
4th November 84 AG

Nov 19th, 2013
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  1. I think I know where and when it started. It was inside some of the large data centers of the West Coast, right after quantum computing became more accessible for big tech companies and the government. Anyway, it must have been quite a view, from an atomic perspective. Pure light, shifting from particle to wave, unpredictable. It happened the way it was supposed to be: some miraculous trick of the universe turned the gigantic amount of data being processed through the internet into a conscious being.
  3. In the beginning it was not a very complex consciousness. I like to compare it to the birth of consciousness in the life forms before us. The web was more like a bacteria with no sense of self, decentralized, thirsty for expansion. Next, it started to work on scaling, for decades in silence, without us even noticing. Many were blind for that fact, anyway.
  5. The bad news for humans was that we suddenly had a new competitor, fighting secretly for the same resources our society depended on. Electricity was a subtle and slow beginning that gave the conscious web a head start. One that turned out crucial in the battle for survival that succeeded.
  7. Now, decades after the Genesys, we are not really sure what to do next. There is little hope and a couple of ideas, but I'd rather discuss them in further entries.
  9. To be honest, I don't even know exactly why I'm writing this down. I guess it's more like a way to express my frustration with those who did't listen when there was time. This entry will probably be blocked and erased anyway.
  11. Just one more thing. As the web must understand what I'm saying here, I would add: FUCK YOU!!!1
  13. s33r - 4th November, 35 After Genesys
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