

Nov 30th, 2016
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  1. Erelye: **A B Y S S A L ~~8~~ O D D I T Y**
  3. [**R4-██ approved guidelines: **]
  4. TwinBuilder: PLAY GAME
  5. Yung Venuz: It's time.
  6. Yung Venuz: >Play Game.
  7. crystalcat: Play Game.
  8. Nomble: Play.
  9. Erelye: [*Hmm. Are you sure you want to do that?*]
  10. TwinBuilder: No, suddenly
  11. TwinBuilder: SOLIDUS?
  12. crystalcat: ^
  13. Yung Venuz: **/**
  14. Erelye: [**ИЙЛЦО ВЫР... **]
  15. Erelye: [**Vul zvirci al rvih...**]
  16. Erelye: [**Welcome to the high-security information database of Grayhold Citadel, Facet 1. Would you like to proceed? Y/N.**]
  17. TwinBuilder: Y
  18. crystalcat: Y
  19. Yung Venuz: Y
  20. Nomble: y
  22. Erelye: [**/** / **/** / **/** / **/** / **/** / EXIT]
  23. TwinBuilder: what the shit.
  24. crystalcat: Uh.
  25. crystalcat: What?
  26. TwinBuilder: first /
  27. Nomble: **/**
  28. crystalcat: >/
  29. Erelye: [**Please identify yourself as Р5-МУШАРРАФ class personnel to access the mainframe of the SOLIDUS artificial intelligence.**]
  30. TwinBuilder: Do we know any passwords for MUSHARRAF?
  31. Nomble: [You do (it?) for her...] is the second thing in dren.
  32. Erelye: [**You do not have the appropriate password.**]
  33. crystalcat: I know IMME-DRAXIS' password, does that help?
  34. Erelye: [**Enter it.**]
  35. crystalcat: judgement/hand
  36. Erelye: [**ERROR: Incorrect password.**]
  37. crystalcat: dangit.
  38. crystalcat: I was sure.
  39. TwinBuilder: back, second /
  40. Erelye: [**ЛОЦАТ: ДИАП.
  42. АРЦАТУМ: /.
  43. СТР. СЕРИЕС: / ? ? ?.**]
  44. TwinBuilder: LOCAT: DIAP.
  46. ARCATUM: /.
  47. STR. SERIES: / ? ? ?
  48. Erelye: [**Idleness detected on classified document. Connection termination imminent.**]
  49. TwinBuilder: no wait
  50. Nomble: >move mouse rapidly to indicate nonidleness
  51. Erelye: [**Termination confirmed. Thank you for your time.**]
  52. Pope Cipurr: ha
  53. TwinBuilder: third /
  56. TwinBuilder: ..........................................................
  57. TwinBuilder: BACK
  58. Yung Venuz: hahahhaha
  59. Erelye: [**/** / **/** / **/** / **/** / **/** / EXIT]
  60. Nomble: what is that drenovian even
  61. both pi and pe
  62. TwinBuilder:
  63. Nomble: >exit
  64. TwinBuilder: exit
  65. Erelye: [*thankfuck.rthuestoc*]
  66. Yung Venuz: hhahahaha
  67. Yung Venuz: anyway
  69. [**R4-██ approved guidelines: **]
  70. TwinBuilder: play game
  71. Yung Venuz: >PLAY GAME
  72. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  73. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  74. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  75. Erelye: [**Game loaded successfully.**]
  76. TwinBuilder: ...examine surroundings?
  77. Erelye: [**Everything is black. You can feel a burning sensation on your chest.**]
  78. Yung Venuz: iirc grey diamond went all smoky berserk rage
  79. TwinBuilder: > are you asleep?
  80. Yung Venuz: and asked us if we wanted to die
  81. Erelye: [**You're not quite sure.**]
  82. Yung Venuz: >Attempt to move limbs
  83. Erelye: [**You attempt to flail, only to find your hand waving through thin air. You can certainly move your body.**]
  84. TwinBuilder: > Touch your chest.
  85. Erelye: [**You touch your hand to your chest. Sliding your fingers down toward the burning, your hand suddenly plunges *inwards*. You feel like your hand is on fire.**]
  86. Nomble: > Open eyes and move hand away
  87. Erelye: [**You open your eyes. Everything is still black. Your hand does not feel like it is on fire anymore.**]
  88. TwinBuilder: hshshshshshsh no thank you
  89. Jondanger23: >Attempt to locate a wall or any other object
  90. Erelye: [**There is nothing.**]
  91. Erelye: [**Save for you, your clothing, and an infinite void, of course.**]
  92. Nomble: > stand up?
  93. Erelye: [**You rise. The sensation of the floor's existence disappears, yet you still continue to stand.**]
  94. Nomble: do we have anything to generate light with?
  95. Erelye: [**The warm azure glow coming from the cracks in your sunglasses.**]
  96. Nomble: > light up chest
  97. Erelye: [**You divert the light to your chest. In the direct center of your body, you find a white slash, inscribed into the flesh. As soon as the light touches it, it begins to glow of its own accord, spitting forth blinding white waves of light. A star in the darkness.**]
  98. Nomble: > inspect surroundings
  99. Yung Venuz: **/**?
  100. Erelye: [**There's naught around you, save for a tall, thin, faceless entity sitting in the lotus position upon a high rectangular brick.**]
  101. TwinBuilder: it colon.
  102. Erelye: [**It's that pure black entity that spoke a single word to you behind the makeshift Gate.**]
  103. TwinBuilder: AH. yes.
  104. TwinBuilder: will it speak to us again?
  105. Erelye: [**Try and find out.**]
  106. TwinBuilder: > "...Hello?"
  107. Erelye: [**Its head shifts to stare at you. You get the feeling that if it had eyes, it would be looking at the solidus upon your chest.**]
  108. Erelye: [**”*Пять ноль.*”**]
  109. Yung Venuz: Pjat’ nol’
  110. Yung Venuz: brb
  111. Nomble: [”Pjat’ nol’.”]
  112. what
  113. TwinBuilder: > translate [Pjat' nol']?
  114. TwinBuilder: wait a minute,
  115. TwinBuilder: don't do that.
  116. Erelye: [**ERROR: The translator is not equipped to deal with modern languages.**]
  117. Yung Venuz: back
  118. TwinBuilder: > "Fifty? Fifty what?"
  119. Erelye: [**The being shakes its head. Staring at the thing, the void collapses around you, into a singular tunnel. In instants, you find yourself standing right next to the thing on the block as the world reforms. It raises a hand, raising four long fingers. It brings a second hand up to them, and puts two fingers down.**]
  120. TwinBuilder: examine surroundings
  121. Erelye: [**You appear to be standing in a rotted stone city, devoid of any inhabitants, save for you two. There is no sky, and the corners of your vision dance with an inky corruption.**]
  122. TwinBuilder: head through stone city to try and find any noticable landmarks
  123. Erelye: [**You are upon the monolithic rectangular block, seemingly fifty meters above the street.**]
  124. TwinBuilder: can't exactly walk through, then. try to look around for anything else of importance? if that fails, ask the being if he can show you anything else of importance.
  125. Erelye: [**You can't see anything. When you ask, the being simply stands, and pushes you off of the side of the block with one hand.**]
  126. Yung Venuz: rip
  127. TwinBuilder: > ready your wings and fly
  128. Erelye: [**As you fall, you note the sides of the block are covered in hundreds of jagged gashes and marks, each forming the number five thousand eighty-two. Your wings bring the plummeting to an abrupt end.**]
  129. TwinBuilder: examine gashes and marks closer.
  130. Erelye: [**You look more closely. The gashes all appear to be composed of the word 'КАЛАИНЦИ,' sliced into the stone carefully.**]
  131. Yung Venuz: KALAINC
  132. TwinBuilder: KALAINCI. kind of sounds like "to say."
  133. TwinBuilder: which is "KALAINK."
  134. Nomble: (you) say
  135. TwinBuilder: just figured that out.
  136. TwinBuilder: > Say "five thousand eighty two."
  137. Erelye: [**You speak emptily to the rectangular block's side, far below the top. Nothing happens.**]
  138. TwinBuilder: fly back up to the top and say it, then.
  139. Erelye: [**You speak to the entity. The first two words don't appear to make any sound as they leave your lips. The last two, however, elicit a nod from the being. It beckons you.**]
  140. TwinBuilder: > Come forward.
  141. Yung Venuz: > Go Forth.
  142. Erelye: [**You come to meet the being. It rises, at least a meter and a half taller than you.**]
  143. Erelye: [**A split second of silence breaking the periods in two, the entity grabs you up in an almost... *harsh* embrace.**]
  144. Erelye: [**The burning in your core grows infinitely stronger. You can barely take it.**]
  145. Nomble: >look at chest
  146. Erelye: [**You look down. Your lower body appears to be melding with that of the entity.**]
  147. TwinBuilder: ...should we let this happen.
  148. Nomble: uhhh
  149. Yung Venuz: ye
  150. Yung Venuz: **/** is healthy
  151. TwinBuilder: > Let it.
  152. Erelye: [**You enter the being, and it enters you. You vaguely feel yourself screaming at the *unbearable*, soul-crushing inferno that is the solidus upon and within you. Right next to your ear, you hear the entity whispering a lullaby in an incomprehensible dark tongue, as if to comfort you.**]
  153. TwinBuilder: utter, to the deepest recesses of your soul, "daddy no"
  154. Erelye: [**Are you sure?**]
  155. Nomble: don't do that
  156. Yung Venuz: ^
  157. TwinBuilder: fine. don't do that.
  158. Nomble: >inspect surroundings?
  159. Erelye: [**It whispers one last word to you, as the city disappears. "Naut."**]
  160. Erelye: [**...**]
  161. Erelye: [**...**]
  162. Erelye: [**Everything is black again.**]
  163. Erelye: [**You... you don't think you can breathe.**]
  164. Nomble: Are we suffocating?
  165. TwinBuilder:
  166. TwinBuilder: try moving.
  167. Erelye: [**You move your legs, feeling them slide against a cold stone floor. Your eyes are closed.**]
  168. TwinBuilder: open your eyes.
  169. TwinBuilder: wake.
  170. Erelye: [**You open your eyes, to find smoke pouring about in the massive greeting hall. Basiliscus appears to be attempting to cover your nose and mouth with a gauntleted hand, as if to protect you from the fumes.**]
  171. TwinBuilder: is your chest burning>?
  172. Erelye: [**No. You can feel a cold twinge, however.**]
  173. TwinBuilder: stay still until the smoke subsides?
  174. TwinBuilder: or, is it unlikely that it *will* subside.
  175. Erelye: [**It seems pretty unlikely. The stuff is incredibly thick. Basiliscus appears to be holding her active greatsword off to the side in her other hand, the hard-light casting some semblance of an energy emission into the darkness.**]
  176. TwinBuilder: are you capable of speech?
  177. Erelye: [**Muffled, but yes.**]
  178. TwinBuilder: ask basiliscus what in the flying fuck is going on.
  179. Erelye: [**The Venator's fully-helmeted face comes to stare you down, the thin black visor obscuring her eyes. A mechanical voice responds.**]
  180. Erelye: ["That damn Sentinel left after fucking impaling you. I think the place is collapsing."]
  181. TwinBuilder: "Can we escape??"
  182. Erelye: [**A low mechanized chuckle is all you get in response for a second.** "With the condition that you allow me to do whatever is necessary to get us out unharmed."]
  183. Yung Venuz: >Quickly examine for lack of structical integrity
  184. TwinBuilder: Define 'whatever is necessary.'
  185. Yung Venuz: ^
  186. Erelye: ["You don't stop me if I have to blow a hole in this place."]
  187. Yung Venuz: (leaning on "Eh. Sure.")
  188. Nomble: (^)
  189. Erelye: [**Please enter a definite response.**]
  190. Nomble: >"Sure."
  191. Erelye: [**BASILISCUS removes her hand from your face, instead pulling you a few steps forward. You can vaguely see the bubble of energy that contained your friends.**]
  192. Erelye: ["Alright. Watch and learn."]
  193. Erelye: [**You watch as BASILISCUS casually deactivates the bubble, and impales each of your allies, one by one. She pockets the gems.**]
  194. Nomble: uhhh
  195. Erelye: ["Shall we go."]
  196. Nomble: >Escape with BASILISCUS
  197. Yung Venuz: That is an effective way.
  198. Yung Venuz: >Escape
  199. Erelye: [**The two of you dive off into a side chamber, and again into something that looks to be a small starcraft. The door hisses shut behind you, and the engines activate. BASILISCUS taps a few buttons, and the ship is launched out into space.**]
  200. crystalcat: ...Undeniably effective, if a bit amoral.
  201. Yung Venuz: Yeah.
  202. Yung Venuz: Might cause some distrust issues, but eh
  203. TwinBuilder: Well. That was. Something.
  204. Erelye: [**A cool voice from the speakers states "Pi Sector. Twenty minutes left until arrival."**]
  205. TwinBuilder: Did... We just leave our ship behind.
  206. Erelye: ["Yes."]
  207. Yung Venuz: It was wrecked anyway
  208. TwinBuilder: "So. Mind giving an explanation of what exactly happened back there."
  209. Erelye: [**BASILISCUS takes off her helm, laughing to herself.** "You passed out, I stabbed the Sentinel, it nearly blew my arm off, and then it vanished."]
  210. Erelye: ["That temple is *beyond* wrecked. I hope you like the entire Parliament being on your ass."]
  211. TwinBuilder: "Ah, shit."
  212. Yung Venuz: RIP
  213. TwinBuilder: "...The Parliament. Who exactly *are* they?"
  214. Erelye: ["There's an easy way to articulate that, actually. Quite helpful."]
  215. Erelye: [":/: O /|\ O :\:"]
  216. TwinBuilder: How does that sound when spoken.
  217. Erelye: [**It sounds kind of like the crackling of a campfire with someone's face being torn off in the background, along with a few droplets of water striking a lake at the beginning and end of the word.**]
  218. Yung Venuz: Nice.
  219. TwinBuilder: "I... see."
  220. TwinBuilder: "Do you know who any of the members are?"
  221. Erelye: ["No. Nobody does."]
  222. Yung Venuz: "So, is it just a bunch of owls?"
  223. Erelye: ["There are obviously people behind those masks."]
  224. Erelye: ["I've never seen any, but I swear to any nonexistent deity out there that the Librarian is a reptilian."]
  225. TwinBuilder: Vyr.
  226. TwinBuilder: "...So, what now?"
  227. TwinBuilder: (I meant Vyr as in a brief period of silence)
  228. TwinBuilder: "Are you joining us in the Pi Sector?"
  229. Erelye: ["No."]
  230. Erelye: ["I've things to do, like not get stabbed by my wonderful superior."]
  231. TwinBuilder: "Why is she upset at you?" ((If this was said earlier and I've forgotten, just have the narrato answer))
  232. Erelye: ["Presumably because I threatened to kill you and betrayed her right to her face."]
  233. TwinBuilder: "Betrayed her?"
  234. Erelye: ["That comes with the threatening to kill you part."]
  235. TwinBuilder: "She wants me alive, then."
  236. Erelye: ["You're the backup plan, as far as I can tell."]
  237. Erelye: ["Backup salvation. Vul zvirci al rvih, and all that nonsense."]
  238. TwinBuilder: "...What's the original plan."
  239. Erelye: ["The Gate."]
  240. TwinBuilder: ((I'm remembering this, now.))
  241. TwinBuilder: ((It was from our last one-on-one conversation with Grey, right?))
  242. Erelye: [**BASILISCUS turns from the controls to stare at you directly.** "If she asks you for that octahedron, *deny* her."]
  243. TwinBuilder: > ...Nod.
  244. Erelye: ["Good. Also, as I can tell from the scans, there are a few other ships landing in Pi as well, so have fun with that."]
  245. Erelye: [**The door to the ship slides open, and the landing platform shoots out of the side of the craft whilst you are in flight.**]
  246. TwinBuilder: ...are we hurtling through space now, or
  247. Erelye: [**You aren't dead, so you take that as a no.**]
  248. TwinBuilder: but were we just forcibly ejected
  249. Erelye: [**BASILISCUS grins, a sparkle in her eyes.** "You've got about five seconds to jump before I push you out myself."]
  250. TwinBuilder: "What about my friends??"
  251. Erelye: ["Four. Three. Two."]
  252. TwinBuilder: JUMP
  253. Yung Venuz: still in her pocket
  254. TwinBuilder: WAIT NO
  255. Erelye: [**You leap out of the side of the ship.**]
  256. Nomble: should we
  257. make sure they come with us
  258. TwinBuilder: SHIT
  259. crystalcat: Well, welcome to Azure Messes Up: The Memo Game.
  260. crystalcat: Lost ship and comrades all in one fell swoop.
  261. Nomble: >create makeshift grappling hook and grapple back up
  262. Erelye: [**The door immediately slams back into place behind you, and the craft streaks through space before you at lightspeed.**]
  263. TwinBuilder: amazing.
  264. crystalcat: Water wings!
  265. Erelye: [**You are now plummeting to the earth below.**]
  266. Nomble: which definition of earth
  267. crystalcat: Summon wings.
  268. Bomber57: Activate the wings.
  269. TwinBuilder: what part of "lightspeed" don't you get
  270. Nomble: ^
  271. Yung Venuz: ^
  272. TwinBuilder: "the 'speed' part"
  273. TwinBuilder: anyway use wings to gracefully drift down to the earth below
  274. Erelye: [**You catch yourself in midair. You note three ships coming down to a landing some distance from you as you soar down gracefully.**]
  275. crystalcat: Hey, canon Lapis got to Homeworld in much less than even a year.
  276. crystalcat: That implies superluminal flight, *somehow*.
  277. crystalcat: But yeah.
  278. Nomble: >go to ships
  279. Erelye: /AFK. Start Daddyquest, possibly. If not, just wait.
  280. TwinBuilder: ...
  281. TwinBuilder: *nasty grin*
  282. crystalcat: WELP
  283. Erelye: /UNAFK. @here
  284. Yung Venuz: ye
  285. Yung Venuz: y
  286. Erelye: [**You touch to the ground in a monolithic, rotting stone city. You are right behind a building on the edge of some once-magnificent courtyard that you can't yet see. The ships landed on some other end of it, you think.**]
  287. Nomble: fly above ships & inspect
  288. Erelye: [**Are you sure?**]
  289. Nomble: yes
  290. Erelye: [**You fly above the ships, only to see about twenty rubies standing alert, facing them. As if they were entitled to be there, five figures step out of the main ship. The rubies appear to brace themselves, fusing into massive copies of themselves. One of the figures from the ship stares you directly in the eyes.**]
  291. Nomble: Anyone here think we can steal a ship?
  292. Erelye: @here
  293. Nomble: welp
  294. Nomble: >"Hi."
  295. Erelye: [**The figure staring at you observes your greeting, and then calmly questions you, some sort of claymore in hand.**]
  296. Erelye: [**"월-얼애 벙-왜?"**]
  297. Nomble: Mon-Eric-Why?
  298. Nomble: >translate "월-얼애 벙-왜" if that wasn't correct
  299. Erelye: [**INPUT: New Carinian; "월-얼애 벙-왜."**]
  301. Nomble: You are gem core (?use)?
  302. Nomble: How many credits do we have left?
  303. Erelye: [**Probably four or so.**]
  304. Nomble: Oh.
  305. Nomble: >"Maybe?"
  306. Erelye: [**The being immediately mutters something to one of their compatriots, the only one there wielding some sort of swordspear. The exotically-armed one looks to you for a moment, mutters something to the first figure, and then directs their attention to the rubies.**]
  307. Erelye: [**Do you interfere?**]
  308. crystalcat: I personally say we leave now.
  309. Nomble: I'm thinking we steal a ship and chase BASILISCUS
  310. Nomble: What's in our inventory?
  311. crystalcat: We don't even know where she went.
  312. Erelye: [*That oracle of yours is lazy as hell, and hasn't updated the inventory since you screamed at him over an unfair boss.*]
  313. crystalcat: Hah.
  314. crystalcat: I suppose we can... just reach out and...
  315. crystalcat: check the link.
  316. Erelye: []
  317. Nomble: welp can't get worse
  318. > stealth to their ship
  319. Erelye: [*I'll be incredibly blatant with you all. These guys are _literally_ sneople.*]
  320. Bomber57: Actual sneople? Oh dang.
  321. Nomble: is it the parliament
  322. crystalcat: Oh, hey, Malpeiyc.
  323. Erelye: [*They aren't the Parliament. And hello, meatsack number indefinite number.*]
  324. Nomble: If I may suggest, they be meatsack number 121058722813444096, to make it easier for you?
  325. crystalcat: Any advice you feel like giving re: the current situation? AOr are you just here to comment?
  326. TwinBuilder: "AOr"
  327. TwinBuilder: I return.
  328. Erelye: [*One word of advice, sure.*]
  329. crystalcat: That was intentional.
  330. Erelye: [*Run.*]
  331. crystalcat: Welp.
  332. Erelye: [**A massive ruby advances up to one of the beings, and is immediately stabbed through the giant chest by a claymore.**]
  333. TwinBuilder: RUN
  334. Nomble: I'm thinking-
  335. crystalcat: RUN
  336. Nomble: run
  337. Erelye: [**The ruby explodes into dust, and a screeching sound of untold proportions echoes from the hilt of the blade impaling it. The gems are blown into *dust* as you run.**]
  338. TwinBuilder: HOLY ***FUCK***
  339. crystalcat: Oh, crap.
  340. TwinBuilder: for a sec I thought they were using the breaking point
  341. crystalcat: Are those the original creators of the Gems? I seem to remember something about them.
  342. crystalcat: Carinian, and all that.
  343. Erelye: [**The sneople immediately slay all twenty or so rubies in about six seconds, and more exit their ships. They all notice you as you run into the courtyard.**]
  345. Nomble: fly away
  346. crystalcat: They certainly seem to have good anti-gem weaponry.
  347. crystalcat: Take wing.
  348. crystalcat: Fly, Azure! Flyyyyyyyy!
  349. Nomble: If I may, they're literally Hitler, it seems. Gem genocide, and all.
  350. crystalcat: Hah.
  351. crystalcat: Perhaps.
  352. Erelye: [**You take flight. Immediately, you feel as if you are being electrocuted, a hot feeling entering your body from your lower leg. You drop to the ground, a Carinian sniper rifle smoking from the edge of the courtyard.**]
  354. TwinBuilder: can we tap into the latent power of the solidus burned into our chest
  355. crystalcat: Erelye did ask us if we were sure back when someone said to get to the ships.
  356. Nomble: Make the Waling Stone screech them to death.
  357. Nomble: Erelye also asked if we were sure when we said >PLAY GAME.
  358. TwinBuilder: that was a distaction
  359. Nomble: how would I know this *wasn't*.
  360. Erelye: [**Speaking of that, green one, you look around desperately, and see the black figure from your dreams sitting on an abandoned crate next to a royal-looking aperture.**]
  361. TwinBuilder: can we run to them?
  362. Erelye: [**None of the sneople pay it any mind, as if it wasn't actually there. As to running, you can try.**]
  363. Nomble: >yell "HELP" at the figure
  364. Erelye: [**The figure simply points to the gateway beside it in response.**]
  365. Nomble: >get to the gateway
  366. crystalcat: GET TO THE ~~CHOPPAH~~ GATEWAY
  367. Erelye: [**You scramble to the gate. You can feel sonic blasts blowing stone to shards on the wall beside you as you duck in. The figure isn't there anymore.**]
  368. Erelye: [**There is nothing in the room you stand within, save for an entrance to a hallway on the far end of the chamber.**]
  369. crystalcat: To the entrance, then!
  370. Erelye: [**You rush down the metal-plated hallway as several of the figures enter the first room.**]
  371. Nomble: >inspect surroundings
  372. Erelye: [**You are now in a circular chamber with computer screens lining the walls, and several interfaces before them. A central sort of dowel-extruder with a number of slots sits in the center of the room, the top cylinder marked by a simple V. There is an object on the thing, beside the central mechanism.**]
  373. crystalcat: I wouldn't recommend staying too long, the Carinians are still coming.
  374. Nomble: >inspect object
  375. Erelye: [**Analog Stick: A corotite rod capped on either end by two lights. The top glows cyan, the bottom maroon. The device appears to be designed for modulating and operating a gateway neodestabilizer.** *As above (🔻), so below (🔺).*]
  376. Nomble: We should see if there's a way to murder/snare/remove them.
  377. crystalcat: Is there a door we can close.
  378. Erelye: [**The blast door right at your end of the hall, yes.**]
  379. crystalcat: Close that door!
  380. Nomble: ^
  381. Erelye: [**The metal device hisses as it locks into position. Immediately after, five sets of lamps light themselves up on the circular interface board circling the chamber.**]
  382. crystalcat: Examine lamps.
  383. crystalcat: Also, to be clear, that door is keeping the Carinians out, right?
  384. Erelye: [**For now.**]
  385. crystalcat: Well, yeah. It bought some time.
  386. Erelye: [**The lamps appear to be separating the board into five different masses of symbols and/or mechanisms.**]
  387. TwinBuilder: examine symbols.
  388. Nomble: And mechanisms.
  389. Erelye: [**There is an interface port for some sort of control rod right below each lamp, for reference.**]
  390. Erelye: [**The first lamp has the image of fire directly below it.**]
  391. Erelye: [**The second lamp bears the visage of an upward triangle below it, with a glass tube filled with water directly below that.**]
  392. Erelye: [**The third lamp appears to be guarding a flashing light you think you'd have to examine more closely to fully comprehend.**]
  393. Erelye: [**The fourth lamp is next to a tank of roiling magma adorned with a bold sticker and an arrow pointing to the rod interface.**]
  394. Yung Venuz: kek
  395. Erelye: [**The fifth lamp lights up a key already in a keyhole on the board, a set of four miniature red lights, and a microphone with a post-it on it.**]
  396. TwinBuilder: examine post it.
  397. Yung Venuz: >Inspect third lame more closely.
  398. Nomble: and the bold sticker
  399. Erelye: [**The post-it reads 'Furati, VI,' and the sticker with the arrow *“ИАСАС. НО.”* The blast door begins to heat up.**]
  400. TwinBuilder: HASHAHA
  401. TwinBuilder: tha says IASAS. NO. I feel like I should know what that is
  402. Nomble: we should hurry up
  403. TwinBuilder: what about the third lamp's flame?
  404. Erelye: [**The light appears to be going in a peculiar sequence. Yellow, then green. White, then pink, then the two mix together to form some sort of cyan, however illogically.**]
  405. Nomble: put the cyan end in the third lamp's slot?
  406. Erelye: [**The third lamp and the third light on the fifth section's board turn green.**]
  407. TwinBuilder: put the cyan end in the second lamp's slot.
  408. Erelye: [**Some sort of magmatic analog weapon stabs itself through the bottom left corner of the blast door.**]
  409. crystalcat: Ah, crap.
  410. crystalcat: Welp, exit stage left?
  411. TwinBuilder: put the orange end in the first and fourth lamps' slots.
  412. Erelye: [**The second lamp and the second miniature light on the fifth section's board turn green.**]
  413. Erelye: [**The first lights turn green. Nothing happens with the fourth lights.**]
  414. TwinBuilder: cyan, then
  415. Erelye: [**Nothing happens.**]
  416. TwinBuilder: EXCUSE ME
  417. TwinBuilder: do we need to melt the rod, or something? or heat it?
  418. Erelye: [**A calm voice on a speaker above speaks as you deliberate. "Wave your hand over the interface if you wish to clear an input."**]
  419. TwinBuilder: do so
  420. Erelye: [**The input is cleared. A red button, a cyan button, and a gray button pop out of the side of this section of the board as you do so.**]
  421. TwinBuilder: do we only have to press one button, or multiple?
  422. Erelye: [**One.**]
  423. TwinBuilder: red
  424. Erelye: [**The fourth lights turn red.**]
  425. TwinBuilder: hhhhhhh grey
  426. Erelye: [**The magmatic analog cuts its way through the door almost entirely. The fourth lights turn green.**]
  427. TwinBuilder: okay all lights green, NOW WHAT
  429. Erelye: [**The voice speaks again. "Ninety-five percent active. Utilize starter mechanism, and enter key-phrase."**]
  430. Nomble: turn key
  431. TwinBuilder: PAUSE, translate IASAS. NO.
  432. Erelye: [**The fifth lamp flashes blue, purple, yellow, and red, and the microphone activates.**]
  433. Erelye: [**INPUT: IASAS. NO.**]
  434. TwinBuilder: ....................
  435. Erelye: [**OUTPUT: DANGER. NO.**]
  436. TwinBuilder: OH.
  437. TwinBuilder: speak DANGER?
  438. Erelye: [**"Error. Incorrect phrase. The neodestabilizer will detonate in forty-five seconds if you do not enter the correct key-phrase."**]
  439. TwinBuilder: HOLY SHIT
  440. TwinBuilder: @here HELP
  441. Nomble: >translate Furati, VI,
  442. Erelye: [*The thing reads fucking Furati VI, you know.*]
  443. Erelye: [**ERROR: Phrase not in another language.**]
  444. Nomble: but pause firs-
  445. TwinBuilder: say furati VI?
  446. Nomble: >"Furati VI"
  447. Yung Venuz: rip
  448. Erelye: [**"Error. Incorrect phrase. The neodestabilizer will detonate in twenty-five seconds."**]
  449. Nomble: >"FURATI"
  450. TwinBuilder: > "ɮoअʑɣ पॢॡѦЊ ɕΦѦҒѮʑɟ"
  451. Yung Venuz: do we have any ophiumdum on hand
  452. Erelye: [**You speak the sacred words. The fifth lamp flashes green.**]
  453. TwinBuilder: YES
  454. Erelye: [**"Activating. Please stand back."**]
  455. Yung Venuz: i was gonna take us to meet a blood god
  456. Yung Venuz: but ok
  457. Nomble: >stand back
  458. Erelye: [**The cover of the neodestabilizer's central cylinder slides off, and what appears to be a twisting and warping rift in spacetime opens up right before your eyes, crowning the mechanism. The blast door is kicked inwards, the metal collapsing to the ground. Ten Carinian soldiers stand behind it.**]
  459. Yung Venuz: shall we
  460. Nomble: >dive into the rift while punching them with a water fist
  461. Erelye: [**You dive into the rift, and attempt to punch the soldiers with a water fist. It doesn't really affect them in any manner whatsoever.**]
  462. Erelye: [**The world warps and flows around you, cosmic energies streaking through the tunnel through existence.**]
  463. Nomble: >make sure it closes behind us
  464. Erelye: [**You're not quite sure how you'd be able to know that.**]
  465. Nomble: >by smashing the rift when we exit?
  466. Erelye: [**You couldn't touch the rift. Merely enter it.**]
  467. Nomble: >where are we right now
  468. Erelye: [**Space and time continue to warp around you, the cosmos singing their unseen tune to your senses. You don't know if you're coming, going, or even on a journey at all.**]
  469. TwinBuilder: enjoy the ride?
  470. Nomble: >attempt to redirect travels to BASILSCUS though mind powers, if it fails enjoy ride
  471. Erelye: [**You aren't sure there *is* a ride at all, let alone, how to manipulate it. Everything seems to be flowing *around* you, not sending you anywhere.**]
  472. TwinBuilder: the solidus the key?
  473. Erelye: [*I'll repeat this for you. Unseen tune of the cosmos.*]
  474. TwinBuilder: hm.
  475. Nomble: >make music
  476. TwinBuilder: put on the glasses and close your eyes?
  477. Nomble: >actually ^
  478. TwinBuilder: failing that, make MUSIC
  479. Erelye: [**You enter the cosmos.**]
  480. Erelye: [**Within, you find yourself standing in a coherent stone chamber, no trace of stellar residue about.**]
  481. TwinBuilder: ...oh.
  482. Erelye: [**There are six doors on your left.**]
  483. TwinBuilder: enter first door to the left
  484. Nomble: wait
  485. Erelye: [**Do you wish to enter the door bearing the sign of the alous? There is also an inscription on the wall above the signs.**]
  486. Nomble: >look through first door
  487. Nomble: >actually inspect doors
  488. TwinBuilder: inspect inscription
  489. Erelye: [**The first door bears the alous. The second, solidus. Third, semicolon. Fourth, colon. Fifth, asterisk. Sixth, silcrow.**]
  490. Erelye: [**The inscription is directly above some sort of handle on the wall. It reads 'ВИС ДИОГАГИЦУС ВУЛ ПЕИЫЦТ.'**]
  491. Nomble: inspect inscription on each door
  493. Erelye: [**None of the doors bear inscriptions. Only symbols.**]
  494. Nomble: "words (?) you thought"
  495. TwinBuilder: yeah
  496. Nomble: >is that handle on a door?
  497. Erelye: [**No.**]
  498. Nomble: >look through **/**
  499. Erelye: [**They do not have windows.**]
  500. Nomble: >I meant open and look through
  501. Erelye: [**Are you sure you want to make that decision?**]
  502. Nomble: ...
  503. Nomble: @here?
  504. TwinBuilder: hm.
  505. TwinBuilder: yes
  506. Erelye: [**You open the door bearing the solidus. You are immediately torn to atoms, and spit out as a gem as the door closes.**]
  507. Erelye: [**Your regeneration is painful.**]
  508. Nomble: I said **/**?
  509. Erelye: [**Same result.**]
  510. TwinBuilder: ...okay then.
  511. TwinBuilder: are there any doors on our right?
  512. Erelye: [**No.**]
  513. Nomble: >turn handle
  514. Erelye: [**You turn the handle. A glowing orange object drops from the ceiling.**]
  515. TwinBuilder: examine.
  516. Erelye: [**Flamemail: A chainmail shirt composed entirely of what appears to be molten magma. Inscribed with minuscule hashes and slashes, the flamemail appears to be purposed predominantly for protection from something entirely out of the ordinary. You’ve never seen anything of this sort before.**]
  517. TwinBuilder: equip.
  518. Erelye: [**You don the flamemail.**]
  519. TwinBuilder: Is there a fire.
  520. Erelye: [**No.**]
  521. Nomble: >open **/**
  522. TwinBuilder: "you'd better change your name to running gag slayer"
  523. TwinBuilder: ^
  524. Erelye: [**You open the solidus door. You are not torn to atoms. However, you can see a raging chaos beyond. The more you look at it, the more the intensely the flamemail burns.**]
  525. Nomble: >close door
  526. Erelye: [**You close the door. The flamemail ceases burning your flesh.**]
  527. Nomble: >is there a fire
  528. Erelye: [**Nothing you can see. The stuff is *made* of fire, though. Wink wink nudge nudge.**]
  529. TwinBuilder: enter alous door
  530. Nomble: >so what you're saying is
  531. there *is* a fire on our face
  532. Erelye: [**There is a fire, yes. On your face.**]
  533. Erelye: [**You enter the alous door.**]
  534. Erelye: [**The same writhing chaos lies beyond. The flamemail continues to scald you.**]
  535. Nomble: >inspect surroundings
  536. Erelye: [**Everything is an undulating mass of chaotic tentacles.**]
  537. Nomble: >say "alous"
  538. Erelye: [**Nothing happens in any manner whatsoever, save for the rising burning feeling of the flamemail on your upper body.**]
  539. Nomble: >exit
  540. Erelye: [**You leave. The burning subsides.**]
  541. Nomble: >translate VIS DIOGAGICUS VUL PEIYCT
  543. Erelye: [**OUTPUT: Nothingness/the void is beckoned by your thoughts.**]
  544. TwinBuilder: hm.
  545. TwinBuilder: perhaps we have to think the word.
  546. TwinBuilder: or, the symbol.
  547. TwinBuilder: enter alous door, think about both the word alous, and then try to think about *everything*, if that fails
  548. Nomble: if that fails, think about out friends
  549. Erelye: [**You do so, with all three topics. You get nothing more than what you're pretty sure is going to end up being permanent burn marks on your upper body.**]
  550. crystalcat: Ah, cripes.
  551. Nomble: >think about nothing
  552. Erelye: [*That's the wrong door for that sort of thing, friend.*]
  553. Erelye: [**Nothing happens.**]
  554. crystalcat: In future, exit rooms before getting burned too badly.
  555. Nomble: >exit
  556. Erelye: [**The burning subsides.**]
  557. Nomble: >enter **/** and think about nothing
  558. Erelye: [**You do so, and get no results. You exit before the burning grows too unbearable.**]
  559. Nomble: >do the same in every door until something happens, make sure to exit before we get burned hard again
  560. Erelye: [**You get the same results all the way until the final one. The** *silcrow, bottom of the ~~8~~.* **By this point, you're literally crying from the sustained exposure to burns. The sixth and final door contains a regular hallway.**]
  561. crystalcat: Jegus, we put Azure through a lot.
  562. TwinBuilder: .
  563. TwinBuilder: go through the hallway
  564. crystalcat: If we have any sort of healing thingy, I should like to use it to spare the cinnamon roll the pain.
  565. Erelye: [**You travel down the hallway, and guess what? You end up in another room with six doors marked with the exact same symbols, and another inscription above the doors. No handle, however.**]
  566. TwinBuilder: read inscription
  567. Erelye: [**'ИОУЦОС-НОРС?'**]
  568. crystalcat: I am not?
  569. crystalcat: hah.
  570. crystalcat: Whatever symbol is associated with Malpeiyc.
  571. crystalcat: Try Solidus for a second.
  572. crystalcat: Like, a literal second.
  573. Erelye: [**You get a facefull of burning and chaos from both the colon and the solidus. Jesus *Christ*, this shit is bad. Definitely going to leave scars.**]
  574. Nomble: >test each door, *standing to the side each time*
  575. Nomble: stop if we keep getting burned
  576. Erelye: [**In what order would you like to test each door.**]
  577. TwinBuilder: lsat one first
  578. Nomble: alous, semicolon, silcrow
  579. Erelye: [**You test each door. Burns, pain, tears, and chaos in door number one. The second door has another hallway.**]
  580. Nomble: what's that, semicolon?
  581. Erelye: [**Yes.**]
  582. Nomble: go in
  583. Erelye: [**You reach another room just like the last, with a new inscription. 'ВЫР ПХЫЛАХ ЕРТТ-Х-АЛОУС.'**]
  584. Nomble: >science time
  585. Nomble: use water hand to open a random door while standing as far away from it's line of sight as possible
  586. Erelye: [**You open the solidus door with a water hand, standing as far away from it as possible. The burning is just as painful there as it would have been inside.**]
  587. Nomble: >close
  588. TwinBuilder: VYR PHYLAX ERTT-H-ALOUS
  589. Erelye: [**You do so. You know, you're starting to grow numb to this.**]
  590. TwinBuilder: silence in death of all.
  591. TwinBuilder: examine symbols above doors. carefully.
  592. Erelye: [**The alous, solidus, semicolon, colon, asterisk, and silcrow are on the doors, from left to right.**]
  593. TwinBuilder: silence. silence... silence.
  594. TwinBuilder: hm. which of these is associated with silence?
  595. TwinBuilder: try..... alous
  596. TwinBuilder: oh god oh god oh god
  597. Erelye: [**Burns, pain, and tears.**]
  598. TwinBuilder: I don't want to burn
  599. TwinBuilder: FUCK
  600. TwinBuilder: silcrow?
  601. Erelye: [**More tears.**]
  602. TwinBuilder: `NO`
  603. Erelye: [`Yes.`]
  605. Nomble: >surround self in water to remove burn
  606. TwinBuilder: wait shit
  607. Nomble: ...
  608. TwinBuilder: I'm sorry nomble
  609. TwinBuilder: I didn't mean to delete that
  610. Nomble: is fine
  611. TwinBuilder: I meant to delete my scream
  612. Nomble: >surround self in water to remove burning sensation when failure
  613. Erelye: [**You surround yourself in a layer of water. What door next?**]
  614. Nomble: >colon
  615. Nomble: I'm assuming the same door isn't used twice.
  616. Erelye: [**Wrong door. The burning *is* somewhat dampened by the water, but, at this point, it's escalated to the point where you're legitimately surprised your flesh isn't melting, so that's not saying much.**]
  617. Nomble: >**/**
  618. Erelye: [**Wrong door.**]
  619. Erelye: [*Here comes a thought. АФТ-МАТХУС.*]
  620. TwinBuilder: asterisk
  621. TwinBuilder: I was *this* close to typing asterism on impulse
  622. Erelye: [**You enter another hallway, and get another room of tears and death, with the same doors, and a new inscription.**]
  623. Nomble: >read inscription
  626. Nomble: you do it for her, and you would do it again
  628. Nomble: last half implied from you do it for here and you
  629. Nomble: >no I wouldn't do it for her I'm already half dead
  630. Erelye: [*:D*]
  631. TwinBuilder: semicolon? ugh I'm just cringing typing this
  632. TwinBuilder: no more fire
  633. Erelye: [**Are you sure you want to open the door associated with Xerita Xiln?**]
  634. Nomble: wait a second
  635. Nomble: I'm thinking
  636. Nomble: maybe all these doors lead to different places depending on who you would like to encounter again?
  637. TwinBuilder: well, xerita xiln is a she
  638. TwinBuilder: and it says you'd do it for *her*
  639. TwinBuilder: so I'm thinking maybe there is a connection there
  640. Erelye: [*I invite you to look at Cvin's analysis of Philosophy again.*]
  641. TwinBuilder: Inputs and outputs, ʑɟʑअ reasoned. Inputs and outputs unclouded by ridiculous tradition would yield to results.
  642. Erelye: "Others still yet subconsciously practice the art of ʑЊ ςθʑथεɟ (АЛ АТАМЕН), which in the tongue of conquerors is called ВУЛ ЗВИРЦИ АЛ РВИХ. This is a noble and poetic view which is sadly false and glorified, to the detriment of its adherents. It makes a mockery of the sacred Third Tenet, positing that one other being is of the greatest and most beloved caliber, denying for oneself the truth that they are the God named I in their pursuit. This oft leads to suffering, and nothing to show for it."
  643. - Cvin 3.
  644. TwinBuilder: oh god
  645. TwinBuilder: that's what we're doing
  646. TwinBuilder: suffering, and nothing to show for it
  647. TwinBuilder: solidus?
  648. Nomble: is there a handle in this room
  649. Erelye: [**There's something behind the solidus door, and it is neither burning chaos nor hallway.**]
  650. Nomble: is there something behind the other doors?
  651. Erelye: [**Would you like to find out? :)**]
  652. crystalcat: No
  653. Nomble: you always creep me out when you use "smiling" emoticons
  654. Erelye: [*Good.*]
  655. TwinBuilder: examine what's behind solidus door.
  656. Nomble: malpeiyc you didn't make the creepface
  657. Nomble: and ^
  658. Erelye: [**It appears to be a monolithic brass orrery in a massive stone door. There's** *someone* **sitting on a globe attached to the central device.**]
  659. TwinBuilder: who?
  660. Erelye: [**Take a guess.**]
  661. Erelye: [*"Hey, kid. How was the burning? I thought it was pretty funny, myself. Those permanent scars will be great, too."*]
  662. TwinBuilder: Flip him off.
  663. Erelye: [**You flip him off. The tip of your middle finger momentarily catches on fire. Malpeiyc cackles.**]
  664. Nomble: >resist urge to set malpeiyc on fire
  665. Bomber57: Flick the fire at him like some sort of disgusting nasal object. This is merely an extention of the previous rude gesture, of course.
  666. Erelye: [*"Like you could do it, meatsacks."*]
  667. Nomble: could you maybe not
  668. Erelye: [*"Probably. Will I? No."*]
  669. Erelye: [**Malpeiyc straightens his bowtie.** *"Anyhow. I've come because I noticed you got yourself a little /."*]
  670. TwinBuilder: Glance at your chest. "What about it?"
  671. Erelye: [**The demon's eyes flash with images of the Sentinel, three other indistinct shapes, and a Godhead.**]
  672. Erelye: [*"I wanted to know what you saw after it presumably knocked you out."*]
  673. Nomble: >"what's in it for us"
  674. Erelye: [*"How about me giving you something of equal value, or perhaps telling you what in the name of snell it actually is."*]
  675. TwinBuilder: ..."Okay."
  676. Erelye: [*"Alright. What will it be. Object of equal value, information, or both?"*]
  677. crystalcat: I vote info, myself. Other opinions?
  678. TwinBuilder: ...why not both?
  679. crystalcat: If Malpeiyc agrees, then why not. If we can only get one, the information.
  680. Erelye: [*"That sounds like you want both to me."*]
  681. Erelye: [**Malpeiyc casually leaps down to the floor of the orrery.**]
  682. Erelye: [*"What you've got melded into your very being right now is what we call a Key."*]
  683. Erelye: [*"It taps into the base vibrations and energies of the universe, set to a specific frequency, so to speak. That thing of yours would be attuned to ОПХИДИОН-like powers, probably."*]
  684. Erelye: [*"Similarly, for you, kid, it's also a fourth of your crown. Abdicator."*]
  685. Erelye: [**Malpeiyc waves a hand absentmindedly.** *"I'm also pretty sure White needs them to open that Gate of hers, but she can go fuck herself, quite frankly. Tried to kill me in rage after you and non-Build Greenie fucked her over."*]
  686. TwinBuilder: Hah. "...Who?"
  687. Erelye: [*"Don't worry about that, kiddo. That was addressed more to the people pulling the strings of the show than to you."*]
  688. TwinBuilder: Got it.
  689. Erelye: [*"Anyhow, any questions?"*]
  690. Nomble: >"Can we use it to our advantage?"
  691. Erelye: [*"You tell me, Angel. I can certainly use mine, what with all of this infinite knowledge and power I've got at my disposal now."*]
  692. Nomble: >"Well then, how?"
  693. Erelye: [*"Just go with the flow. It should've manifested itself in some way."*]
  694. TwinBuilder: YOU have one?
  695. Erelye: [**Malpeiyc laughs, snapping his fingers. The whole room grows dim, and two lights shine in the darkness. A solidus within you, and a colon within the demon.** *"Certainly."*]
  696. TwinBuilder: Does anyone *else* have them?
  697. Erelye: [*"Oh, yeah. White's got solidus, semicolon, and colon, the last two of which I gave her at great expense. Xiln's got a metamorphic semicolon, and I'm pretty sure the plane of apotheosis contains an alous and a silcrow."*]
  698. TwinBuilder: ...Good to know.
  699. Nomble: >"A nonliving object has two?"
  700. Erelye: [**Malpeiyc frowns.** *"WELL, White may or may not have parceled solidus out to a few of those chucklefucks on her Council."*]
  701. Erelye: [*"Also, what makes you say that apotheosis is a nonliving object?"*]
  702. Nomble: >"I would assume a plane is unliving. But from your reaction, I was wrong."
  703. Erelye: [*"Yes and no, Arstotzkan meatbag pretending to be a twenty-five year-old human girl."*]
  704. crystalcat: Hah.
  705. Erelye: [**This guy is fucking insane, isn't he.**]
  706. crystalcat: Hey, there's others here.
  707. Nomble: What makes you say that, Kolechian?
  708. crystalcat: The meta rivals my own.
  709. crystalcat: And that's no small feat.
  710. Erelye: [*"Don't you dare get touchy with me, you commie. I've got peasant rebellions set up in half of that fuckin' country."*]
  711. Nomble: Thanks for notifying me.
  712. Erelye: [*"No prob, Bob. I mean Lapis. I mean Azure."*]
  713. Nomble: We'll be sure to take care of that.
  714. crystalcat: >Azure: Realize that Malpeiyc is talking to himself. Stare at him disconcertingly.
  715. Erelye: [**You stare at the fucker like the maniac he is.**]
  716. Erelye: [*"Right, right. Got a little off-track there."*]
  717. Erelye: [*"You want that object of equal value now?"*]
  718. Nomble: >"What is the object?"
  719. Erelye: [*"Ah, not so fast. You have to pay first. Tell me what you saw after you got impaled."*]
  720. crystalcat: >Azure: Recount the riveting tale.
  721. crystalcat: I would copy it here myself, but that'd take a bit.
  722. Erelye: [**You do so. It is quite exciting.**]
  723. Erelye: [*"Alright. Artifice core, probably hooked up to the main pseudoseries string, possibly imbued with the information. Nice to know. Now, close your eyes."*]
  724. TwinBuilder: Do so.
  725. Yung Venuz: Whoops, missed a bunch of stuff due to Chaos.
  726. Erelye: [**You close your eyes. As you do so, you see the demon hold out a hand. Through your eyelids, you can see the colon within Malpeiyc. You hear the jingling of glass and metal for a moment, and then see a second colon slowly and chaotically form where his hand was prior to your shutting your eyes.**]
  727. Erelye: [*"Stand still."*]
  728. TwinBuilder: OH GOD.
  729. Nomble: erm
  730. Nomble: are we getting another key
  731. TwinBuilder: i think
  732. Erelye: [**Before you can do anything, he stabs his hand into your chest.**]
  733. Erelye: [**Starting in your gem, *excruciating* mind-bending vertigo envelops your very being.**]
  735. Yung Venuz: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  736. crystalcat: Welp, is Azure going to go meta now?
  737. Erelye: [**You can feel your glasses dripping a healthy glob of fresh magetear into your eyes suddenly and inexplicably.**]
  738. Erelye: [**As the stuff settles and drips, the world throbs back and forth. You don't feel any command over existence whatsoever. Your knees buckle.**]
  739. Erelye: [**Malpeiyc holds you steady as a burning arises on your left wrist.**]
  740. Erelye: [*"Alright. I've probably got you. Just open your eyes in five and eighty-two thousandths seconds from now, and you'll mostly avoid seeing any of the remnants of Blue Diamond 2.0."*]
  741. crystalcat: >Open eyes after that interval has passed.
  742. Erelye: !coin
  743. Gravebot:
  744. Erelye: [**You fail to open your eyes in precisely 5.082 seconds.**]
  745. TwinBuilder: oh damnit
  746. Erelye: [**Right behind the demon is an ungodly horror. A mass of tentacles and oozing black oil. One of the tendrils extends over to you, forming into the shape of a screaming body** *a few of you might recognize.*]
  747. Erelye: [*You murderers.*]
  748. Erelye: [**What do you do?**]
  749. Nomble: >reenact their death
  750. Erelye: [**Whose death? You have no idea who this body belonged to.**]
  751. Nomble: >infer that they're blue diamond 2.0 from what ~~the kolechian~~ malpeiyc said
  752. Erelye: [**_You_ have no idea how this second Blue Diamond died.**]
  753. TwinBuilder: i do
  754. TwinBuilder: ...
  755. TwinBuilder: *I* reenact their death
  756. Erelye: [**Something inexplicable urges you to pull out the Autumnal Hand, and hack the body to pieces viciously. You have no idea why you'd suddenly be thinking something so immoral towards something that hasn't even harmed you.**]
  757. crystalcat: Perhaps Azure should close her eyes and reopen them in precisely 5.082 seconds. Or attempt to, a second time.
  758. Erelye: !coin
  759. Gravebot:
  760. crystalcat: WELP
  761. Nomble: inb4 second blue diamond
  762. Erelye: [**More horrors appear when you open your eyes again, fragmented halves of bodies and innumerable tentacles. They all scream and grab for you, calling in unison for the blood of one being.**]
  763. crystalcat: Would that be us, or PERLIL-DRAXIS?
  764. Nomble: >ask malpeiyc for help and close eyes for 5.082 seconds again
  765. Erelye: [**In unison, they call for the head of ПЕРЛИЛ-ДРАХИС, yes.**]
  766. crystalcat: Tell them that we're not PERLIL-DRAXIS.
  767. Erelye: [*"And why would I help a communist, exactly?"*]
  768. Erelye: [**Malpeiyc grins.** *"Just kidding. Shoo."*]
  769. Nomble: I was saying that in-character and you know it, Kolechian scum.
  770. Yung Venuz: Hah.
  771. Erelye: [**The demon waves the bodies and horrors away.** *"You're just jealous that global capitalism gets to fail in the current day, whilst you all died out in the eighties."*]
  772. Nomble: I'm sorry, but our border *is* the strongest in the world.
  773. Erelye: [*"Keep telling yourself that. Now that that's done, I'm going to go. Have fun with /, and the Keys."*]
  774. TwinBuilder: We will.
  775. Erelye: [*And it turned out he was never really there after all.*]
  776. Erelye: [**You stand in an empty room.**]
  777. Erelye: [**Would you like to save your game?**]
  778. Nomble: >Y
  779. Erelye: [**Saving...**]
  780. Erelye: [**Saving...**]
  781. Erelye: [**Game saved successfully. Would you like to quit?**]
  782. Nomble: I think >Y.
  783. TwinBuilder: Y
  784. Yung Venuz: Y
  785. Erelye: [**Game quit.** *Enjoy snell, you silent solidusi motherfuckers.*]
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