that makes sense
  540. CTC: It is a puzzle
  541. CAC: Nah
  542. CAC: >Go to left path
  543. CAT: They're standard neon lights. You'd find them before Hierophants and Hanged Men and poisoned toads.
  544. CUC: >Go on left path.
  545. CAT: If you catch my drift.
  546. CAT: You go left.
  547. CAT: Soon enough, you end up in total darkness.
  548. CAC: >Use your phone as a flashlight
  549. CAT: You pull out your holophone, and reveal that you are now within a singular chamber that appears to be the end of the path.
  550. CAT: The entrance slides shut behind you as triads orchid lights ignite above.
  551. CAT: *triads of.
  552. CTC: >you make a mental note to call your friend after this is all over
  553. CAC: >Examine lights
  554. CAT: You make the note.
  555. CUC: >Bemoan the builders of this complex's collective boners for Centurions.
  556. CAT: You know exactly what they are.
  557. CAT: A red light flashes down onto you, in a dotlike shape.
  558. CAT: Would you like to engage in combat?
  559. CUC: >Yes.
  560. CAC: Yes
  561. CAC: >
  563. CAC: /afk
  564. CAT: Note: observation is a free action.
  565. CUC: >Observe, first.
  566. CAT: Centurion Warden: ██████████ HP x3. NOTES: A modified Centurion Sojourner redesigned to serve as a gatekeeper of an area. Incredibly deadly. Wields a copy of the infamous ψ-Bioschema.
  567. CUC: >Do you have a clear shot at one of their power cores?
  568. CAT: One of them. The other two are hidden in the darkness of the room beyond your holophone.
  569. CAC: :/ Repost observation pls
  570. CAT: "CAT: Centurion Warden: ██████████ HP x3. NOTES: A modified Centurion Sojourner redesigned to serve as a gatekeeper of an area. Incredibly deadly. Wields a copy of the infamous ψ-Bioschema."
  571. CAC: >Assault
  572. CUC: >Draw water, form needle, shoot the visible one's power core.
  573. CAT: You immediately spike one through the core, instantly destroying it. The ruined husk drops to the ground before you, inert.
  575. CAT: The right hands of the Centurions immediately light up with red light, and a plasma bolt strikes you in the shoulder. You scream a bit.
  576. CAT: Okay, more than a bit.
  577. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  579. CUC: >HP status? ((I assume this is a free action as well.))
  580. CAC: >Assault
  581. CAT: It is, yeah.
  582. CAT: ((I'll put it in black for Fseftr.))
  583. CAT: Azure: ███████████████ HP.
  584. CUC: Welp.
  585. CAT: ((11/15, AC.))
  586. CUC: >Can you see the other two more clearly now?
  587. CAT: Not really.
  588. CAC: >Just turn your phone
  589. CAT: Would you like that to be your action? You can pair it with a non-assault move as well.
  590. CAC: >Defend as well?
  591. CUC: >Turn your phone to light them up, defend.
  592. CAT: You create a shield with what is essentially superdense water, and turn your phone.
  594. CAT: One of the Centurions drops down to you level, while the other fires another blast at you. The water absorbs most of the impact, but you do slam into the wall, breaking your concentration on the shield.
  595. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  597. CUC: >Assault the most visible one with another needle of water straight through the core.
  598. CAT: One shot, one kill.
  599. CFC: ima go
  600. CFC: pchooo
  601. CUC: bye
  602. CFC ceased responding to memo.
  603. CAT: ((I've got to go AFK once more. Enjoy the cliffhangar on the enemy turn for like fifteen minutes, sorry.))
  604. CUC: ((Eh, bye for now!))
  605. CAT: ((/UNAFK.))
  607. CAT: The remaining Centurion rushes toward you, a plasma blade erupting from its wrist. You have a chance to react, but the core is glossed over with some sort of pseudometal.
  608. CGG: >duck
  609. CAC: >Defend
  610. CAT: 'Duck' is not a possible combat command.
  611. CAT: You draw up another water shield, and the thing plunges into it, diving for your stomach.
  612. CAT: The strike is delayed, fortunately.
  613. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  615. CGG: >ASSAULT
  616. CAT: How?
  617. CGG: >uh
  618. CGG: >stab ıt wıth water
  619. CAC: >Punch at the core through the back
  620. CAT: With your fist alone, or with water?
  621. CAC: >Water
  622. CAT: The hydrokinetically commanded water punctures the energy core, and emerges out the other side.
  623. CAT: The Centurion yet lives.
  624. CAT: Somehow.
  626. CAT: The Centurion Warden draws up a shield of pure plasma, backing up.
  627. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  629. CAC: Hmm
  630. CGG: >ASSAULT
  631. CAT: Be more specific.
  632. CAT: Also, that's probably pointless.
  633. CGG: >Send water straıght back through open wound, attemptıng to harm electronıcs
  634. CGG: waıt, what kınd of shıeld
  635. CAT: It's made of plasma.
  636. CGG: ıs ıt reachıng all the way around
  637. CGG: or
  638. CAT: Yes.
  639. CGG: oh, okay
  640. CGG: hm
  641. CGG: >Defend?
  644. CAT: The Centurion just sort of stands there, the shield growing hotter and hotter.
  645. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  648. CAT: There are no options. Only creativity.
  649. CAC: >Use water to bring down wall above centurion
  650. CAT: You crush the thing.
  651. CAT: Moments later, it emerges. What is this thing made of, and how is it still living.
  653. CTC: >the power of errosion has failed you
  654. CAT: The Centurion leaps from the rubble, and charges you, slamming shield into shield.
  655. CAT: You shout out as your back is forced into the wall incredibly painfully.
  656. CAT: Heat from the plasma covers your whole front.
  657. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  659. CAC: >Observe
  660. CAT: Centurion Venator: ███████████████ HP. NOTES: A modified Centurion Warden redesigned to serve as an elite soldier. Incredibly deadly. Wields a copy of the infamous ψ-Bioschema.
  661. CAT: (4/15, Fseftr.)
  662. CAC: Is that our health
  663. CUC: No.
  664. CUC: >Check our HP.
  665. CAT: That is the Centurion Venator's health.
  666. CGG: >Use water to cool down body
  667. CAT: Azure: ███████████████ HP.
  668. CAC: >no
  669. CAT: (4/15 as well.)
  670. CAC: Gmm
  671. CAC: Hmm
  672. CUC: >Utilize: Medkit.
  673. CUC: We're close to death, after all.
  674. CAT: You pull out a medkit, and stab the syringe into your body, restoring your health to full.
  675. CAT: ((You'd respawn, now, but still.))
  676. CAT: ((Bluh bluh, we are the Crystal Gems.))
  678. CAT: The Venator pulls up its arms, and miniature rectangles of plasma appear upon them.
  679. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  681. CAC: Is the shield still up
  682. CAT: Barely.
  683. CUC: >Observe the rectangles. What do they appear to be intended to do?
  684. CAT: They appear to be what is basically akin to boxing gloves for Centurions.
  685. CAC: >Bring shield above self, bring down wall above both self and centurion
  686. CAC: Using water
  687. CAT: Would you like to perform this action? Please confirm majority.
  688. CTC: >do that but leap out of the way
  689. CUC: >Do that, but leap out of the way.
  690. CAT: You crush the thing.
  691. CAT: It dies.
  692. CAT: The entrance door slides back up, and a small plate of inscribed metal pops out of the side of the wall.
  693. CAC: >Examine
  694. CUC: >Take plate.
  695. CAT: You take the plate. It appears to have exactly twenty-one symbols upon it, ranging from aleph to aleph, alpha to omega, and A to Z.
  696. CAT: ((*aleph null, that is.))
  697. CAC: >Take deep breaths, then go to right path
  698. CTC: >heal thyself
  699. CAC: /afk
  700. CAT: You take a moment to relax, taking a deep breath.
  701. CAT: You've got full health.
  702. CAT: You proceed on right.
  703. CUC: >We're at -- AOja.
  704. CTC: >realize you are now a badass
  705. CGG: ((holy shit the ace attorney anime))
  706. CAT: Are you, though? You nearly died, and you're pretty sure you did up on the surface.
  707. CTC: >realize that you are now a badbutt
  708. CAT: You just continue down the hall, to the orchid light.
  709. CAT: Please enter command.
  710. CTC: >hold the plate up to the light
  711. CAT: You hold the plate up. Nothing happens. At all.
  712. CAC: >Examine light
  713. CAT: It appears to be... neon lights, and in fact not the deadly Centurions that you had thought they were earlier.
  714. CAC: Hmm
  715. CAC: >Determine existence of puzzle
  716. CTC: >facepalm and grumble to self
  717. CAT: You haven't even walked into the room yet.
  718. CAC: ... Oh
  719. CAC: >walk into room
  720. CAT: ((One sec. I'll BRB, please don't go anywhere.))
  721. CAT: ((Back.))
  722. CUC: Welcome back.
  723. CAT: The room is rather oddly arranged. It is a... oh god no.
  724. CAT: It's a jumping puzzle, isn't it.
  725. CAT: It is.
  726. CAT: It is a fucking jumping puzzle.
  727. CUC: >Good thing you're a hydrokinetic. How much weight can you lift using water?
  728. CAC: >Examine puzzle
  729. CAT: You think you could probably just lift yourself, hah.
  730. CAT: This puzzle was clearly not designed with YOU in mind.
  731. CUC: >Cheat on puzzle.
  732. CAT: You cheat on the puzzle, and reach the highest platform.
  733. CAT: There's a lever on it.
  734. CAC: >Pull
  735. CUC: >Pull the lever, Azure.
  736. CTC: >Just do it
  737. CTC: >DO IT
  738. CAT: You pull the lever. A plate pops out of the wall down below, and the entrance is unsealed. You hadn't even noticed it close.
  739. CUC: ((The Emperor's New Groove. This is what the refrance.))
  740. CTC: >grab another plate
  741. CAC: >Lift yourself down to platr
  742. CAC: Plate
  743. CAT: You lower yourself once more.
  744. CAT: Wow, that was easy!
  745. CAT: You pick it up. Another series of 21 characters.
  746. CAT: Please enter command.
  747. CUC: >Return to central room.
  748. CAT: You head back to the intersection of the three halls.
  749. CAT: Well, four, but the way out is sealed.
  750. CAC: >Center route
  751. CAC: >It is?
  752. CUC: >Enter the sequence on the plate from the left hallway on the left keypad.
  753. CAT: ((Yeah, it closed behind you.))
  754. CAC: Huh
  755. CAT: You enter the left plate's code on the left pad. The pad glows green.
  756. CUC: >Do the same for the right plate and right pad.
  757. CAT: You do so.
  758. CAT: The pad lights up green as well.
  759. CAT: The door hisses, and steam pours forth.
  760. CAC: >Back up
  761. CAT: The metallic thing is bisected horizonally down the middle, and both halves enter the ceiling or floor.
  762. CAT: Another hall awaits, leading to a room lit by torches.
  763. CAT: Odd for the Void, but still feasible, you guess.
  764. CAC: >Forward
  765. CUC: >Forward
  766. CAT: You tenatively head onwards.
  767. CTC: >nod in wit respect for whoever lit these torches
  768. CAC: Why odd for the void?
  769. CTC: *with
  770. CTC: >they know how to set the mood
  771. CAT: This place is highly advanced technologically, as you've clearly seen.
  772. CAT: Back home on Earth, they only have standard physical computers!
  773. CAC: >Consider selling void tech to Earth
  774. CAT: Uh, that's how Grayhold gets money.
  775. CAT: Only, they sell it to people who would never let it see the light of day again.
  776. CAT: Sadly.
  777. CAC: >Forward
  778. CAT: This action requires majority confirmation.
  779. CAC: But you already said we headed onwards?
  780. CAT: ((Not a second time.))
  781. CGG: >onwadrs
  782. CAT: ((I do majority confirmations if the action could potentially harm you.))
  783. CAT: 2/5.
  784. CAC: But... We didn't go anywhere??
  785. CAC: Or did I miss something
  786. CGG: >observe surroundıngs
  787. CAT: ((You didn't go onward ALL the way the first time.))
  788. CAT: Just torches and bricks.
  789. CAC: UC
  790. CAC: Wait...
  791. CUC: >Forward.
  792. CAT: 3/5.
  793. CAT: You enter the room.
  794. CAT: The first thing you see is about twelve solid fucking feet of corotite plating.
  795. CAT: Five amethyst lights blink to life on the head.
  796. CAT: Yet ANOTHER Centurion, it seems.
  797. CAT: Would you like to engage in combat?
  798. CAC: >Look around room, then engage
  799. CAT: There's just torches and bricks.
  800. CUC: >Well, let's do this.
  801. CAC: >Wonder if Centurions are flammable
  802. CAC: >Do it
  804. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  805. CUC: >Observe.
  807. CAC: >Observe
  808. CAT: Centurion Sorcerer: █████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A hulking mass of armor plates, cyanic mechanovitae, and circuitry, all powered by a central infused cyan gem of some type beneath about half a meter of complex metal plating.
  809. CAT: (25 HP, for AC.)
  810. CGG: >throw torch
  811. CAT: That isn't how it works. You have to take a torch, then Utilize it.
  812. CGG: >take torch
  813. CUC: >Defend, first.
  814. CAT: You defend.
  815. CAT: It watches on silently.
  817. CUC: >Take a torch, then?
  818. CAC: >Use water to drop torch
  820. CAT: You hydrokinetically drop a torch on the Centurion Sorcerer.
  821. CAC: >On centurion
  822. CAT: It doesn't really do anything...
  824. CAT: The Sorcerer's eyes glow with an arcane light. The thing's chest glows cyan, and pulsating waves of electricity vibrate across its form.
  825. CAT: Within a second, a wave of energy sweeps across the room, instantly pummeling you. Everything goes black.
  826. CAT: Then, you are the teardrop gem once more.
  827. CAC: Welp
  828. CAT: You glow with blue light, this time facing much less euphoria and much more fear.
  829. CUC: >Well, crap.
  830. CUC: >That thing's strong.
  831. CAT: Fortunately, you make it out of your regeneration undeformed.
  832. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  833. CAT: ((Note: dying makes every enemy in the room regain all their health.))
  834. CAT: ((Just so it isn't a free deal.))
  835. CUC: >Form a needle of superdense water, like your shield, and stab the thing in the chest where the cyan glow was strongest with all the pushing force you can muster.
  836. CAT: You manage to form a superdense water skewer, and impale the thing in the chest.
  837. CAT: It appears to only be external damage, but hey. That still counts, right?
  839. CAT: The Sorcerer takes a step forward. The earth shakes before it.
  840. CAT: Then, nigh-instantaneously, a plasma blade erupts from its elbow, and the being stabs towards you. You have mere instants to react.
  841. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  843. CAC: >Defend
  844. CAT: How?
  845. CAC: >Parry using a blade of super dense water
  846. CUC: >Defend by dropping to the floor while using a blob of water to push its arm up.
  847. CAT: Which one?
  848. CUC: The water blade would probably boil away, Fse.
  849. CAC: >Do Crystals
  850. CUC: >Mine.
  851. CAT: You manage to hold the thing's arm up, plasma blade tangibly crackling in the air.
  853. CAT: The Centurion Sorcerer looks toward you with its five eyes, and simply raises the other arm.
  854. CAT: Revealing the palm, a red dot appears right on your body.
  855. CAT: Fortunately, the blob of water deals with most of the blast, but it is still somewhat painful.
  856. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  858. CUC: >How do the connections between the arms and the body look?
  859. CAC: Hmm
  860. CUC: >Also, observe.
  861. CAT: ((Should I just give you your health and the enemy's health at the same time with observing, BTW?))
  862. CAC: >Examine its eyes
  863. CAC: Probably
  864. CUC: ((Would simplify things, yes.))
  865. CTC: Tes
  866. CTC: *Yes
  867. CAT: Centurion Sorcerer: █████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A hulking mass of armor plates, cyanic mechanovitae, and circuitry, all powered by a central infused cyan gem of some type beneath about half a meter of complex metal plating.
  868. CAT: (23/25 for boss.)
  869. CAT: Azure: ███████████████ HP.
  870. CGG: 11/15
  871. CAT: Hey, just a little hint.
  872. CAT: You know what would be great right now?
  873. CAT: Bombs.
  874. CGG: >use bomb
  875. CGG: gluon destabılızer?
  876. CAC: Ye
  877. CAT: Confirm with majority, please.
  878. CAC: I am always very hesitant to use items
  879. CAC: What if you run out and die
  880. CTC: You should have said that the Centrions dislike smoke
  881. CUC: >Use gluon destabilizer. If there's a hole in the being's armor big enough to wedge it into, do so.
  882. CAT: Nothing really major, but you attach it to the arm with the plasma blade nonetheless.
  883. CAT: You have a split second to defend yourself from the blast. Creativity = higher chance of coming out unscathed.
  884. CTC: >create a shield in the shape of a middle finger out of water
  885. CAC: >Use water to collapse the ceiling between you and the centurion
  886. CUC: ((Let me think...))
  887. CAT: ((Will do.))
  888. CUC: >You run around to the other side of the Centurion, letting its bulk shield you from the blast, before you form a shield of superdense water shaped to deflect the blast with the minimum of its force hitting the shield. This makes it look a little like a parabola would if you rotated it into 3d.
  889. CAT: Hah. Nice.
  890. CTC: NERD!
  891. CAT: You do so, and the world erupts into red in front of the Centurion.
  892. CAT: That nerd just saved you from taking any damage.
  893. CUC: *fistpumps*
  894. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  895. CTC: Nothing wrong with that
  897. CUC: >Observe, first.
  898. CAC: Our turn again?
  899. CTC: Just that was insanely nerdy
  900. CAT: ((Nerds and nerdism is a great thing, my friend.))
  901. CAT: Centurion Sorcerer: █████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A hulking mass of armor plates, cyanic mechanovitae, and circuitry, all powered by a central infused cyan gem of some type beneath about half a meter of complex metal plating.
  902. CUC: ((Indeed, nerdiness is a great thing.))
  903. CAT: Your health is the same as before.
  904. CAT: ((Aye.))
  905. CAT: Please enter command.
  906. CAC: Whats its health
  907. CAT: Oh, right. Sorry.
  908. CAT: 17/25.
  909. CAC: Well then.
  910. CUC: Wow, that little damage done.
  911. CAC: >Observe damage on Centurion
  912. CAT: You've managed to detach the entire plasma blade arm.
  913. CAT: Cyanic mechanovitae is spilling everywhere from the stump as the blade melts through the ground.
  914. CTC: >cleave it in half with a spear of water
  915. CAC: ... No
  916. CUC: Ooh.
  917. CUC: I just had a WICKED idea.
  918. CUC: The blade's still powered.
  919. CAT: ^
  920. CTC: Oh
  921. CTC: My
  922. CUC: Does mechanovitae contain water?
  923. CTC: God
  924. CTC: Becku
  925. CUC: Probably not.
  926. CAT: Cyanic mechanovitae is a combination of cooled liquid mercury and nanobots.
  927. CUC: Ok, hmm.
  928. CAC: I mean, we can just use water to move the arm?
  929. CTC: *Becky, Anyway sounds like this will be fun
  930. CUC: >Form a hand of water, grab the arm, slice the Centurion with the hissing plasma blade.
  931. CAT: Where do you slice?
  932. CUC: >Cut its other arm off, if at all possible.
  933. CUC: >If not, cut its head.
  934. CAT: With some difficulty, you lift the entire hulking mass of the arm into the air, careful not to touch the blade, with water or otherwise.
  935. CAT: You deprive it of its other limb just as it attempts to fire.
  937. CAT: The amethyst glow of the eyes seems to grow even more intense than before. The Sorcerer is SERIOUSLY damaged.
  938. CAT: The cyan glow of the hidden core floods the room.
  939. CAT: Your hair begins to stand on end from the electricity in the room.
  940. CAT: You have ten seconds to react.
  941. CAT: ((Ingame.))
  942. CUC: ((Ah. Thanks.))
  943. CAC: Hmm
  944. CUC: ((Is the electricity coming from the centurion?))
  945. CAT: ((Yes. From the core.))
  946. CAC: Where is the glow strongest
  947. CAT: The glow is strongest near the lower abdomen.
  948. CUC: ((Is this purely a defense, or can we attack as well?))
  949. CAT: ((Either works, really. If you can stun it, the attack will go down to a manageable level.))
  950. CUC: *grins*
  951. CAT: ((Also, the same Centurion rules apply to this as the others.))
  952. CAC: >Separate plasma blade arm at elbow for precision, stab blade into centurion's lower abdomen
  953. CAT: ((Core-wise.))
  954. CUC: ((Destroy power core, it's disabled and all?))
  955. CUC: ((Yeah.))
  956. CAT: ((Ye.))
  957. CAT: You must confirm this action through majority.
  958. CUC: How thick does the metal plating look.
  959. CUC: Forming a plan of defense.
  960. CAT: "NOTES: A hulking mass of armor plates, cyanic mechanovitae, and circuitry, all powered by a central infused cyan gem of some type beneath about half a meter of complex metal plating."
  961. CUC: Well, slash attack.
  962. CUC: How long is the plasma blade, about?
  963. CTC: Is the armor rounded or flat
  964. CAT: Three meters-ish.
  965. CTC: Strikes would suck against rounded armor
  966. CTC: Piercing would be better
  967. CAT: This is a plasma blade, Revan.
  968. CUC: Ok, my plan is either to ground the electricity out or follow Fse and stab it.
  969. CAC: I'm imagining these things as basically registeels, am I off to do so.
  970. CTC: Sorry
  971. CAT: You know that Summoner centurion-esque boss from HLD?
  972. CTC: I think of swords as swords
  973. CAT: The Centurions look kind of like them.
  974. CAC: ... no
  975. CAT: Or, that.
  976. CAC: That?
  977. CAT: Sorry, Sorcerer. Not Summoner.
  978. CAT:
  979. CTC: Plasma is hot
  980. CTC: Really hot
  981. CAT: Gasp.
  982. CAC: I'm just waiting for Crystal, who's presumably typing up some long thing
  983. CAC: I suggest stabbing, of course.
  984. CUC: Hmm. I'm going with Fse's plan, with the added caveat of stabbing slightly above the target and slashing down with the aid of gravity.
  985. CTC: Erelye your snark is showing
  986. CAT: Confirm action with majority.
  987. CAC: Tc vote
  988. CUC: [X]Fseftr's plan.
  989. CTC: Of course
  990. CAT: Alright. Here we go.
  991. CAT: You swiftly pull the blade from the arm, and make your move.
  992. CAT: However, mere seconds before the blade plunges into the Centurion--"Wait!! Stop!"--a voice sounds out, not from the head of the being, but from the core into your mind.
  993. CGG: >stop, I guess
  994. CAC: What
  995. CAT: The sudden voice startles you, and the blade plunges slightly to the left of the intended target, and you lose concentration.
  996. CAT: The weight of the blade actually drives the thing to the ground regardless.
  997. CAC: Did I miss something
  998. CAT: "CAT: However, mere seconds before the blade plunges into the Centurion--"Wait!! Stop!"--a voice sounds out, not from the head of the being, but from the core into your mind."
  999. CAT: The head fizzles with amethyst energy, but no further voices emerge.
  1000. CAT: YOUR TURN?
  1002. CUC: >OBSERVE
  1003. CAC: >Retrieve blade, then observe
  1004. CTC: Should we attempt to talk to it
  1005. CUC: I think we should.
  1006. CAT: Centurion Sorcerer?: █████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A hulking mass of armor plates, cyanic mechanovitae, and circuitry, all powered by a central infused cyan gem of some type beneath about half a meter of complex metal plating.
  1007. CAT: (4/25.)
  1008. CUC: If this thing is sapient then we should see if we can, say, not kill it.
  1009. CAT: Your health is still the same.
  1010. CGG: >run
  1011. CAC: ... Ni
  1012. CAT: Where?
  1013. CAC: No
  1014. CAT: There is no entrance anymore. It is sealed.
  1015. CTC: >lay down your plasma blade
  1016. CAC: >Retrieve blade, say hello
  1017. CUC: >Say something. See if it responds.
  1018. CAC: No
  1019. CAT: What will it be?
  1020. CAC: ... Unless I'm missing something?
  1021. CAT: Shall we go with Crystal's plan?
  1022. CGG: >y
  1023. CUC: >"Uh... Hello?"
  1024. CAT: No response, save the fizzling of thing thing.
  1025. CAC: >Retrieve blade first tho
  1026. CTC: >"Sorry for trying to murder you?"
  1027. CAT: Okay. You retrieve the plasma blade.
  1028. CAT: Still no response?
  1029. CAC: ... Hmm
  1030. CAT: The initial voice came from the core, not the head, if you recall.
  1031. CAC: >Think loudly at the core
  1032. CAC: >Hello
  1033. CAT: Still nothing...
  1034. CTC: >poke the core
  1035. CAC: ... no
  1036. CAT: Underneath a half-meter of metal? Yeah, good luck with that.
  1037. CAC: >Talk to the core?
  1038. CAT: You already have, and there was no response.
  1039. CTC: >strip it of its armor
  1040. CAT: How?
  1041. CUC: >Begin using the plasma blade to carve it away.
  1042. CAC: >Carefully, using the plasma blade
  1043. CTC: >no damage to the Core
  1044. CAT: You carefully remove the layers of heavy corotite plating.
  1045. CAT: Beneath all of this is the Core Chassis.
  1046. CTC: Shall we poke it?
  1047. CAC: >Talk to the core now
  1048. CUC: >Does the core appear damaged?
  1049. CAT: Within is a cut cyan stone, glowing faintly with light, attached to hundreds of psiofibers, sensors, and wires.
  1050. CAT: Entirely undamaged.
  1051. CTC: Sapient rocks
  1052. CTC: Huh
  1053. CAC: >Recall if core requires host body to survive
  1054. CUC: >Holy crap!
  1055. CAT: The core does not require a host body.
  1056. CUC: ((Is this another Gem expy?))
  1057. CAT: The body can die, but the core lives on.
  1058. CAT: ((Maybe.))
  1059. CAC: >Quickly finish the body by stabbing it in the head
  1060. CAT: You decapitate the head.
  1061. CUC: ((Hmm, electricity powers. What Gem has that...))
  1062. CTC: Peri?
  1064. CAC: >Extract the core
  1065. CUC: >Extract core.
  1066. CAT: You pull out the glass tube within which the Core resides.
  1067. CAT: Some sort of apatite in there, it seems.
  1068. CAT: Anyhow, the wall on the opposite end of the room slides back, revealing a pedestal.
  1069. CAC: >Talk to it
  1070. CAT: There is no response.
  1071. CTC: >grab some psiofibers
  1072. CAC: >Approach pedestal, examine
  1073. CAT: Oh, yes. You can harvest the body.
  1074. CUC: >Harvest the body.
  1075. CAC: >Do that too
  1076. CTC: >you still want a psionic coffee machine
  1077. CAT: +20 Psiofibers.
  1078. CAT: You'll have to open up the rest of the body, though.
  1079. CAT: The head was sadly destroyed.
  1080. CAC: Go back and harvest the left path later.
  1081. CUC: ((Hmm, Erelye. What would have happened if I'd tried to ground that electricity attack?))
  1082. CAC: >open up the rest of the body using the plasma blade
  1083. CAT: ((You probably would have either survived just fine, or been electrocuted to death.))
  1084. CAT: ((Coin flip.))
  1085. CUC: ((Ah.))
  1086. CAT: You unseal the legs, and the severed arms.
  1087. CAC: >Loot
  1088. CAT: You've got a large plasma cannon in one, and the core mechanism for the PLASMA BLADE THAT IS NOW PULSATING WILDLY AND FIRING OFF SPARKS OH GOD.
  1090. CAT: You throw it into the wall, and it explodes.
  1091. CAT: +1 Plasma Projector Cannon, Starship-class.
  1092. CUC: >Welp, that was -- Holy shit.
  1093. CAC: >See if you can scavenge anything from the blade
  1094. CUC: >^
  1095. CAT: The legs hold starship-class repulsor thrusters each.
  1096. CAC: Spaceship upgrades whee
  1097. CAT: The blade was annihilated in the explosion, save for a little cube with various Greek symbols upon it.
  1098. CUC: >Examine cube, but do not touch.
  1099. CAC: >Take
  1100. CAC: >Yeah
  1101. CUC: >You already know bioschemas are dangerous.
  1102. CAT: It appears to be a Delta-Psi-Phi class Bioschema.
  1103. CAC: I wasn't there for that lel
  1104. CAC: What are they and what do they do
  1105. CAC: >Approach pedestal, take object if it's a void shard
  1106. CUC: Well, all that we know is that a Beta-class one would apparently incinerate us if we touched it.
  1107. CAT: They're essentially arcane laser weapons, and they burn your limbs off if you hold one without identification to wield one.
  1108. CUC: And we don't have the identification. Yeah.
  1109. CAT: You might be able to hotwire one, but how would you transport it to a place with technology capable of dealing with it?
  1110. CTC: Our new gemfriend would be helpful
  1111. CUC: Are they waterproof.
  1112. CAT: Probably not.
  1113. CAC: >Approach pedestal
  1114. CTC: Lets grab some scrap metal
  1115. CTC: Then float it atop that
  1116. CAT: The pedestal is devoid of objects, save a singular navy hash carved into it, and a hand, inscribed into it.
  1117. CUC: Can we turn water into ice with our hydrokinesis, or otherwise make it solid enough to not flow?
  1118. CAT: No. You'd have to be better at hydrokinetics to do so, sadly.
  1119. CUC: Dang.
  1120. CTC: We have scrap metal
  1121. CAC: >Examine pedestal
  1122. CAT: So, not YET.
  1123. CAT: "The pedestal is devoid of objects, save a singular navy hash carved into it, and a hand, inscribed into it."
  1124. CAT: The hash is in the middle of the hand.
  1125. CTC: We can just use the scrap metal to hold it
  1126. CAT: You can try.
  1127. CAT: Will you?
  1128. CUC: Nah.
  1129. CTC: Too many holes?
  1130. CAC: Hmm...
  1131. CAC: >Take the scrap metal
  1132. CAT: One-of-a-kind Bioschemas are sadly dangerous.
  1133. CAT: You take some scrap metal.
  1134. CUC: We could always bend the metal into a rough box with a water hand and then scoop the Bioschema into it.
  1135. CAT: +3 Sheet of Corotite.
  1136. CTC: Perfect
  1137. CAT: Do you do this?
  1138. CAC: >Look up what the symbol hand with hash is
  1139. CUC: Being careful to not touch it, yes.
  1140. CAC: I say no.
  1141. CAT: Vote, then.
  1142. CUC: We'll scoop it in with another sheet of corotite.
  1143. CTC: I vote yes
  1144. CAC: >fine
  1145. CUC: So we don't actually touch it at any point.
  1146. CAT: +1 Contained Delta-Psi-Phi Bioschema.
  1147. CUC: Plus, uh, we can regen --WOO!
  1148. CAT: Water hands are certainly nice.
  1149. CUC: Might regen, I guess.
  1150. CAC: Alright!
  1151. CAT: Now, the pedestal.
  1152. CAT: Please enter command.
  1153. CAC: >Lift pedestal
  1154. CUC: Navy.
  1155. CUC: Hmm.
  1156. CAT: You know what else is navy? VOID SHARDs.
  1157. CUC: Place your hand in the carving of a hand.
  1158. CAT: The hash flashes slightly, and the light fades.
  1159. CAT: A small patch of metal on the pedestal slides back, revealing a small compartment.
  1160. CUC: Examine contents of compartment.
  1161. CAT: ████
  1162. CAT: Now, the pressing problem.
  1163. CAT: There's no way out.
  1164. CAT: Still, most of the pedestal is yet unexamined.
  1165. CAC: ??? Did I miss something
  1166. CUC: >Remove the core you got from the centurion from its housing?
  1167. CAT: ((Just a graphic saying you got the second SHARD.))
  1168. CAC: Ah
  1169. CUC: Ah.
  1170. CAT: You twist the handle of the housing, and pull it upwards, steam puffing out in the process.
  1171. CUC: My de-blued screen rendered all of that black.
  1172. CUC: Also, hey, another HLD reference.
  1173. CAT: Removing the top of the Chassis, you can easily grab the Core.
  1174. CAT: But will you?
  1175. CTC: It is a fellow gem
  1176. CAC: >Examine pedestal more closely
  1177. CTC: It should be nice
  1178. CAT: It might be some sort of corrupted thing, perhaps. It was used to power a death robot.
  1179. CAT: You never know!
  1180. CUC: But it called out for help.
  1181. CAC: Maybe that was a trap
  1182. CAT: Will you remove the Core from the Chassis?
  1183. CAC: >I guess
  1184. CUC: >Yes.
  1185. CGG ceased responding to memo.
  1186. CAT: Other than the MASSIVE static shock you get from absorbing all of that electricity, and then touching open fucking WIRES, you get the Apatite Core.
  1187. CAT: ...
  1188. CTC: >take the wires
  1189. CAC: >Put core into container in pedestal
  1190. CAT: Nothing happens with the gem. No regenerations.
  1191. CAT: Do you follow through with AC's plan?
  1192. CAT: Also, you take the wires from the Chassis. In fact, you just take the entire Chassis.
  1193. CAT: +1 Crystal Core Chassis.
  1194. CAT: Now, what shall you do?
  1195. CAC: Ehhh
  1196. CAC: >Lift up pedestal
  1197. CAC: If it's not attached to the ground
  1198. CAT: You remove the plating of the pedestal's top. There's a series of wires within it connected to one lime button.
  1199. CAT: Along with some indestructible crystalline psiowire.
  1200. CAC: Press line button
  1201. CAC: >
  1202. CAT: Confirm with majority.
  1203. CUC: >Press button.
  1204. CAC: UC, Tc
  1205. CTC: We have made Azure a klepto
  1206. CTC: Yup
  1207. CAT: Hah.
  1208. CAT: You press the button.
  1209. CAC banned CCA from responding to memo.
  1210. CAT: The wall before you breaks in half, crumbling to the ground.
  1211. CURRENT godmoddedGolem [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  1212. CGG: thanks
  1213. CGG: what dıd I mıss
  1214. CTC: We got a gem friend
  1215. CAT: This reveals another path, lined with torches and a staircase.
  1216. CAT: But not really.
  1217. CAT: It is just an apatite stone thus far.
  1218. CAC: >Take wires from pedestal
  1219. CAT: You take the wires too, you kleptomaniac.
  1220. CAT: +1 Indestructible Crystalline Psiowire.
  1221. CAC: Damn, can't backtrack to loot the left oath
  1222. CAT: ((Damn straight.))
  1223. CAC: >Forward
  1224. CUC: >Loot the rest of the Centurion, if there's still anything to loot.
  1225. CTC: Oh yeah
  1226. CAC: >Take one of the torches
  1227. CAT: There's naught but the plates.
  1228. CTC: Azure is a klepto now
  1229. CAT: You take a torch.
  1230. CAC: >Forward
  1231. CUC: >Forward
  1232. CAT: She is the greatest technoklepto in Facet 9.
  1233. CAT: You move onwards.
  1234. CAT: The stairs are rather long, you must admit.
  1235. CAT: Perhaps this is to the roof of the compound?
  1236. CUC: Never know when you'll need some rare component to complete the perfect new device, after all.
  1237. CUC: Huh.
  1238. CTC: Isn't she the only klepto in Facet 9?
  1239. CUC: >Azure: Ascend to the highest point of the building.
  1240. CUC: >If this is to the roof, that is.
  1241. CAC: Never know what you might need to make a psionic coffee machine
  1242. CAT: You reach a door with a hand inscribed into it, along with two navy hashes in the center.
  1243. CAT made GG an OP.
  1244. CUC: Ohhh.
  1245. CUC: I see.
  1246. CAC: >Place hand
  1247. CAT: Yeah.
  1248. CUC: Place hand.
  1249. CAT: The door opens, revealing a dark room.
  1250. CUC: >Be glad you brought a torch
  1251. CAT: You are quite glad.
  1252. CAC: >Enter
  1253. CAT: But also REALLY fucking sore.
  1254. CAC: Crime pays
  1255. CAT: You look into the room.
  1256. CUC: >Enter
  1257. CTC: >sit the fuck down if you can
  1258. CUC: Ooh,
  1259. CUC: *,
  1260. CUC: *.
  1261. CUC: dammit
  1262. CAT: There's a lever, and a large stone slab, coated in fuchsia symbols you cannot understand.
  1263. CAT: There is yet another hand upon the base of the slab.
  1264. CAC: >Pull lever
  1265. CAT: Well, it is really more of a pillar.
  1266. CUC: >Are there any marks on the hand?
  1267. CAT: None.
  1268. CTC: >place your hand upon it
  1269. CAC: >Place hand
  1270. CUC: ^
  1271. CAT: It glows fuchsia.
  1272. CAT: ████████
  1273. CAT: (1/8, for Fseftr.)
  1274. CAC: Wat
  1275. CUC: Ooh.
  1276. CAC: 1/8 what
  1277. CUC: This really is HLD inspired.
  1278. CUC: I think I see.
  1279. CGG: one of 8 blahs
  1280. CAT: You feel a rush of cool air around you.
  1281. CAT: Dark liquid oozes from the edges of the structure.
  1282. CAT: Soon enough, it pools into a basin at its foot, an oily substance with a fuchsia sheen.
  1283. CAT: It looks like it wants you to take it.
  1284. CAT: You don't know how you know that.
  1285. CAC: >Take
  1286. CAT: How?
  1287. CAC: >Check for empty vials
  1288. CUC: ^
  1289. CAC: >Fill
  1290. CAT: None, but you probably have some shit you can mold into a vial with hydrokinetic hands.
  1291. CAC: >Make a container using some metal
  1292. CAT: Confirm?
  1293. CAT: You have a bit of indestructible crystalline material.
  1294. CAC: >Use that
  1295. CAT: Majority vote, please.
  1296. CUC: >Use the crystalline material.
  1297. CAC: Uc Gg Tc
  1298. CGG: >confırm
  1299. CAT: You scoop up as much of the substance as you can take.
  1300. CAT: +4 Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse.
  1301. CTC: Oh dear
  1302. CAC: Well
  1304. CAC: >Pull lever
  1305. CAT: *FROM.
  1306. CAC: Oh boy
  1307. CAT: You pull the lever.
  1308. CTC: We now are a servant of the Old Ones
  1309. CAT: You hear a grinding noise from back by the boss room.
  1310. CAT: The apatite stone in your hand grows nearer and nearer to body temperature.
  1311. CAC: >Return to boss room
  1312. CTC: >set stone down
  1313. CAT: You head back to see that the original door has been opened once more, and like that the first door has as well.
  1314. CAC: Why, no
  1315. CAT: You never picked it up?
  1316. CAC: >Head back to intersection
  1317. CTC: I thought regen would be happening
  1318. CAT: You end up back at the intersection. Every path is clear to go through. Even the left.
  1319. CAC: >Go to left, loot everything
  1320. CTC: I'd rather not have another being be reborn in our hands
  1321. CAT: You literally just tie all of the bodies together with some stronger wire, and start dragging them with you.
  1322. CUC: >Loot everything except the biosc -- HAH!
  1323. CUC: Nice!
  1324. CAC: >Take apart passcode door and loot its parts
  1325. CAT: Okay, that's too far.
  1326. CAT: Also, those are in the walls now.
  1327. CTC: This is getting stupod
  1328. CAT: Just take your corpses, and go.
  1329. CTC: *stupid
  1330. CTC: What are we even doing
  1331. CAT: Heading back to the ship?
  1332. CAC: >Head up
  1333. CAT: Then again, you did leave some friends back up on the surface.
  1334. CAT: At least a dozen.
  1335. CUC: >Do we still have that plasma cannon, and can we fire it somehow?
  1336. CAT: Yes, and maybe.
  1337. CAC: >Head up
  1338. CAT: You surface.
  1339. CAT: Red lines stop your path about ten feet in.
  1340. CAT: Would you like to engage in combat?
  1341. CAC: Yes
  1342. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  1344. CTC: Can we be nonviolent
  1345. CAC: Utilize Plasma Cannon
  1346. CAC: >
  1347. CAT: Majority vote for starship-grade plasma cannon use.
  1348. CAC: >Observe first tho
  1349. CTC: >^
  1350. CAT: Centurion Sentry: █████ HP. NOTES: A modified Centurion Sojourner redesigned to serve as a gatekeeper of an area. Incredibly deadly, but weak physically. Wields a copy of the infamous ψ-Bioschema.
  1351. CAT: (5/5 for Fseftr.)
  1352. CAC: >Utilize Plasma Cannon
  1353. CAC: UC, GG
  1354. CGG: sure
  1355. CUC: >Utilize plasma cannon, firing it through the greatest concentration of them.
  1356. CTC: >roll your eyes, don't these guys ever quit?
  1357. CAT: You utilize the plasma cannon.
  1358. CAT: You kill nine of them instantaneously, and severely damage the other three. The Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curses in your inventory seem to cackle maniacally, growing colder and colder with each destruction of a core.
  1359. CTC: Um
  1360. CTC: Oh god
  1361. CTC: Wait
  1362. CTC: Those had
  1363. CTC: ...
  1364. CAC: Whatever, whatever l.
  1365. CAT: Have you ever heard of gem shard cores?
  1366. CAT: Hah.
  1367. CUC: Shard cores.
  1368. CTC: I know
  1369. CTC: But still
  1370. CUC: So, happily, hopefully they weren't full gems.
  1371. CAT: ENEMY TURN.
  1372. CTC: Those were once people
  1373. CAT: You nearly get decapitated by a plasma blast, but instead take a hit to the arm.
  1374. CTC: Now I feel like a prick for laughing
  1375. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  1377. CAC: >Defend
  1378. CAC: With a shield
  1379. CAT: Of water?
  1380. CAC: Y
  1381. CAT: You tank most of the superheated plasma bursts.
  1382. CTC: >in the shape of a triangle
  1383. CAT: You have a split second to make a run for it. Will you?
  1384. CTC: >run
  1385. CAC: >Sure
  1386. CAT: UC?
  1387. CUC: >Run.
  1388. CAC: >Retrieve plasma cannon first tho
  1389. CAT: You make a run for it after grabbing the cannon, and are caught in the back, just below where that surgery was performed.
  1390. CAT: An apatite and a lapis lazuli stone fall to the ground, side-by-side.
  1391. CTC: Goddamnit
  1392. CAT: Good job.
  1393. CUC: Damn.
  1394. CAT: You regenerate, and grab the apatite.
  1395. CAT: Due to death, the enemies you damaged, but did not kill, are fully healed.
  1396. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  1397. CTC: >create a hand made of water
  1399. CAC: So what, being hit in the lower back is an instakill?
  1400. CAT: No, just really being hit at all.
  1401. CTC: >assault
  1402. CAT: These things are probably the second worst.
  1403. CAT: How?
  1404. CAT: Remember what these things are when you answer.
  1405. CAC: >See how far you are from ship
  1406. CAT: You haven't yet exited the walls.
  1407. CTC: >create a hand made of water, proceed to pimpslap
  1408. CAC: >Fire water through a core
  1409. CAC: ... No
  1410. CTC: Why
  1411. CAT: Would you like to impale some cores?
  1412. CAC: Yes
  1413. CAT: Majority vote for moral question.
  1414. CTC: >no
  1415. CAT: UC?
  1416. CAT: GG?
  1417. CAC: Morals, smorals
  1418. CTC: I want to disable them
  1419. CGG: ?
  1420. CTC: I mean
  1421. CTC: Perhaps it is a mercy kill
  1422. CAC: It's so much easier, do you want to die
  1423. CAT: Do you or do you not want to use a plasma cannon on some Centurions with gem shard cores?
  1424. CUC: >Try to disable the centurions.
  1425. CUC: >Do not destroy the cores.
  1426. CAT: Generic's vote decides it.
  1427. CGG: hmmmmm
  1428. CTC: >hand of pimpslap
  1429. CGG: no
  1430. CGG: 
  1431. CAT: You will SAVE THE CORES.
  1432. CAT: How will you do so?
  1433. CAC: >Blast them and worry about that after
  1434. CTC: >fuck the sadist Old One, disable their weapons by corroding the interior
  1435. CTC: >with water
  1436. CAT: You manage to take out two out of three.
  1437. CAT: ENEMY TURN.
  1438. CAT: You have a moment to react as a plasma beam careens toward you.
  1439. CAC: >Roll out of the way
  1440. CAT: You do so.
  1441. CTC: >do a barrel roll
  1442. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  1444. CAC: >Disable it with water, I guess
  1445. CAT: How so?
  1446. CAT: Spike to the head? Internal corrosion?
  1447. CAC: Hmm
  1448. CAC: >Corrosion
  1449. CAT: 3/3 Centurions slain.
  1450. CTC: >Loot the shit out of all of them
  1451. CAT: Would you like to extract the three remaining cores?
  1452. CAC: >Loot them too
  1453. CAT: Because there's no way in hell I'm letting you take anything other than cores until you unload at the ship.
  1454. CAC: >Take the cores and return to the ship
  1455. CAT: You pry plates art with aquahands, and retrive three pieces of some exotic gem that seem to fit together.
  1456. CAT: Sadly, there are a few smaller chips missing.
  1457. CTC: >push it together
  1458. CAC: Ah well.
  1459. CAC: >return to ship
  1460. CAT: Majority vote for returning to ship. Everyone should probably stick around for the unloading, just saying.
  1461. CUC: >Wonder if you can find someone with gem-fixing abilities.
  1462. CTC: >return to the ship and lonad
  1463. CUC: >Also, return and unload.
  1464. CTC: *load
  1465. CUC: ((Is Apatite going to reform?))
  1466. CAT: You have no idea. Perhaps you can use the Infinity Eye to do it, when you have all the SHARDS. It is designed to repair rifts.
  1467. CAT: ((2-1.))
  1468. CAT: You return to the ship.
  1469. CAT: Holy shit am I not going to record what you got until later.
  1470. CTC: >what
  1471. CAT: You just put it all in the material storage room, save the Blessing/Curses, and the apatite stone.
  1472. CTC: *What
  1473. CAT: ((On my notes.))
  1474. CTC: >name the Apatite?
  1475. CAT: Do you want to name the apatite stone>
  1476. CAC: >Go back out and loot the new corpses
  1477. CAT: *?
  1478. CAT: Loot later, name first.
  1479. CUC: >Name it Cyan for now.
  1480. CAC: ... Sure?
  1481. CAT: Cyan is the name, then. For now.
  1482. CTC: >Loot corpses
  1483. CAC: Why are you naming a stone
  1484. CAT: You go and steal some Sensors from the de-cored bodies.
  1485. CUC: It sent us a mental message.
  1486. CAT: Everything but a Lapis Stone for the Magnetizer, now.
  1487. CAC: Does it not have a name for itself tho
  1488. CAT: Strangelove seems to stare at you silently.
  1489. CAT: You can't tell, as they don't have eyes.
  1490. CAT: But it feels like it.
  1491. CTC: >greet Strangelove
  1492. CAC: >Ask him why he didn't say what the surgery was for
  1493. CAT: "HELLO MASTER."
  1494. CUC: We can ask it its name if it communicates with us again. Until then, it's Cyan.
  1496. CTC: >nod in approval
  1497. CAC: >So are automated medkits not a thing?
  1498. CTC: >and then glare at him
  1500. CAC: >Wonder if you have a last name
  1501. CAT: Oh, you do. Recall from the very beginning of this adventure?
  1502. CAC: no
  1503. CAT: "Your name is Azure █████.
  1504. CTC: >scream at the sheer copout
  1505. CAC: >Ask Strangelove about Cyan
  1506. CAT: You scream, then cry a little, and then you feel somewhat better.
  1507. CUC: ((My new headcanon is that her last name is Lapis. Just because.))
  1508. CAT: Just let it all out, Azure. It'll be mostly okay.
  1509. CTC: May I note his full name is Doctor Strangelove
  1510. CAT: ((Votes on this last name, then? Want to go with Crystal's?))
  1511. CAT: ((My personal vote is oui for it.))
  1512. CAC: I say Azure
  1513. CAC: As in Azure Azure
  1514. CAT: ((Yeah, no.))
  1515. CAC: Eh, sure, Lapis
  1516. CUC: ^
  1517. CAT: Your name is Azure Lapis, and you're pretty sure you have the second worst doctor in existence on your ship.
  1518. CAT: The first, of course, has now gone online on Skype.
  1519. CUC: Hah, plus this way her name literally means 'blue stone'.
  1520. CAT: ((Aye.))
  1521. CAC: >Crash for about twelve hours, screw Delta.
  1522. CTC: >greet ((David was it?))
  1523. CAC: Or whoever
  1524. CTC: *Delta
  1525. CAT: Delta can wait, you decide.
  1526. CAT: Before crashing, why not plot a course to the next Sector, to make use of sleeping time?
  1527. CAC: Did we visit that second island?
  1528. CUC: >What paths are there?
  1529. CAT: The second island had nothing of value according to scans, and the other Sectors with SHARDS in them are probably the best options.
  1530. CAC: >Path to the closest one
  1531. CUC: >^
  1532. CAT: There are two equally close.
  1533. CAT: In Psi and in Nu.
  1534. CTC: >"Computer plot a course to the Psi sector."
  1535. CAT: Votes?
  1536. CAC: Sure, Psi
  1537. CTC: >You need to stop watching Star Trek
  1538. CUC: >Psi.
  1539. CAT: Eh, your dad is more of the Star Trek fan, you think to yourself.
  1540. CUC: *yawns*
  1541. CAT: You plot a course to the Psi Sector.
  1542. CUC: After Azure crashes, so too shall I.
  1543. CAT: You turn to go crash for like twelve hours, and see the apatite stone floating in the air, glowing with cyan energies.
  1544. CUC: >Gasp?
  1545. CAT: You do nothing but sort of look on it, yawning somewhat.
  1546. CAC: >Ignore it
  1547. CAT: Nah.
  1548. CAT: You watch it.
  1549. CTC: >"Sup."
  1550. CAT: Also, you weld the ship hatch shut quickly as it happens.
  1551. CAT: A cyan form, appears, and some girl around your age drops to the floor of your ship, near a few severed bits of that bisected lupine corpse you missed in the incineration.
  1552. CAT: Please enter command.
  1553. CAC: >Hello
  1554. CUC: >"Hello?"
  1555. CTC: >"Sup."
  1556. CAT: Which greeting do we go for, hmm?
  1557. CTC: >You've stopped giving a shit at this point
  1558. CAT: You go for a slurred 'sup'.
  1559. CAT: "..."
  1561. CTC: >"Welcome to my world"
  1562. CUC: "Welcome to my world."
  1563. CAC: Did I miss something?
  1564. CAT: Long story short, she starts screaming, you start tiredly blinking, and the narrator asks if you wish to save your game.
  1565. CAT: "CAT: "..." CAT: "WHAT IS GOING ON OH MY GOD.""
  1566. CUC: >Yes. Save.
  1567. CAC: Yes
  1568. CAT: Saving game...
  1569. CAT: Saving game...
  1570. CAT: Saving game...
  1571. CAT: Game saved.
  1572. CAT: Would you like to quit your game?
  1573. CUC: >Yes.
  1574. CAC: Yes
  1575. CTC: >N but Yes
  1576. CAC: Now, I'm going to... Probably not sleep tbh
  1577. CAT: Alright, done.
  1578. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  1579. CAT: Good night, and good game, really.
  1580. CAT: That was the best session yet.
  1581. CUC: gg.
  1582. CUC: Now, I must to bed.
  1583. CUC: Bye.
  1584. CAT: Good night.
  1585. CUC ceased responding to memo.
  1586. CTC: Ciao
  1587. CTC: To
  1588. CTC: Crystal
  1589. CTC: And
  1590. CAT: I'm going to ban you two now to clear this thing out.
  1591. CTC: Dead
  1592. CAT: Good night.
  1593. CTC: Seppuku
  1594. CTC ceased responding to memo.
  1595. CAT banned CGG, PGG from responding to memo: [Session over.].
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