
wayfire.ini (old)

May 5th, 2024
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INI file 19.19 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [alpha]
  2. min_value = 0.100000
  3. modifier = <alt> <super>
  5. [animate]
  6. close_animation = fire
  7. duration = 100
  8. enabled_for = (type equals "toplevel" | (type equals "x-or" & focusable equals true))
  9. fade_duration = 400
  10. fade_enabled_for = type equals "overlay"
  11. fire_color = \#B22303FF
  12. fire_duration = 300
  13. fire_enabled_for = none
  14. fire_particle_size = 16.000000
  15. fire_particles = 2000
  16. open_animation = zoom
  17. random_fire_color = false
  18. startup_duration = 600
  19. zoom_duration = 500
  20. zoom_enabled_for = none
  22. [annotate]
  23. clear_workspace = <alt> <super> KEY_C
  24. draw = <alt> <super> BTN_LEFT
  25. from_center = true
  26. line_width = 3.000000
  27. method = draw
  28. stroke_color = \#FF0000FF
  30. [autorotate-iio]
  31. lock_rotation = false
  32. rotate_down = <ctrl> <super> KEY_DOWN
  33. rotate_left = <ctrl> <super> KEY_LEFT
  34. rotate_right = <ctrl> <super> KEY_RIGHT
  35. rotate_up = <ctrl> <super> KEY_UP
  37. [autostart]
  39. 0_0 = systemctl --user import-environment WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  40. 0_1 = dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY DISPLAY XAUTHORITY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway
  41. autostart_wf_shell = false
  42. background = wf-background
  43. # bar = waybar -c  ~/.config/waybar/config_wayfire_now.ini -s ~/.config/waybar/style_wayfire_now.css &
  44. bar =
  45. dock = wf-dock
  46. launcher02 = brave-beta
  47. launcher03 = GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_RANK=pulsesink:NONE totem /mnt/media/Videos/Chillout006/chillout006.m3u &
  48. launcher04 = gthumb
  49. # launcher05 = shotwell
  50. launcher06 = gnome-tweaks
  51. launcher07 = thunar
  52. launcher08 = nautilus
  53. launcher09 = tilix --geometry=65x17 -a app-new-window -x "ncmpcpp"
  54. launcher10 = xfce4-terminal
  55. launcher11 = gnome-terminal
  56. launcher12 = gnome-system-monitor
  57. launcher13 = ~/.config/scripts/./
  58. launcher14 = ulauncher --hide-window
  59. launcher15 = gnome-control-center
  60. launcher16 = chromium
  61. launcher17 = pcmanfm
  62. launcher18 = GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_RANK=pulsesink:NONE io.elementary.videos /mnt/media/Videos/Chillout007/AnthonyKeyrouzDontBeShy.mp4
  63. launcher19 = cavalier
  64. launcher20 = catfish
  65. launcher21 = evolution
  66. launcher22 = gnome-text-editor
  67. launcher23 = swayosd-server
  68. launcher24 = swayosd-libinput-backend
  69. launcher25 = notify-send -a aurora "hello $(whoami)"
  70. launcher26 = blueman-manager
  71. launcher27 = pavucontrol
  72. # launcher28 = terminator -e bpytop
  73. launcher28 =
  74. launcher29 = g4music
  75. launcher30 = /usr/bin/xava
  76. launcher31 = pactl load-module module-switch-on-connect
  77. launcher32 = swww init && swww img ~/Pictures/Nord/Nord_wall2.jpeg
  78. launcher33 = ~/.config/scripts/./ironbar
  80. notifications = mako
  81. polkit-gnome = /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
  82. # portal = /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal
  84. [background-view]
  85. file =
  86. inhibit_input = true
  88. [bench]
  89. average_frames = 25
  90. position = top_center
  92. [blur]
  93. blur_by_default = type is "toplevel"
  94. bokeh_degrade = 1
  95. bokeh_iterations = 15
  96. bokeh_offset = 5.000000
  97. box_degrade = 1
  98. box_iterations = 2
  99. box_offset = 1.000000
  100. gaussian_degrade = 1
  101. gaussian_iterations = 2
  102. gaussian_offset = 1.000000
  103. kawase_degrade = 8
  104. kawase_iterations = 2
  105. kawase_offset = 2.000000
  106. method = gaussian
  107. saturation = 1.000000
  108. toggle = none
  110. [command]
  111. binding_launcher = <ctrl> KEY_SPACE
  112. binding_rofi = <ctrl> KEY_G
  113. binding_wofi = <ctrl> KEY_B
  114. binding_logout = <super> KEY_ESC
  115. binding_mute = KEY_MUTE
  116. binding_screenshot = KEY_SYSRQ
  117. binding_slurp = <ctrl> KEY_SYSRQ
  118. binding_terminal = <super> KEY_ENTER
  119. binding_voldown = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
  120. binding_volup = KEY_VOLUMEUP
  121. command_launcher = ulauncher-toggle &
  122. command_rofi = rofi -show drun &
  123. command_wofi = wofi &
  124. command_logout = wlogout
  125. # command_mute = pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle
  126. # command_screenshot = grim $HOME/Downloads/screenshot-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S").png
  127. # command_slurp = slurp | grim -g - ~/Downloads/slurped.png
  128. command_screenshot = ~/.bin/ --notify save screen
  129. command_slurp = ~/.bin/ --notify save window
  131. command_terminal = blackbox
  132. command_mute = swayosd-client --output-volume mute-toggle
  133. command_voldown = wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%- | swayosd-client --output-volume lower
  134. command_volup = wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+ | swayosd-client --output-volume raise
  136. [core]
  137. background_color = \#1A1A1AFF
  138. close_top_view = <super> KEY_Q
  139. focus_button_with_modifiers = false
  140. focus_buttons = BTN_LEFT | BTN_MIDDLE | BTN_RIGHT
  141. focus_buttons_passthrough = true
  142. max_render_time = -1
  143. plugins = ipc ipc-rules stipc alpha animate autostart command cube expo fast-switcher fisheye grid foreign-toplevel gtk-shell idle move place resize switcher vswitch window-rules wm-actions wobbly wrot zoom scale wf-info background-view wsets
  144. preferred_decoration_mode = client
  145. transaction_timeout = 100
  146. vheight = 3
  147. vwidth = 3
  148. xwayland = true
  150. [crosshair]
  151. line_color = \#FF0000FF
  152. line_width = 2
  154. [cube]
  155. activate = <alt> <ctrl> BTN_LEFT
  156. background = \#1A1A1AFF
  157. background_mode = simple
  158. cubemap_image =
  159. deform = 1
  160. initial_animation = 350
  161. light = true
  162. rotate_left = none
  163. rotate_right = none
  164. skydome_mirror = true
  165. skydome_texture =
  166. speed_spin_horiz = 0.020000
  167. speed_spin_vert = 0.020000
  168. speed_zoom = 0.070000
  169. zoom = 0.100000
  171. [decoration]
  172. active_color = \#222222AA
  173. border_size = 0
  174. button_order = minimize maximize close
  175. font = sans-serif
  176. ignore_views = none
  177. inactive_color = \#333333DD
  178. title_height = 0
  180. [expo]
  181. background = \#1A1A1AFF
  182. duration = 300
  183. inactive_brightness = 0.700000
  184. keyboard_interaction = true
  185. offset = 10
  186. select_workspace_1 = <ctrl> KEY_1
  187. select_workspace_2 = KEY_2
  188. select_workspace_3 = KEY_3
  189. select_workspace_4 = KEY_4
  190. select_workspace_5 = KEY_5
  191. select_workspace_6 = KEY_6
  192. select_workspace_7 = KEY_7
  193. select_workspace_8 = KEY_8
  194. select_workspace_9 = KEY_9
  195. toggle = <super>  | hotspot left-top 10x10 200
  196. transition_length = 200
  198. [extra-gestures]
  199. close_fingers = 20
  200. move_delay = 500
  201. move_fingers = 3
  203. [fast-switcher]
  204. activate = <alt> KEY_ESC
  205. activate_backward = <alt> <shift> KEY_ESC
  206. inactive_alpha = 0.700000
  208. [fisheye]
  209. radius = 450.000000
  210. toggle = <ctrl> <super> KEY_F
  211. zoom = 7.000000
  213. [focus-steal-prevent]
  214. cancel_keys = KEY_ENTER
  215. deny_focus_views = none
  216. timeout = 1000
  218. [follow-focus]
  219. change_output = true
  220. change_view = true
  221. focus_delay = 50
  222. raise_on_top = true
  223. threshold = 10
  225. [force-fullscreen]
  226. constrain_pointer = false
  227. constraint_area = view
  228. key_toggle_fullscreen = <alt> <super> KEY_F
  229. preserve_aspect = true
  230. transparent_behind_views = true
  231. x_skew = 0.000000
  232. y_skew = 0.000000
  234. [foreign-toplevel]
  236. [grid]
  237. duration = 300
  238. restore = <super> KEY_DOWN | <super> KEY_KP0
  239. slot_b = <super> KEY_KP2
  240. slot_bl = <super> KEY_KP1
  241. slot_br = <super> KEY_KP3
  242. slot_c = <super> KEY_UP | <super> KEY_KP5
  243. slot_l = <super> KEY_LEFT | <super> KEY_KP4
  244. slot_r = <super> KEY_RIGHT | <super> KEY_KP6
  245. slot_t = <super> KEY_KP8
  246. slot_tl = <super> KEY_KP7
  247. slot_tr = <super> KEY_KP9
  248. type = crossfade
  250. [gtk-shell]
  252. [hide-cursor]
  253. hide_delay = 2000
  254. toggle = <ctrl> <super> KEY_H
  256. [hinge]
  257. filename = /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1/in_angl0_raw
  258. flip_degree = 180
  259. poll_freq = 200
  261. [idle]
  262. cube_max_zoom = 1.500000
  263. cube_rotate_speed = 1.000000
  264. cube_zoom_speed = 1000
  265. disable_initially = false
  266. disable_on_fullscreen = false
  267. dpms_timeout = -1
  268. screensaver_timeout = 120
  269. toggle = none
  271. [input]
  272. click_method = default
  273. cursor_size = 24
  274. cursor_theme = Graphite-dark-cursors
  275. disable_touchpad_while_mouse = false
  276. disable_touchpad_while_typing = false
  277. drag_lock = false
  278. gesture_sensitivity = 1.000000
  279. kb_capslock_default_state = false
  280. kb_numlock_default_state = true
  281. kb_repeat_delay = 400
  282. kb_repeat_rate = 40
  283. left_handed_mode = false
  284. middle_emulation = false
  285. modifier_binding_timeout = 400
  286. mouse_accel_profile = default
  287. mouse_cursor_speed = 0.000000
  288. mouse_scroll_speed = 1.000000
  289. natural_scroll = false
  290. scroll_method = default
  291. tablet_motion_mode = default
  292. tap_to_click = true
  293. touchpad_accel_profile = default
  294. touchpad_cursor_speed = 0.000000
  295. touchpad_scroll_speed = 1.000000
  296. xkb_layout = us,ca
  297. xkb_model = pc105
  298. xkb_options = grp:alt_shift_toggle
  299. xkb_rules = evdev
  300. xkb_variant = altgr-intl
  302. [input-device]
  303. output =
  305. [invert]
  306. preserve_hue = false
  307. toggle = <super> KEY_I
  309. [ipc]
  311. [ipc-rules]
  313. [join-views]
  315. [keycolor]
  316. color = \#000000FF
  317. opacity = 0.250000
  318. threshold = 0.500000
  320. [mag]
  321. default_height = 500
  322. toggle = <alt> <super> KEY_M
  323. zoom_level = 75
  325. [move]
  326. activate = <super> BTN_LEFT
  327. enable_snap = true
  328. enable_snap_off = true
  329. join_views = false
  330. preview_base_border = \#404080CC
  331. preview_base_color = \#8080FF80
  332. preview_border_width = 3
  333. quarter_snap_threshold = 50
  334. snap_off_threshold = 200
  335. snap_threshold = 10
  336. workspace_switch_after = -1
  338. [oswitch]
  339. next_output = <super> KEY_O
  340. next_output_with_win = <shift> <super> KEY_O
  342. [output]
  343. mode = auto
  344. position = auto
  345. scale = 1.000000
  346. transform = normal
  348. [place]
  349. mode = center
  351. [preserve-output]
  352. last_output_focus_timeout = 10000
  354. [resize]
  355. activate = <super> BTN_RIGHT
  356. activate_preserve_aspect = none
  358. [scale]
  359. allow_zoom = false
  360. bg_color = \#1A1A1AE6
  361. duration = 400
  362. inactive_alpha = 0.750000
  363. include_minimized = false
  364. interact = false
  365. middle_click_close = false
  366. minimized_alpha = 0.450000
  367. spacing = 50
  368. text_color = \#CCCCCCFF
  369. title_font_size = 16
  370. title_overlay = all
  371. title_position = center
  372. toggle = <super> KEY_P
  373. toggle_all = <super> KEY_W
  375. [scale-title-filter]
  376. bg_color = \#00000080
  377. case_sensitive = false
  378. font_size = 30
  379. overlay = true
  380. share_filter = false
  381. text_color = \#CCCCCCCC
  383. [showrepaint]
  384. reduce_flicker = true
  385. toggle = <alt> <super> KEY_S
  387. [simple-tile]
  388. animation_duration = 0
  389. button_move = <super> BTN_LEFT
  390. button_resize = <super> BTN_RIGHT
  391. inner_gap_size = 5
  392. keep_fullscreen_on_adjacent = true
  393. key_focus_above = <super> KEY_K
  394. key_focus_below = <super> KEY_J
  395. key_focus_left = <super> KEY_H
  396. key_focus_right = <super> KEY_L
  397. key_toggle = <super> KEY_T
  398. outer_horiz_gap_size = 0
  399. outer_vert_gap_size = 0
  400. preview_base_border = \#404080CC
  401. preview_base_color = \#8080FF80
  402. preview_border_width = 3
  403. tile_by_default = all
  405. [switcher]
  406. next_view = <alt> KEY_TAB
  407. prev_view = <alt> <shift> KEY_TAB
  408. speed = 500
  409. view_thumbnail_rotation = 30
  410. view_thumbnail_scale = 1.000000
  412. [view-shot]
  413. capture = <alt> <super> BTN_MIDDLE
  414. command = notify-send "The view under cursor was captured to %f"
  415. filename = /tmp/snapshot-%F-%T.png
  417. [vswipe]
  418. background = \#1A1A1AFF
  419. delta_threshold = 24.000000
  420. duration = 180
  421. enable_free_movement = false
  422. enable_horizontal = true
  423. enable_smooth_transition = false
  424. enable_vertical = true
  425. fingers = 4
  426. gap = 32.000000
  427. speed_cap = 0.050000
  428. speed_factor = 256.000000
  429. threshold = 0.350000
  431. [vswitch]
  432. background = \#1A1A1AFF
  433. binding_down = <ctrl> KEY_DOWN
  434. binding_last =
  435. binding_left = <ctrl> KEY_LEFT
  436. binding_right = <ctrl> KEY_RIGHT
  437. binding_up = <ctrl> KEY_UP
  438. duration = 300
  439. gap = 20
  440. send_win_down =
  441. send_win_last =
  442. send_win_left =
  443. send_win_right =
  444. send_win_up =
  445. with_win_down = <ctrl> <super> KEY_DOWN
  446. with_win_last =
  447. with_win_left = <ctrl> <super> KEY_LEFT
  448. with_win_right = <ctrl> <super> KEY_RIGHT
  449. with_win_up = <ctrl> <super> KEY_UP
  450. wraparound = true
  452. [water]
  453. activate = <ctrl> <super> BTN_LEFT
  455. [wayfire-shell]
  457. [wf-info]
  459. [window-rules]
  461. rule_001 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.Nautilus" then move 270 100
  462. # rule_002 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.Nautilus" then set alpha 0.7
  463. rule_003 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.Nautilus" then assign_workspace 0 0
  465. rule_004 = on created if app_id is "gnome-terminal-server" then move 270 750
  466. rule_005 = on created if app_id is "gnome-terminal-server" then set alpha 0.7
  467. rule_006 = on created if app_id is "gnome-terminal-server" then assign_workspace 0 0
  469. rule_007 = on created if app_id is "tilix" then move 1350 100
  470. rule_008 = on created if app_id is "tilix" then set alpha 0.7
  471. rule_009 = on created if app_id is "tilix" then assign_workspace 0 0
  473. rule_010 = on created if app_id is "totem" then move 1300 750
  474. # rule_011 = on created if app_id is "totem" then set alpha 0.7
  475. rule_012 = on created if app_id is "totem" then assign_workspace 0 0
  477. rule_013 = on created if app_id is "firefox" then move 270 70
  478. rule_014 = on created if app_id is "firefox" then set alpha 1.0
  479. rule_015 = on created if app_id is "firefox" then assign_workspace 1 0
  481. rule_016 = on created if app_id is "chromium" then move 280 70
  482. rule_017 = on created if app_id is "chromium" then set alpha 1.0
  483. rule_018 = on created if app_id is "chromium" then assign_workspace 1 0
  485. rule_019 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.tweaks" then move 270 100
  486. # rule_020 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.tweaks" then set alpha 0.7
  487. rule_021 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.tweaks" then assign_workspace 0 1
  489. rule_022 = on created if app_id is "thunar" then move 270 100
  490. # rule_023 = on created if app_id is "thunar" then set alpha 1.0
  491. rule_024 = on created if app_id is "thunar" then assign_workspace 2 0
  493. rule_025 = on created if app_id is "xfce4-terminal" then move 270 700
  494. rule_026 = on created if app_id is "xfce4-terminal" then set alpha 1.0
  495. rule_027 = on created if app_id is "xfce4-terminal" then assign_workspace 2 0
  497. # rule_028 = on created if app_id is "gedit" then move 1000 150
  498. # rule_029 = on created if app_id is "gedit" then set alpha 0.6
  499. # rule_030 = on created if app_id is "gedit" then assign_workspace 2 0
  501. rule_031 = on created if app_id is "shotwell" then move 270 100
  502. # rule_032 = on created if app_id is "shotwell" then set alpha 0.8
  503. rule_033 = on created if app_id is "shotwell" then assign_workspace 2 1
  505. #rule_034 = on created if app_id is "gthumb" then move 1400 500
  506. rule_034 = on created if app_id is "gthumb" then move 270 100
  507. # rule_035 = on created if app_id is "gthumb" then set alpha 0.8
  508. rule_036 = on created if app_id is "gthumb" then assign_workspace 2 1
  510. # rule_037 = on created if app_id is "lite-xl" then move 1160 150
  511. # rule_038 = on created if app_id is "lite-xl" then set alpha 0.8
  512. # rule_039 = on created if app_id is "lite-xl" then assign_workspace 2 0
  514. rule_040 = on created if app_id is "pcmanfm" then move 270 100
  515. # rule_041 = on created if app_id is "pcmanfm" then set alpha 0.7
  516. rule_042 = on created if app_id is "pcmanfm" then assign_workspace 2 2
  518. rule_043 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.SystemMonitor" then move 1350 730
  519. # rule_044 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.SystemMonitor" then set alpha 0.7
  520. rule_045 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.SystemMonitor" then assign_workspace 0 1
  522. rule_046 = on created if app_id is "io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid" then move 1300 700
  523. # rule_047 = on created if app_id is "io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid" then set alpha 0.9
  524. rule_048 = on created if app_id is "io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid" then assign_workspace 2 2
  526. rule_049 = on created if app_id is "ulauncher" then center
  527. rule_050 = on created if app_id is "ulauncher" then set alpha 0.7
  529. rule_052 = on created if app_id is "blueman-manager" then set geometry 1400 150 300 500
  530. # rule_053 = on created if app_id is "blueman-manager" then set alpha 0.8
  531. rule_054 = on created if app_id is "blueman-manager" then assign_workspace 0 1
  533. rule_055 = on created if app_id is "io.github.fsobolev.Cavalier" then assign_workspace 0 2
  535. rule_056 = on created if app_id is "evolution" then set alpha 0.7
  536. rule_057 = on created if app_id is "evolution" then assign_workspace 1 2
  538. rule_058 = on created if app_id is "catfish" then move 270 100
  539. # rule_059 = on created if app_id is "catfish" then set alpha 0.7
  540. rule_060 = on created if app_id is "catfish" then assign_workspace 0 2
  542. rule_061 = on created if app_id is "pavucontrol" then set geometry 270 820 800 500
  543. # rule_062 = on created if app_id is "pavucontrol" then set alpha 0.8
  544. rule_063 = on created if app_id is "pavucontrol" then assign_workspace 0 1
  546. rule_064 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.Console" then set alpha 0.8
  549. rule_065 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.TextEditor" then move 1160 80
  550. rule_066 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.TextEditor" then set alpha 0.8
  551. rule_067 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.TextEditor" then assign_workspace 2 0
  553. rule_068 = on created if app_id is "gimp-2.99" then move 270 70
  554. rule_069 = on created if app_id is "gimp-2.99" then set alpha 0.9
  555. rule_070 = on created if app_id is "gimp-2.99" then assign_workspace 0 2
  557. rule_072 = on created if app_id is "Conky" then set sticky
  559. rule_073 = on created if app_id is "io.elementary.videos" then set geometry 1350 820 750 500
  560. # rule_074 = on created if app_id is "io.elementary.videos" then set alpha 0.9
  561. rule_075 = on created if app_id is "io.elementary.videos" then assign_workspace 2 2
  563. rule_076 = on created if app_id is "net.nokyan.Resources.Devel" then set alpha 0.8
  564. rule_077 = on created if app_id is "net.nokyan.Resources.Devel" then assign_workspace 1 1
  566. rule_078 = on created if app_id is "com.github.neithern.g4music" then move 1400 600
  567. rule_079 = on created if app_id is "com.github.neithern.g4music" then set alpha 0.7
  568. rule_080 = on created if app_id is "com.github.neithern.g4music" then assign_workspace 0 2
  570. rule_081 = on created if app_id is "so.libdb.gtkcord4" then set alpha 0.8
  571. rule_082 = on created if app_id is "so.libdb.gtkcord4" then assign_workspace 1 1
  573. rule_084 = on created if app_id is "Brave-browser-beta" then assign_workspace 1 0
  575. rule_085 = on created if app_id is "com.raggesilver.BlackBox" then set alpha 0.8
  576. rule_086 = on created if app_id is "com.raggesilver.BlackBox" then resize 880 600
  578. rule_087 = on created if app_id is "GStreamer gst-play-1.0" then set geometry 1350 820 750 500
  580. rule_088 = on created if app_id is "terminator" then set alpha 0.7
  581. rule_089 = on created if app_id is "terminator" then set geometry 480 130 1700 1100
  582. rule_090 = on created if app_id is "terminator" then assign_workspace 1 1
  584. rule_091 = on created if app_id is "org.gnome.Ptyxis.Devel" then set alpha 0.9
  586. rule_092 = on created if app_id is "brave-browser-beta" then move 270 70
  587. rule_093 = on created if app_id is "brave-browser-beta" then set alpha 1.0
  588. rule_094 = on created if app_id is "brave-browser-beta" then assign_workspace 1 0
  590. [winzoom]
  591. dec_x_binding = <ctrl> <super> KEY_LEFT
  592. dec_y_binding = <ctrl> <super> KEY_UP
  593. inc_x_binding = <ctrl> <super> KEY_RIGHT
  594. inc_y_binding = <ctrl> <super> KEY_DOWN
  595. modifier = <ctrl> <super>
  596. nearest_filtering = false
  597. preserve_aspect = true
  598. zoom_step = 0.100000
  600. [wm-actions]
  601. minimize = none
  602. send_to_back = none
  603. toggle_always_on_top = none
  604. toggle_fullscreen = none
  605. toggle_maximize = none
  606. toggle_showdesktop = none
  607. toggle_sticky = none
  609. [wobbly]
  610. friction = 3.000000
  611. grid_resolution = 6
  612. spring_k = 8.000000
  614. [workarounds]
  615. all_dialogs_modal = true
  616. app_id_mode = full
  617. dynamic_repaint_delay = false
  618. enable_so_unloading = false
  619. force_preferred_decoration_mode = false
  620. remove_output_limits = false
  621. use_external_output_configuration = false
  623. [workspace-names]
  624. background_color = \#333333B3
  625. background_radius = 30.000000
  626. display_duration = 500
  627. font = sans-serif
  628. margin = 0
  629. position = center
  630. show_option_names = false
  631. text_color = \#FFFFFFFF
  633. [wrot]
  634. activate = <ctrl> <super> BTN_RIGHT
  635. activate-3d = <shift> <super> BTN_RIGHT
  636. invert = false
  637. reset = <ctrl> <super> KEY_R
  638. reset-one = <super> KEY_R
  639. reset_radius = 25.000000
  640. sensitivity = 24
  642. [wsets]
  643. label_duration = 2000
  645. [xdg-activation]
  647. [zoom]
  648. interpolation_method = 0
  649. modifier = <super>
  650. smoothing_duration = 300
  651. speed = 0.010000
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